Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Was work in a mill in the 1840's dangerous?

During the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, many men and women moved from farms to cities in order to find work in factories. But was their life better as a result? Using primary sources from the hospital near Lowell Mill in Lowell, Massachusetts, write a one paragraph response that answers the question: Was work in a mill in the 1840s dangerous? Support your answer with evidence from the source provided.

Remember to start your answer with your class period and your first names and last initials (example: P1 Jamie A & Sammie B)


Anonymous said...

p3 christopher carpio & jesse tututi

it was not that dangerous looking at the the medical records.mostly people got sick of the dust or the cotton and mostly had to with the lungs. These diseases were like Bronchitis. Some people had muscle pain like the disease rheumatism. This causes pain in the muscles of your body.

Anonymous said...

p3 David r

Their lives were a little not that better because when they got sick, they were sick with: the fever pericarditis, bronchitis, headaches, dyspepsia, neuralgia, pneumonia, erysipelas, measles, asthma, pleurisy the rest were little types like sore knee etc. Like for example this patient Susan taylor who was sick of neuralgia and the symptoms she suffered were a pain that followed a nerve which was damaging the nerve as well the sickness like that to the people can be devastating to their health and life.

Anonymous said...

p3 Erik G & Gissel G
workers in the factor often got got sick from the work that they did making textiles. For example, a worker named Augusta Whitter who got a disease called pericarditis. Pericarditis is a serious blood vessel disease in which small, and medium-sized arteries become swollen and damaged. Another example is, Eliza Ann Brown, a worker from the factory caught a disease called bronchitis. Bronchitis is a respiratory disease in which the mucus membrane in the lung Bronchial passage becomes inflamed.

Anonymous said...

David V. Mark B. period 3
yes it was dangerous to work n the factory because people got diseases such as fevers (a cold ora mild sickness) , pneumonia (a very bad flu), headache (where your head starts hurting and pounding very badly, wounds (such as cuts, broken bones from the machines, things like that), asthma (a breathing issue) and much more. Some of them got cured, one person died but that on grew over a few years, other people were relieved. This proves that working in the factory was dangerous.

Anonymous said...

P3 Fernanda A. and Oscar R.
Working in a mill was dangerous because many people got sick they would get Pericarditis and Bronchitis. Bronchitis is aresiratory disease in which the mucus membrane in the lungs bronchial passages became inflamed.

Anonymous said...

p3 Bryan A. & Berenise G. ;*
Workers in the factory did get sick from the work they did like making textiles.For example miriam kennison has asthma and works in the factory this disease inflames your lung.This could happen by breathing the dust in to your lungs.Thats how dangerous factories were back then.

Anonymous said...

P3 Jorge M Estefani P

Work in the mill was dangerous, People got pneumonia, bronchitis, and many other diseases. Pneumonia is a lung infection that is caused by bacteria. Bronchitis is a respiratory disease in which the mucus membrane in the lung, bronchial passages become inflamed.People would get these disease when they would breath in the dust from the machines. The machines themselves were very dangerous, if you got your hand stuck in the machines, it would usually get cut. Two patient names, Lenova Alley, and Eliza Ann Brown, witnessed this and were lucky enough to survive.

Anonymous said...

p3 Bryan A. & Berenise G. ;*
Workers in the factory did get sick from the work they did like making textiles.For example miriam kennison has asthma and works in the factory this disease inflames your lung.This could happen by breathing the dust in to your lungs.Thats how dangerous factories were back then.

Anonymous said...

p3 Jair G. Litzhy M.
Workers in the factory often from the work that they did making textiles. for example ....they would often get fevers,bronchitis,wound,& Asthma because some of the materials that they use are bad for them.

Anonymous said...

P.3 Alyssa B. & Natalie B.
Workers in the factory often got sick from the work that they did making textiles. For example, a young carder, Amanda Bailey got a disease called Bronchitis which was caused by all the dust in the factory because of all the carding the dust she inhaled went into her lungs and she got very sick and got bronchitis. Bronchitis is disease that makes you cough and causes bronchospasm. Another women, that got ill named Susan Taylor, she got a disease called Neuralgia. Neuralgia is a disease, that people get when they are under a lot of stress, and get a pain along the course of a nerve located either in the head or face. This women, was maybe under pressure because of work.

Anonymous said...

p3 Brianna P. and Alan M.

yes, it was dangerous for workers to work in the factory because of many diseases such as neuralgia because that disease is a nerve disease and it can give you pain at work all of a sudden there is also a disease called pleurisy which is also dangerous because it is a lung disease which can cause you problems to breathe at the factory with all the dust and dirt there is. another dangerous disease is rheumatism. this disease will also cause problems working at the factory because it can be hard for you to move your bones at the factory like carrying heavy loads and stuff. pericarditis is a disease that keeps you from working at the factory, because it is a type of heart disease. erysipelas is a skin disease that can be hard for you to work at a factory, because you can cut your self and bacteria can get in the cut and get infected.

Anonymous said...

p2 Ariana T. & Gisselle V.
Workers in the factory got sick from the work that they did making textiles.For example a worker by the name Lucretia Jones was a weaver,got a sore knee probably from sitting down for long hours weaving cloths and such.Another example is a Miriam Kennison a , weaver , got asthma. i think she got asthma because of all the things they inhaled like dust in the cloth.

Anonymous said...

p3 Brianna P. and Alan M.

yes, it was dangerous for workers to work in the factory because of many diseases such as neuralgia because that disease is a nerve disease and it can give you pain at work all of a sudden there is also a disease called pleurisy which is also dangerous because it is a lung disease which can cause you problems to breathe at the factory with all the dust and dirt there is. another dangerous disease is rheumatism. this disease will also cause problems working at the factory because it can be hard for you to move your bones at the factory like carrying heavy loads and stuff. pericarditis is a disease that keeps you from working at the factory, because it is a type of heart disease. erysipelas is a skin disease that can be hard for you to work at a factory, because you can cut your self and bacteria can get in the cut and get infected.

Anonymous said...


Work in the mill in lowell,massechusetts,was very dangerous in the 1840s.Because there where a number of doctor notes about the workers health amny of them had illnises that effected there lungs.Some of thouse illnesses where :bronchitis,erysipelas,pneumonia,perdicarditis etc.

Anonymous said...

p. 3 - Citlaly C. *:
Workers in the factory often got sick from the work that they did making textiles . For example the first disease a women Mirriam Kennison has gotten Asthma , this disease is a chronic , or long - term disease , asthma causes many things . They are worse everytime & there is NO cure for it . Even though you don't feel the symptoms you still have the flammation in you lungs . This disease is related because , this could cause the lungs to pump , and they may have dust particles flowing threw her body . The second disease is Neurlagia , a women Susan Taylor had this disease . This disease is a sharp shocking pain that follows the path of a nerve and it's due to irritation or damage to the nerve , this is related to the working because it may be stressful for the people like Susan who would weave at least 12 hours a day , and she doesn't stop . The third disease was Dyspepsia ( indigestion ) Mary Bruce had this disease , this ment that its a disease of mild discomfort in your upper belly or obdomen , this was work related because they might have gave the person food that expired or might have not even gave them food . So these were some sever disease's that many people had while working in the factory .

Anonymous said...

Samuel R.
Daniel M.

It was dangerous to women and men to work in the factory because all the sicknesses that people got in the factory because of the dust . Most of them were infections to the lungs and inflaming of the bodies tissues .

Anonymous said...

Samuel R.
Daniel M.

It was dangerous to women and men to work in the factory because all the sicknesses that people got in the factory because of the dust . Most of them were infections to the lungs and inflaming of the bodies tissues .

Anonymous said...

P5 paola R. & joshua G.

Working on the mill in 1840's was dangerous because you could get diseases such as heart problems lung cancer etc.

Anonymous said...

period 5 Jazmin Soltero Ruben Soto

In the 1840's working in the mills were dangerous because many people either got sick or injured. working in the mills people worked making cloth.in my class yesterday we were looking at hospital pacients that contracted diseases from the mills. for an instance Mary Bruce had gotten dyspepsia from working station the weaver.

Anonymous said...

P5 Yaslyn L Alize M

It did affect them because some people died of diseases that had happened in the factories that commom people new about.Many people get lung diseases like bronchitis and pericarditis.

Anonymous said...

PS Matthew L. & Matthew Z.

Working in the factory was a very dangerous place because people became very sick from diseases and got injuries. 80% of diseases were caused by the factory and 20% weren't responsible. People got sick because of the stentch and they get caught in the machines and got wounds that can be infected.

Anonymous said...

P5 Fabian R ,Yamilet P
Work at the mill was dangerouse because their are many reasons as you can see from the results of the hospital with the pashiants information with the proof that weevers , spinners and carder get sick or get hurt at work and they actually get hurt .

Anonymous said...

P5 Joselyn L Carlos G

It was dangerous because you can get injured by the machines.

Lucy Ann Graham had a wound most likely from the machines. A wound is when you get injured or have a cut on your body.Mary Bruce had dyspepsia she had probably got it from all the gases coming from the machines.

Anonymous said...

P.5 Lilly T. & Moises L
Working on the mill in the 1840s was kind of dangerous, many people got lung diseases like bronchitis and pericarditis.
People with asthma also got asthma attacks because of all the dust in the air.

Anonymous said...

per.5 Jasmine G.(: & Jessie C.(;

The answer to working in a mill is yes it is dangerous because all the fibers of the cloth made the air full of the cloth fibers.It can cause people to get asthma or lung problems like having trouble breathing.It can also cause people to get fever because of the smell of the cloth it can also cause you to get a cold.Also it is dangerous because you can stab your finger in the machine and have your hand cut off.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

P5 Mayte C. & Natalie D.
Working in the mill was dangerous because many people got sick and got disease. One of those disease were bronchitis is an inflammation or swelling of the bronchial tubes (brochi), the air passage between the nose and lungs. The second disease was dyspepsia was a pain or an uncomfortable feeling in the upper middle part of the stomach .Pericordial is a tough layered sac that wraps around the heart. Measles is an infection of the respiratory system. wound is a type of injury in which skin is torn, cut, or punctures (an open wound. Pleurisy is an inflammation of the pleura the lining surrounding the lungs. Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lung. Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium (the fibrous sac surrounding the heart.) I think that all of these disease are a part of working in the factory

Anonymous said...

Sindia G. and Claudio v

This picture is that a women is sewing cloth.some people got sometimes disease in the factory some of the disease were called bronchitis is a disease in the lungs they can get this disease because of the smoke in the factory.another disease is called dyspepsia and thats is in the upper body and you get that disease by the bad air in the factory.

Anonymous said...

P5. Alondra.N Joannna.P

Yes we think working at a factory is a dangerous job because people could get a disease.Or an injury also lots of accidents happen in factories.You could get sick with a fever or you could catch dangerous diseases.

Anonymous said...

P.5 Noem C. & Jeffrey C.

Working in the factory was dangerous because the dust and their surroundings was so strong that it gave and affected people with bronchitis.Bronchitis was not the only disease that working in a factory caused.It also cause asthma,sore knees,wounds,etc.Amanda Bailey was diagnosed with bronchitis because of the factory she worked at,as a carder,the dust affected her lungs and gave her bronchitis.Fortuanatly,she was cured and she lived.She was one of several women that may have been afected by the factories that they worked in.

Anonymous said...

P5 Liam M.& Ashley F.
Worker got sick because all the dust from the clothes. For example Augusta Whitter got pericarditis. They got chest pain witch their lungs sucked in the dust. Another example is with Eliza Ann Brown, she had a disease known as Bronchitis, this disease causes coughing witch was caused by dust do to the clothing at the factory. Lenore Alley had a disease called Pneumonia witch caused inflammation of the lung witch

Anonymous said...

P2 Byron Vic Selene Soto
Working in the Lowell Mill was definitely dangerous. Workers in the mill caught many diseases such as Bronchitis. Workers such as Eliza Ann Brown and Elizabeth Crommett caught Bronchitis. Another disease caught by workers in the mill was Pericarditis. They caught this disease by breating in dust particles in the air. It went to their lungs and traveled to their heart. It was obvious that it was severely dangerous working in the Lowell factory.

Anonymous said...

Period:2 Mariana Alvarez,Jocelin Amparo

Working at the mills was a a very dangerous job because workers inhaled the dust released from the cotton they were threading. This led to skin or digestive irritation and lung disease such as ;pericarditis , dyspepsia , pneumonia, and erysipelas. They also suffered from rheumatism, and neuralgia because of the many working hours , which caused them much pain in their muscles and joints.

Anonymous said...

P2 Saul C & Leslie B

Working in the mill was dangerous because of the diseases that could be transfered through the textiles. Measles, for example is a disease that could be transferred through fabrics. Pneumonia is also a disease that could be caught by breathing in little dust particles in the air. Erysipelas, is another disease that could be caught by being exposed to fabrics hat some people may be allergic to. Therefore working in a mill in 1840 could be very dangerous because of all the diseases that could be transferred.

Anonymous said...

P2. Amayrani C. & Nancy C.

Working in the factory was probably very dangerous. Women caught various diseases and gained many injuries.The most common disease was bronchitis. Women caught the disease when they inhaled the cotton dust. Factories were filled with cotton and an incredible amour of dust. Wounds were also really common for the women working there. The heavy machinery often caused women wounds while working on the clothing. Weavers got sick the most out of all the people.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Pantaleon & Aylin Herrera
Period 2
it was dangerous to work in a factory, examples from hospital records; Augusta whiter had a disease called pericarditis its a disease that affected the heart causing inflammation around the sac that surrounds the heart we think this disease was caused by working the factory because of the dust being in-hauled and making its way to the heart by the circular system the dust will end up affecting the heart . Another example is Asenath Butler. his disease was called erysipelas. Erysipelas is a a skin disease. This disease had to do with working because some people are allergic to cotton.

Anonymous said...

P2 Steven R & Joseph R

Yes working in the mill was dangerous because you could get allot of diseases and get sick from it. One disease that you could get from working at the mill is Pneumonia which is lung infection. You could get this because you breathe in the cotton dust that is dirty and could affect your lungs that can make you very sick. Another disease you could get is Pericarditis which is inflammation in the sac that surrounds your heart. You could get this because at first it will affect your lungs and the disease will spread out and later on it will affect your heart.

Anonymous said...

p2 Alex Ramirez & Stephanie Ramirez

Work in a mill in the 1840s was dangerous because many of the people would get diseases like Erysipelas and Pleurisy.According to the Registry of patients in 1844 Erysipelas is a skin infection which is usually
caused by a cut and infected by the floating cotton containing bacteria. Pleurisy is the inflammation of the lining of the lungs and chest cause by breathing in the cotton dust.

Anonymous said...

P.2 Hennessy O. & Angel M.

Yes, working in a mill in the 1840s is dangerous because you can catch any kind of diseases. For example, Erysipelas, a skin infection. You can get cuts on your skin and they can get infected.

Anonymous said...

p2 iran l
i believe that working in a mill in the 1840s was dangerous.i think this because in the document many women were sent to the hospital and they worked in the mills.they were diagnosed with diseases like pericarditis which they got in mills because of all the dust there. other women also got bronchitis which is likely they got at the mill because you get bronchitis because of the dust and bacteria in the air and in a mill you are in an enclosed space with a lot of bacteria. and other women got dyspepsia which they also got from being in the dusty dark space like a mill. therefore it was very dangerous to work in a mill mainly because of the spread of diseases and sicknesses you could catch in the enclosed dark space.

Anonymous said...

Aurora G. & Betsy G.

Working in the mills was dangerous because many people working in the mills would get many diseases.
Some sicknesses were lungs diseases such as Pneumonia. Pneumonia was caused be bacteria in the air by the cotton. They also got heart diseases such as Pericarditis. Another disease was Dyspepsia which is a disease of the digestive system. It is caused when people swallow dirty air. This proves that working in a mill during the 1840's was dangerous.P2

Anonymous said...

Aurora G. & Betsy G.

Working in the mills was dangerous because many people working in the mills would get many diseases.
Some sicknesses were lungs diseases such as Pneumonia. Pneumonia was caused be bacteria in the air by the cotton. They also got heart diseases such as Pericarditis. Another disease was Dyspepsia which is a disease of the digestive system. It is caused when people swallow dirty air. This proves that working in a mill during the 1840's was dangerous.P2

Anonymous said...

p2 breanna e luis g

Working in the mill was dangerous in 1840 because as a result of working there the people would get many diseases like peridcaraditis,bronchitis,dyspepsia,pneumonia, erysipelas,rheumatism,asthma,pleurisy the people were treated at Lowell Corporation Hospital. Most people were cured or relieved. Most of the diseases had to do with breathing in the dust around the factory.

Anonymous said...

P2 Samantha R. Anthony R.
Working in the mill was dangerous because one woman which was Augusta Whittier had gotten a disease which was called Pericarditis. Pericarditis is the inflammation of the pericardium, which is the sac that surrounds your heart. Pericarditis leads to heart/lung problems.So the mill was dangerous because you would breath in cotton and you could get Pericarditis. Also, another disease is Measles. Nancy Jane Sargent had gotten Measles. Measles is a contagious disease that gives you a rash all over your body.Measles was also caused by cotton dust because some people might have been allergic to it.

Anonymous said...

P2 Esmeralda s Armando S

Working in the mill was dangerous because most often workers got sick. For example you get disease neuralgia that gives you nerve pain by weaving a lot.Another disease is Pericarditis which is a heart disease you get from breathing in dust from the cloth.Another example is Erysipelas is a skin infection that gives you a rash. Workers who did carder might get a rash by touching the cloth an might be alergic.. Another is Dyspepsia which is a digestive disorder and a worker could get it by swallowing dust and it could give him a stomachache.Thats why we think working in the factory is dangerous.

Anonymous said...

P.2 Leah Perez
factory workers often got sick and the most reason is the factory .For example, Augusta Whittier had received a disease named Pericarditis (respiratory disease) ,the factory had caused this because of all the dust it has is bad for your lungs and heart .

Another example is , Mrs.Joseph F.Ashton had gotten the disease pleurisy (lung disease) and the factory is also the cause of this because of all the chemicals it has ,the workers are breathing them which causes the disease pleurisy.

Also another example is , Lenora Alley & Betsy Shaw had gotten the disease pneumonia (virus & bacteria ) and the factory was also the cause of this because the factory has so much bacteria the workers get sick from it and gets the disease pneumonia.

Anonymous said...

Per.2 Maria R. & David R.

Working in the factory making textiles was dangerous to the health of many people. The factory was not very sanitary so people could easily could catch a disease. Workers such as Augusta Whittier caught a disease named pericardidtis, which is when a sac-like covering around the heart becomes inflamed. This could happen if you breathe the harmful air in the factory. Another disease such as rheumatism was a disease the affects the joints and connective tissue this could happen id you do the same thing continously such as sewing.There were many other diseases but these are just a few caused by working in the factory.

Anonymous said...

p.2 Alyssa R. & Briana R.
Work In The Mill Was Dangerous

Work in the mills was dangerous because people got sick in the mills. For example, Augusta Whittier was diagnosed with Pericarditis, an inflammation or swelling of the pericardium, causes of pericarditis includes infections,trauma to the chest,heart attack,cancer,autoimmune disease,tumors,heart surgery, and radiation.This person got this disease because someone else could've been sick or the mills were full of dust and the person could've gotten infections that lead to pericarditis. Another example of how the mills were dangerous was Mary Bruce, she was diagnosed with Dyspepsia, an irritating feeling in the upper abdomen, can also be referred to indigestion, causes of Dyspepsia includes GERD, swallowed air, medications side effects, stomach ulcer, and more.Working in the mill lead to Dyspepsia because this person might have breathed dust or bacteria in the air.These are two great examples of how working in the mills was dangerous, it lead to many different types of diseases.

Anonymous said...

Luis D. & Humberto S.
P.2 1/31/14

Working in the mills was a very dangerous job because many of the workers caught many diseases. One of the diseases they caught was Percarditis. Another of the diseases they caught was Bronchitis. So as you can see, working in the mills was very dangerous due to the sicknesses.

Anonymous said...

Liliana Romero & Jeanette Sanchez
What i think that when people were working in the mill maybe it was kind of dangerous because they would move farm to farm in different cities.many men and women moved from farms to cities in order to find work in factories another reason i think of is because 1840 were dangerous was you would get diseases and maybe they don't have the cure for it.

Anonymous said...

Joanna V & Alonso T
period 4.

It was dangerous to work on a factory because you can get many disease. An example is of a disease is "pericarditis" is inflammation of the pericardium, which is the sac that surrounds your heart. You can get that disease from the factory because the dusk would go to your lungs then to your heart. an other example is "pneumonia" is an infection of lungs caused by a virus. This disease you can get from the factory because you can get a chest pain by working to much. Also what if the factory they work in is dirty. "Bronchitis" is an disease also it is a tube that carry air to the lungs then to your heart. You can get this disease of the factory because what you breath it goes to your heart also the dust.

Anonymous said...

p4 Edwin B & Allan G


Anonymous said...

maribel c. & elvis cruz

yes it was dangerous to work in a factory because some people got very sick from bronchitis whitch is a disease in the lungs parts of very small peaces of cotton goes in your lungs and makes you cough a lot this happened to Eliza Annbrown that worked as a weaver in a factory.this shows that working in a factory is dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Did the factory causes that diseases?
some of them do because they breathed the substances of the cotton.

Anonymous said...

p4 Amely Dominguez

Work in the 1840s was dangerous because in the factories their could get hurt because they are making cloth with machines and the machines might cut them or hurt them really bad .Also they could get disease by the dust like some of them are pericarditis,neuralgia,pneumonia,erysipelas,etc. Pericarditis means inflammation of pericardium. Neuralgia means intense ,typically intermittent pain along the douse of nerves. Those are some diseases you can get in the factories . So in my opinion working back in the days was very dangerous .

Anonymous said...

period4 jessicadelcarmen and julian damian
The factory about these disease is that they all cause issues to people when they get sick.Another example
is when they get sick some people survive and others do not.Then some diseases that people have are easy to cure cause they dont cause that much damage and others may have kill people.when people get strong disease like dyspepsia they could die.

Anonymous said...

Anthony G. & Dulce R.

Workers in the factory often got sick from the work that they did making textiles
people got sick in the factory because of the sickness
occipital neuralgia is a neurological condition in which occipital nerves.
Dericarditis is swelling and irritation of the pericardium which is that surrounds your heart.

Anonymous said...

Anthony G. & Dulce R.

Workers in the factory often got sick from the work that they did making textiles
people got sick in the factory because of the sickness
occipital neuralgia is a neurological condition in which occipital nerves.
Dericarditis is swelling and irritation of the pericardium which is that surrounds your heart.

Anonymous said...

Brandon R.
Fabian Z.
Period :4
Working in the mill was dangerous because
there is to much dust that could give people
lung infection that is called pneumonia
because they work with cotton that caries dust
which is inhaled by the worker that could have maid this happen.

Anonymous said...

Brandon R.
Fabian Z.
Period :4
Working in the mill was dangerous because
there is to much dust that could give people
lung infection that is called pneumonia
because they work with cotton that caries dust
which is inhaled by the worker that could have maid this happen.

Anonymous said...

Per 4
William Sanchez and Alexis Jimenez

yes working in the mill was dangerous because people could get injured very badly on the machines that were on the mill.People could also get very sick and die because of all the chemicals that are in the factory.Another bad thing about working on the factory on the 1840's people get every kind of weird diseases like Pericarditis,Bronchitis,Dyspepsia,and some other weird diseases.

Anonymous said...

per 4Leslie N. patricia R.

yes think the factory caused these disease bronchitis and wound.why? because when u work in the factory bronchitis is caused by breathing in dust and i the factory there is lots of dust from the cotton there rolling all day.But wound is cause from a cut in the factory by rolling the cotton or something els in the factory. MR. Albert is cool :)

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

p.4 Johanna and Jacqueline

Q1. Yes it was dangerous because many people got sick and there was only one hospital.Also many people had all kind if diseases because of the dirty factories and the dust they breath in,they would have lung and throat disease.

Anonymous said...

Joshua 2 Cha - Alex García Per:4 1-31-14 :)

Bronchitis-is when your throut shrinks so its
hard to breath.
Pericarditis- It's when your heart gets clogged with stuff.
It's when your skin gets puffy and red cheeks.
It's a discomfort in your upper belly or in your abdomen It happens when you are eating.

Anonymous said...

p4 Amely dominguez

Working in 1840s was very dangerous because people would work in the factories and they make cloth witch is bad because they could get cut with the machines or probably get injured really bad .Also they can get some diseases like pericarditis,neuralgia,erysipelas ,etc. those diseases can be caused the dust in the factory .So ya i do think it was dangerous back them

Anonymous said...

P6 Litzye D. & David S.

In my perspective, working in a mill in the 1840s was dangerous because people often got diseases from the exposure from there. For example, some people got Pericarditis which was caused by wounds that would turn into infections that led to that. Another way working in the mill was dangerous in the 1840s was because getting you can get erysipelas by getting burnt by some of the machinery.

Anonymous said...

P6 Christian H & Orlando H I think work in the factory was dangerous many of them had different kind of diseases that we didn't even know of.They may of not killed many women but it sure caused them to keep a disease then they also had to deal with dust that was in the cotton.They also had lung problems working in the factory so that cause heart problems.

Anonymous said...

p.6 Katherine A. & Rubi D.
Working in the mill in the 1840's was very dangerous because many of the workers ended up getting deceases when they inhaled the cotton fibers. Some workers ended up getting deceases like pericarditis, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia and many more. A lot of deceases that they got would inflame and irritate your lungs.

Anonymous said...

Samantha V & Emmanuel R
Period 6

Yes, working in the mill was dangerous in 1840s. Working in the mill in the 1840s was dangerous because many people got diseases such as pericarditis,neulagia,erysipelas,ect... Workers got pericarditis because they would inhale the dust and it goes to the lungs and the circulatory system circulated it to the heart. People got a lot of cuts because the machinery.

Anonymous said...

P6. Lissbeth F & Bryan M

Work in the 1840s in the mill was dangerous because the workers like Augusta whittier would get pericarditis which is a heart disease caused by inhaling dust and circulates to the heart. Many people got cuts because they were working with the machines and many other tools. Susan Taylor got nueralgia which is a nerve disease this is caused by aneurysm. Asenath Butler got skin disease which is caused by wounds like cuts that they get from the factory.

Anonymous said...

P6 Yulisa M. & Katherine L.
In the factory workers got many diseases mainly diseases affecting their lungs and heart. I believe it was dangers working in the mill because people who worked there often got very sick from diseases like pericarditis, bronchitis, dyspepsia, neuralgia, pneumonia, and asthma. The diseases that affected their lungs were bronchitis and pneumonia mainly because they would inhale cotton fibers. They also had diseases that affected there heart it was called pericarditis it affected there heart because when they inhaled they cotton fibers would travel through the cellatory system and into their heart. The last disease they got was neuralgia because they would move their hands in the same motion everyday so that would irritate the nerves and cause pain.

Anonymous said...

Javier S. Armando M. p.6
Working in the factory was dangerous because some people got sick cause of the cotton fiber. Some illnesses were Athma, Bronchitis, Pericarditis, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and Pneumonia. 25 workers went to the hospital, 19 were cured, 4 were relieved, and 1 died. The sicknesses relate to the factory because the workers were breathing in the cotton fiber.Some other sicknesses were because of the position they were in the factory.

Anonymous said...

p.6 Jennifer Ramos & Josue Hernandez
Yes it was dangerous because there was a lot of infection and diseases that cause the workers to get ill.Because of the infection that goes on in the factory people died.It was dangerous.Some causes people died was because of the dust that breath in caused them to get lung problems. And they died if they didnt get cured and if they got cured they would be alive.

Anonymous said...

P6 Brandon Cruz & Victor Franco

Many people wanted to work in the mills or factories in 1840s and was dangerous to work. it was dangerous because there was a possibility that workers can get injured or contract a disease. For example workers can get bronchitis from inhaling the cotton fibers when working at the mill. Another disease that workers can contract was rheumatism and they got this disease by repeating the same type of work that they did. These were some of the things that workers would get while working in a factory or mill.

Anonymous said...

 P6 Liliana B & Joseph M 

Work in the mills in the 1840s was dangerous because many of the workers were diagnosed with many different types of diseases. One of the patients was diagnosed with pericarditis, Inflammation covering around the heart. This disease does come from a factory because of the bacteria in the machinery the would inhale directly from them. Another patient that was diagnosed with a disease that came from the factory Mary Stokes. The disease was named rheumatism. The disease was a pain in the joints and connective tissue. This disease came from the factory because from sitting to standing and labor in the factory the disease can be a problem.

Anonymous said...

Lidia A and Andres A.

Work on the mill in the 1840's was very dangerous because people would get sick or get diseases. Some of the diseases are pericarditis, and bronchitis. Pericarditis is swelling and irritation of the paricardium, which is the sac that surrounds the heart. Workers would breathe in dust and the dust would surround the heart and would cause irritation and swelling. Bronchitis is a chronic lung disease that makes it hard to breathe. Workers would get Bronchitis because they take in the dust and it made it hard for them to breathe. These are some of the reasons why the mill was not safe in the 1840's. People were to blind to even notice that all these diseases where caused because of the dust on the cloth and cotton.

Anonymous said...

period 6 Karen M. & Christopher S.

Working on the mill in the 1840's was really dangerous because numerous amount of people got different types of illness from working in the mill.One example is Augusta Whittier she had a disease called Pericarditis and this illness was really dangerous because she would breathe in cotton fiber or also known as chemicals and this cotton fibers would travel through blood vessels and this would carry the cotton fibers to different parts of your body.Another example is Susan Taylor, she had a disease called Neuralgia which was pain in the distribution of a nerve and caused bone problems.This disease was caused by working in the mill because it would caused a temporamandibular disorder from working in the same position for more than 11 hours.

Anonymous said...

P.6 Nancy M. and Diana R.
Working in a mill was dangerous because the people were exposed to harsh chemicals. This would lead to diseases, rashes, and sometimes death. People knew it was dangerous but still worked there because they needed the money. It's sad but true. Poverty was big back then.

Anonymous said...

Viviana S .
Period 6 .

Their lives weren't a better result because when they started working in factories men & women started getting diseases , caused by working in the cotton fabric .
Yes , working in the mill in the 1840s was dangerous because workers started getting a disease by working in the cotton fabric factory . Diseases such as Pericarditis , Bronchitis , Dyspepsia , Neuralgia , Pheumonia , and other were caused by working in the factory . Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium , it was caused by working in the factory because of the cotton fabric they would breathe in would end up getting into their bodies . Bronchitis was also caused by working in the factory because it causes a bad cough and the bronchial tube with bronchitis gets inflamed and contains more mucus than usual by what they would breathe in while working . Dyspepsia was also caused by the dust from working at the factory would get on there foods and end up into their digestion system . Neuralgia was also caused by working in the factory because dental problems such as temporomandibular joint disorder from working in the same position for many hours . Pheumona was an inflammatory condition of the lung affecting primarily the microscopic air sacs known as alveli which was caused by working in the factory . Many diseases were caused by working in the cotton fabric factory . Some cured , some were relieved , and some died from the diseases .

Anonymous said...

Karen T and Sevastian Plancarte P6

It was dangerous for women to work at the factories because they were able to get diseases and end up dying by breathing in cotton fiber. Also many people died from catching a disease named pneumonia, this disease takes place in your lungs, by bacteria and fungus, people got this because the factories were unclean. Woman's lives were not better by moving to a city because work was harder and caused them to get diseases and some eventually end up dying.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan. G Angel Hermisillo P.6

Yes the mill is effecting the workers' health because the dust in the air that affects their lungs and hearts. That isn't the only reason why, other co-workers touch the equipment that gets contaminated and other people touch those equipment and end up getting sick. Measles can spread fast since all the workers are all crowded and end up infecting the whole mill. Diseases can spread fast. This effects the whole system of the mill and stop it too.

Anonymous said...

P.6 Lesley V. & Alexa V.

The work at the mill during the 1840's would be dangerouse because workers would suffer from respiratory illnesses. To get medical attention during that period would have been difficult. Many of the patients at the hospital would mainly be women and would be suffering from heart, muscle & joints, or respiratory illnesses. The cotton fiber in the air at the mill would be inhaled while workin causing the women to have several illnesses such as Bronchitis, and Dysepepsia. The illnesses involving the muscle & joint were also caused at the mill. woman would go to the hospital with that illness because while working in the mikl most of their time they were standing and moving around working mainly with there elbows to move the object on the looms to make the thread and there legs because they would stand or walk around. Some women working in the mills would suffer from heart disease but however it wasnt related to working at the mill.

M. Albert said...

I agree with the writers who said that there was evidence that working in the textile factory made workers sick. Several of the workers suffered from Bronchitis, Pleurisy and Pneumonia, serious lung diseases that probably came from breathing the cotton fibers. Miss Whittier was diagnosed with Pericarditis, which means that the infection spread from her lungs to her heart. Other diseases such as Rheumatism and Neuralgia, which effect joints and nerves, might have been caused by repeated activities in the factory for long periods of time. Even diseases such as measles could be spread by the fact that large numbers of workers were in a confined area. Although we can never be certain of any one case, it appears obvious that most of the people admitted to the Lowell Hospital had diseases that were job related to the textile mill.