Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Why did the Founders keep slavery in the Constitution?

When the Declaration of Independence was written in 1776, one paragraph was deleted from the rough draft -- a paragraph blaming King George III for the trans-Atlantic slave trade. After the Revolutionary War was fought and won, the Founders again faced the issue of slavery and the slave trade as they created the Constitution. During the Constitutional Convention, the Founders made the 3/5 Compromise over representation, agreed on the gradual elimination of the slave trade, and inserted a requirement to return escaped slaves to their owners. Interestingly, in none of these sections is the word "slavery" ever used.

Your task is to write a well written paragraph that includes a topic sentence and that answers the question: "What was the main reason that the Founders kept slavery in the Constitution, even though the Declaration of Independence claimed that 'all men are created equal'"?

In your paragraph, be sure to cite evidence from at least two corroborating  sources, including a primary source and a secondary source. In addition, use short quotes from the documents to support your answers.

In your conclusion, tell whether the Founders made the right decision, and why (or why not).

Don't forget to start your entry with your class period, your first name, and your last initial, for example, "P2 Thomas J"