On September 17, 1787, the Founders shared the Constitution with the American public. Over the next year, Americans debated whether to approve the new Constitution. Federalists were in favor of ratification, and the anti-Federalists wanted to see it rejected.
Your prompt: Compare and contrast the views of Anti-Federalist Melancton Smith and Federalist Alexander Hamilton in a well written paragraph.
Task: Make sure your paragraph has the following elements:
- Explaining how each felt about representation in the new Constitution
- Explaining what kind of government each wanted to see
- From the document text, infer what kinds of people supported the Federalists and anti-Federalists -- explain what led you to that inference
- Use brief quotations from the texts to support your ideas -- make sure you explain any quotes that you use
Yamilet Gonzalez
Melancton Smith didn't like the idea of the constitution. He believed that everyone should have an equal opportunity in becoming representatives. And the constitution said that only the rich should have that right."A middle class farmer will never be chosen.So, the government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich. This will be a government of oppression."I believe that the poor would agree with his idea. Alexander Hamilton on the other hand, believed that the poor shouldn't have the right to become representatives. He was happy with the idea of the constitution. He just wanted protection. "The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and run by mobs." That is what made him believe that there shouldn't be as many representatives. He also said "Why can't someone understand fifty people as well as he understands twenty people." I believe that the rich would support his idea.
Vanessa v per.1
Anti-federalist felt that the new Constitution was bad and needed to improve because they treated the rich people fairly & poor people like they didn't mean anything , like they didn't count. On the other hand , federalist felt like the new Constitution was great because they liked the fact that rich people's votes had more value than the less fortunate. Anti-federalist wanted to see a government of pure democracy with no oppression. " pure democracy would be the perfect government" this quote means that the anti-federalist thought it would be better to have an equal government .Federalist wanted to see a government that the rich were always concidered "more" educated & "less" sins in there behavior than poor . i believe that poor people supported the anti- federalist & rich/wealthy people supported the federalist due to the new Constitution , " but it would seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful" this means that the wealthy people have more rights because of their "ways" .
kayla o. per. 1
Melancton Smith didnt like the new constitution because he thought it could be better. Alexander Hamilton does like the new constitution because the representitives worked hard on it.
Melancton Smith wanted to see the type of government that had plenty of representitives to go around. Alexander Hamilton had wanted a government that wasn't run completely by democracy.
My evidence to show that Melancton did like the new government was when document A says,"therefore, the number of representitives should so large that both rich and poor people will choose to be representatives.The evidence to support Alexander's meaning of the new government was when document B said, "Experience has shown that this idea is false. The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and mobs.
the types of people that supported the ant-federalist were the type of people who wanted liberty and freedom and un-cruel. The types of people who supported the Federalists were the type of people who wanted to be safe from mobs, but it might take away their freedom.
per1. agustin i.
melancton was not happy with the constitution deals because it won't be fair of the rich and the poor. although alexander was happy about the constitution because it doesn't make a rich man more eligible for an elected of a rich person than a poor person. Melancton would like to see a oppression government because this government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich. while alexander would like to see a full democracy which would be a perfect government for him as an federalist. i feel like the poor would support the melancton because melancton knows that if they sign the constutation that most of the elected would be the rich and they would have more power with it. while the rich and few would support alexander because he says that the constitution would not change the power of the rich at all and everyone which is the rich and the poor would have equal chance to be elected as the leader. i choose these choices because each group would choose which ever they would benefit them and not the opposing side. "this would be a oppression government" so the government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich. and for alexander he would support this by the quote that says the new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor person.
P1 Maria S.
The Federalists and the Anti-Federealists has their different view about the constitution, hence the name. Alexander Hamilton, who is a Federalist believes that the government shouldn't be pure democracy and security should be more enforced than liberty. Meanwhile, Melancton Smith, an Anti-Federalist feels the opposite about Hamilton. Smith believes that "This will be a Government of oppression." Smith would like to see a government ruled through democracy and liberty; a government who will give poor people an opportunity to be a part of the government. Hamilton, in the other hand, would like to see a government that is secure and provides safety to the people. Most likely the poor people would support the Anti-Federalists and the rich people would support the Federalists. I led to this conclusion because the Federalists gave the rich more power over the government so most likely the rich would support that. "The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and run by mobs." This example is from Hamilton's point of view and this is what they fear, riots and tyranny. The Anti-Federalists were against the constitution because it took away rights from people. They wanted poor people to represent for themselves and to have a small and fair government.
P.1 Daisy M.
The Anti-Federalist Melancton Smith was against the new constitution because he believes that the number of representativrdshould be largeand that both rich and poor people will choose to be representatives. The Federalist Alexander Hamilton thuoght that wealthy class was less wicked and sinful than the poor people. Smith wanted a government of oppresion,''This will be a government of oppression.''And for Hamilton for hamilton a goverment thta would help them from mobs.''The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by Tranny and run by mobs.'' The people that supported the Anti-Federalist was people who were poor and not selfish but rich.''Therefore, the number of representatives would be so large that both rich and poor people will choose to be representatives.'' For Federalists it would be the wealthy class because they believed they are less wicked and sinful. Also they considered poor people, ignorant and rich people, educated.''The new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor person.''
p1 Nicholas P.
Melancton Smith and Alexander Hamilton had different ways they wanted to see the government. Alexander likes the constitution and wants to see the government full of educated people. Melancton didn't like the constitution and wanted to see it bigger and have everyone in it, not just the richer higher class but the lower class too. Melancton stated that it's "a government of oppression." All the poor lower class people would agree and support his and the anti-federalists point of view on the constitution. On the other hand all the rich higher class people are supporting alexander and the federalists for his point of view. Alexander also stated that the anti-federalists think that a "pure democracy would be the perfect government" but that experience say that's false. Yet they both still want a better government.
P.1, Aaron Delgado
The Anti-Federalists did not like the representation because they believed that there should be many representatives so that they can understand the circumstances of some people.The federalists believed that it was fair and that it shouldn't be changed. "The Anti-Federalists also argue that a large representation is necessary to understand the interests of people. This Is not true. Why can't someone understand fifty peoples well as well as he understand twenty people." (p.2,A.Hamilton)
The Anti-Federalists want a democratic government."The Ant-Fedralist seem to think that a pure democracy would be the perfect government." (p.1, A.Hamilton).
Julissa B. Period 1
The Anti-Federalists felt that the rich people can get whatever they want. "The rich consider themselves above the common people entitled to more respect. They believe they have the right to get anything they want."
The Federalists believe that all people, rich or poor, are equal."Look at all the people in a community, the rich and the poor, the educated and the ignorant." "Both groups engage in immoral or wicked behavior."
The Anti-Federalists wanted a government that was weak because they were scared of power and a cruel government."This will be a government of oppression." This explains what would happen if the government is in the hands of the rich.
The Federalists wanted a government that kept them safe but they still wanted freedom."The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and run by mobs." This explains that democracy is not a perfect government.
The people in society that would support the Anti-Federalists would be the poor people. And the rich would support the Federalists.
Gilberto L P.1
Melancton was upset with the way the new Constitution deals with representation because he wants a Constitution where both rich and poor have an equal chance to represent. While Hamilton is happy with the way the new Constitution deals with representation. Melancton would like to see a government that is more fair and that they will have a larger amount of representatives so that poor and rich people can have an equal chance too represent. Hamilton, on the other hand, wants to see a government where only wealthy people represent because they're far more educated than the poor and have higher moral standards. From the document i believe that poor and average people would be in favor go Melancton so they can get a chance to represent, while rich people would be on Hamilton's side because they would keep representing and getting not just the people want but what they want as well. Some quotes that support my ideas are "If the number of representatives is small, the position will be too competitive. Ordinary people will not attempt to run for office." This quote proves what kind of government Melancton would like to see. Another quote is "Why can't someone understand fifty people as well as he understands twenty people?" and "Look at all the people in a community, the rich and the poor, the educated and the ignorant... but it would seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful", this proves what Hamilton wanted.
Juan Chavez per.1
The Anti-Federalist didn't like the idea of the constitution because they belived that there should be more representatives either poor and rich so they could understand the people.The Federalist wanted a strong goverment that was mostly rich but they were worried that they would be mobbed.
P.1 Priscilla P.
Melancton Smith believed that the representation in the new constitution was unequal or oppression(cuel)because he believed in liberty. This is shown when"This will be a government of oppression" The kind of government that he want to see is a government that can give liberty and a large number of representatives so both poor and rich can run for office.I believe that the poor would agree with him because they would have a chance to run for office and have freedom.While Alexander Hamilton believed that democracy should be small and safe.This is shown"the ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and by mobs."He want to see a government that is free of mobs and small but with safety.I believe that the the rich would agree because they would care if they are safe.
per 1 Santiago Vejar
Federalist felt that the constitution was great because they loved the idea that all men could be president whether they were rich or poor.On the another had Anti-federalist did not want a constitution because they wanted a democracy type of government.Federalist want a democratic type of government. The anti-federalist wanted a oppression type of government.
P.1 Destinee M.
The way that Alexander Hamilton felt about the Constitution was that it does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor person. Also, that he thinks it's dangerous to assume that men become more wicked as they gain wealth and education. The way that Melancton Smith felt about the Constitution was that he thought it was unfair that the rich consider themselves above the common people, entitled to more respect. Melancton Smith would like the government to be more fair and have more representatives so that the poor and the rich can be equal. One quote is," Therefore,the number of representatives should be so large that both rich and poor people will choose to be representatives.
Alexander Hamilton would like the government to be a pure democracy because it would be a perfect government.
Melancton Smith was not happy with the new constitution because he waned to be fair to both rich and poor. Smith would like to see a government with a large amount of representatives. He also wants a government were ordinary people, rich or poor, could be trusted with the job of representing and where the power didn't just go to the rich. I believe that the poor would most likely support his decision because hes saying that both rich&poor are the same. My evidence for this is when it says, "Therefor the number of representatives should br so large that both rich&poor will choose the representatives."
Alexander Hamilton is actually happy with the new constitution because he believes that rich people are more educated than the poor. Hamilton wants a strong and secured government. He would most likely have the votes of the rich because they will gain more power. My evidence for this is, "The new constitution does not make a rich men more eligible for an elected office than a poor person."
P1 Patricia Santillan
Melancton Smith wasn't happy with how the new constitution dealed with representation because he believed that if the number of representatives was too small the position will be too competitive,and that it will fall into the hands of the rich.However,Smith also believed that the constitution was oppressive and was trying to take away their natural rights which were life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness.I believe that Melancton would like to have a government that is based on equality and that no matter if you were poor or rich you would have an equal oppurtunity to run for government.Based on this document the people in society that would support this point of view are the poor people.I believed that the poor people would most likely support this perspective because they believed that the rich considered themselves above common people.This all lead me to infer that Melcanton smith was an anti-federalist.My textual evidence that supports my quote is "so the government will fall into the hands of the rich."On the other hand,Alexander Hamilton was happy with how the new constitution dealed with representation because he believed that the new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible.Another reason why Smith supported this government was because shay's rebellion proved that the government was to weak and therefore the rich wanted a secure and safety government.I believe that Alexander agrees with the constitution because he wanted a better government.The people in society that supported this perspective were the rich people.In my opinion the rich would support this point of view because they wanted a government that would protect the people against tyranny and mobs.My textual evidence is "the new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor person."
Laisha G. p.1
The Anti-federalist wanted a government that was weak because they were scared they were scared of power. The Federalists wanted a government that was safe but still gave them freedom.
The Anti-Federalists were not happy because they believe that not only the rich should run for representatives. The Federalists were not happy because they believe the Anti-Federalists think the rich people get whatever they want and he thinks that the rich and the poor are equal.
I believe that most likely the poor would support the Anti-Federalists idea.I think that the poor support this idea because i think that the poor would also like to run for representatives.I believe that the poor would also most likely agree with the Federalists idea. i believe this because i think that the poor would like to be treated equally.
A quote fore the Anti-Federalist would be "The rich consider themselves above the common people, entitled to more respect they believe they have the right to get anything they want." A quote for the Federalists would be "i also think its dangerous to assume that men have become more wicked as they gain wealth and education.""the ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and run by mobs."
Vanessa T. Period 1
-The anti-federalists weren't happy with the new constitution. They think it's only representing the rich & poor. On the other hand, the Federalists are happy & think this would be the perfect government.
-The anti-federalists want the number of representatives to be large so that rich and poor people would be representatives. Also they don't want to see a government of oppression. The anti-federalists say that a large representation would help understand what the people have to say and the federalists think that's not true. They also think that it's less sinful of the behavior of the wealthy.
P1 Mirian P.
Melancton an Anti-Federalist and Alexander Hamilton a Federalist both had different point of views on the Constitution.
Melancton(Anti-Federalist) was not at all happy with the new Constitution and demanded a large number of representatives so that "both the rich and poor will choose to be representatives.And this lead to which kind of government he would like to see be established. He believed that a perfect government involves the representatives being "being a true" representation of both rich and poor. And too give less power to the rich making a bigger government so that everyone won't be "too competitive" and let the rich win.
Alexander Hamilton (Federalist) on the other hand his perspective of the Constitution proved that he indeed was in favor of the Constitution and was perfect the way it already is . He mentions that a government like the one Mealancton wants to establish a "democracy government" was already experimented and failed. And states that the "new constitution" doesn't make the rich person more"eligible" for office than an an ordinary person. The people that are more likely to follow the Anti- Federalist are Democrats because they believe "democracy would be the perfect government." People that would more likely follow Federalist would be republicans because they state "a democracy government already failed.". I believe this because the Anti-Federalist want a larger government something the Federalist won't approve.
Aimee M. per.1
The Federalists were agreeing with the constitution because they believed the wealthy should be the more eligible for an elected office more than the poor people. The anti-federals believed that the constitution would take away their freedom away and that it wasn't fair for the poor because the rich and poor should be able to choose to be the representatives.
The Anti-ferderalists wanted to see the government being fair to everyone one(rich or poor). The federalist wants to see the government protecting them from mobs and riots.
The kind of people that supported the Federalist were the people who wanted to be protected from riots and mobs.The people that supported the anti-federalist were the people that believed the anti-federalist were lying about their sayings,or people who believed the rich and poor should both be able to choose to be representatives, and people who did not want their freedom to be taken away.
Maite Sanchez
Melancton Smith was against the constitution and voted there should not be a constitution. Melancton thought the representatives should be people like us, so they can understand us more and see our struggles and circumstances. He wanted a government that showed pure democracy. This was because in the document, Melancton stated "So, the government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich." The kind of people that supported the anti-Federalist were the people with not that much money. He believed the if the rich people would be the representatives they'll think they're better than everybody else.
Alexander Hamilton wanted there to be a Constitution, he voted yes. Alexander wanted a government of oppression. He believed that it doesn't matter if a rich man is elected for an office. Rich people would be agreeing to him because Alexander states, "The new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office."
Shirley Z
per 1.
The Federalists felt about the representation in the constitution that there should be a large representation to understand people,that it is necessary,a government with lots of power for protection."Characterized by tyranny and run by mobs."The Anti-Federalists thought otherwise.They felt that there should not have so much power.That the people that represent each other will go for there own only."The Government will fall into the hands of the few and rich","..Government of oppression." The types of people that would support the Federalists would be the ones that would want to be safe and have protection.This is because the Federalists want a large representation for the people.The types of people that would support the Anti-Federalists would be the ones that desire freedom. This is because the Anti-Federalists think its also too risky to have a big representation that would take a lot of there freedom away."..Circumstances and their troubles."
per.1 Jesus T.
Melancton Smith felt that if there was only rich people in the government t it would be a government of oppression and that they wouldn't represent them correctly. He wanted to see a government that had rich and poor because he thought that way they would represented correctly. Alexander Hamilton felt that the constitution would represent them correctly because he thinks that "fifty people understand as well as he understand twenty people." He would like to see a government of rich and educated people because there smart enough to represent all people. The poor and anti-federalists supported smith because he wants government big enough so that ordinary people have a chance to be a part of it , if only the rich were part of it it would be a "government of oppression." The rich people and the federalist would support hamilton because because he states that "it seems to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful. A statement that supports Smith is "so, the government will fall into the hands of the few and rich.this will be a government of oppression."
Nayeli M. period 1
Both anti-federalists and federalists think that both rich and poor should have equal rights like liberty. They both don't want unfairness between rich and poor. The government they both want to see is a government that understand people's rights with no unfairness. They also want their government to understand circumstances and their troubles. Anti-federalists are supported by the democracy because the democracy believes the same things like that the government should understand people's rights, circumstances, and concerns. They also want fairness and equality between rich and poor because they don't want unfairness between any classes. Anti- federalists are supported by people that think that the government is going to be fair and that they are going to give equality to the people. Also that the government is going to be concerned in people's troubles and circumstances.
Anai O. period 1
Melancton Smith wanted to see the government person like which there is plenty of representatives to go around.He thought this will make people of any class to be chose as representatives. Alexander Hamilton wouldn't like a government in a which would be ran completely by democracy. Based on the document the people who support Melancton Smith they would want liberty and freedom and UN-cruel government. Based on the document sort of people that would like or support this point of view would be the people who want to be safe from mobs. This might take away freedom<Alexander Hamilton.
The way Melancton Smith felt about the constitution is that he was unhappy because of the poor and rich.The way that Alexander Hamilton felt about the constitution is that he was happy with the constitution because it doesn't make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor and because they worked hard for it.Anti-federalist would like to see a oppression government because this government will fall into the hands of few and rich.Federalist wanted a big government.The people that OR SUPPORT the ant-federalist is the people that wanted freedom and liberty.also The poor people would support anti-federalist.The people that would support the federalist is the people that gave up there freedom to be safe so it was either freedom and liberty over safety.
Aaron F, The Anti-Federalist liked the constitution. This would be because the Federalist believe that the constitution could be better than it was at that current moment. The Federalist liked the constitution because. This is because the federalist believe that they spent so much time working on the constitution. The Anti Federalist want a big government while the federalist wanted a small government. The people that or supported the Anti-Federalist would be people who wanted freedom and liberty. Also poor people who wanted a higher chance of being chosen to run for office. People who supported federalist did not want a oppression government or a cruel government. The people who supported the Federalist were people who wanted to be safe. They wanted to be safe from mobs but at what cost. The people who supported the Federalist were giving up there freedom to be safe so it was either freedom and liberty over safety. "If the numbers of representatives is small, the position will be to competitive ordinary people will not attempt to run for office. A middle class yeoman farmer will never be chosen... This will be a government of oppression." "The anti Federalist also argue that a large representatives is necessary to understand the peoples needs of the people. This is not true. Why can't someone understand that fifty people as well he understands twenty people.
P1 Jasmine M
The Anti-Federalist Melancton Smith was not happy with how the new Constitution deals with representation
deals and is against it. He wants people to vote "no" for the Constitution because he believes that the number of representatives should be larger and that both rich and the poor should be given the opportunity to choose representatives and be representatives. The Federalist Alexander Hamilton is happy with how the Constitution deals with representation because he believes that this Constitution is helping the representatives understand the interest of the people. The Anti-Federalist Melancton Smith would want to see a government with a large amount of representatives and where ordinary people, rich or poor, could be trusted with the job of representatives and where the power did not just go to the rich. Quotes that support my claim are, "Therefore, the number of representatives should be so large that both rich and poor people will choose to be representatives." and "If the number of representatives is small, the position will be too competative. Ordinary people will not attempt to run for office. A middle-class yeoman (farmer0 will never be chosen." The Federalist Alexander Hamilton would like to see a government where there wouldn't be any mobs and where there could be representatives that will help them understand what the people want. Quotes that support my calim are, "The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tranny and run by mobs." and " Why can't someone understand fifty people as well as he understands twenty people?" The kind of people that supported the anti-federalist would probably be poor people who don't think that they are getting the opportunity to choose what the government needs. People who would represent the federalist will probably be people who are rich and believe that they can easily understand what the people need by just asking around twenty.
P1 Natalie R.
The anti-federalist are not happy with how the new constitution deals with representation because he believes that people understand their own circumstances and their troubles and not everyone will agree with each other and the representatives won't be representing the people, they want to have liberty.The federalist are happy with how the new Constitution deals with representation because the people would get more safety than liberty like the anti-federalist.The type of government that the anti-government wanted to see was a government with both rich and poor people to be representatives and not a government with only rich representatives.I can support this with evidence from the text which says,"therefore, the number of representatives should be so large that both rich and poor people will choose to be representatives." The federalist wanted to see a larger government with more power. I can support this with"the anti-federalist seem to think that a pure democracy would be the perfect government.Experience has shown that this idea is false."The sort of people that would support this point of view would be the poor people because it says that "ordinary people will not attempt to run for office.A middle-class yeoman will never get chosen.So, the government will fall into the hands of the few and rich.The sort of people that would support this point of view would be the rich people,because it says that both rich and poor people engage inimoral or wicked behavior, but rich are less wicked and more sinful.
Samantha R.
Melancton Smith was against the constitution he voted "no" so there was constitution. But Alexander Hamilton voted "yes"he thought that the Anti-Federalist seemed to think that a pure democracy would be the perfect government. Smith wanted to see a picture of the people representing while Hamilton wanted a pure democracy. the people that supported the federalist were the were the rich people and the antifederalist were supported by the poor people. Melacton said that, "This will be a government of opperession." But Smith said "The ancient democracy of greece were characterized by tyranny and ran by mobs.
They both had different feelings about the constition one voted "yes" the other "no".
P:1 Yatziry B.
The Anti-Federalist Melancton Smith was not happy with the representation in the new Constitution because he would say that the rich people would have more advantages, and he was also scared that the new government would be cruel and would get their liberty taken away.The Federalist was happy because with the new government the people will be protected and have safety.
The kind of government that the Ant-Federalist wanted to see is a government that would be a true picture of the government and would understand their circumstances and their troubles and not get their liberty taken away.The Federalist wanted a government that will help them be protected from tyranny and run by mobs.
The people that would support the point of view of the Anti-Federalist is the poor because the poor would be the first to get their liberty taken away and they didn't want that to happen, they also didn't want a cruel government to govern them.The kind of people that would support the Federalist point of view would be the rich,because the rich would be the ones that would need protection from all the mobs and the tyranny.Some texts that support my ideas for the Anti-Federalist are "The rich considered themselves above the common people,entitled to more respect.","This will be a government of oppression." The text to support The Federalist are "The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and run by mobs."
Miranda P.& Karla R.
Period 3
The anti-federalist wanted the people to vote no, because they were scared for the government to have to much power. The federalist wanted the people to vote yes, because they wanted the government to have power in order to protect them.
The anti-federalist didn't want their government to fall into the hands of the rich. The federalist wanted their government to have lots of power.
Anti-federalist said;"Therefore, the number of representitives should be so large that both rich and poor people will choose to be represebntitives." Federalist said; "The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and run by mobs."
The Anti-federalists wanted people to say no to the constitution because they did not want a rich government because they knew that the rich would be against the poor.The federalists wanted people to say yes to the constitution because they wanted the rich government to protect them from mobs.
Anti-federalist Federalists
For example it say For example it says
in the text "a middle in the text"The ancient
class yeoman (farmer) democracy of Greece were
will never be chosen. characterized by tryanny
So the government will and ruin by mobs."
fall into the hands of
the few and the rich.
This will be a government
of oppression."
The farmers or poor would support the anti-federalist because the rich government would want to go against them. The rich people would support the federalist because the rich people would go along with the rich government.
Stephanie A. Leonor A. Period:3
Alexander Hamilton,federalist,is happy with the way the New Constitution deals with representation. Melancton Smith,anti-federalist,is not happy with the way the New Constitution deals with representation. Alexander would want to see a government that has a lot of power because if the government is to weak then they would not be able to protect us from a mob. Melancton wants to see a government with not that much power because if the government has to much power this will take their right away. The quote to support Alexander's claim is "The anti-federalists seem to think that pure democracy would be the prefect government. Experience shows that this this idea is false. The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and run by mobs." The quote to support Melancton's claim is "They should understand and their circumstances and their tributes. This will be a government of oppression." (To take right away). The democrat would support Alexander's point of view. The republican would support Melancton's point of view.
Eduardo H.
Jesus G.
period 3
The anti-federalists wanted the people to say no. They wanted the people to say no because, they new that the poor and rich would argue a lot. I know because in the text it says "A middle-class yeoman (farmer) will never be chosen. So, the government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich. This will be a government of oppression."We think the people that would support this idea would be the poor such as, farmers. The federalists wanted the people to say yes. They wanted the people to say yes because they didn't want to see the mobs destroy/attack the people/colonies. I know tho because in the text it says "The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and run by mobs.We think the people that would support this idea, would be the rich people because the rich would most likely get along with the rich government.
Briana R. & LITZY P.(: PERIOD 3
The representation in the new Constitution made Melancton Smith unhappy because ordinary people voted no,the government in the hands of few and rich. The representation in the new Constitution made Alexander Hamilton happy because the people were receiving a new Constitution. The Federalists wanted to see not a weak but neither a cruel one. The anti-Federalist thought that the government would have to be of oppression. We infer that the only people who supported the anti-Federalists were the few and the rich. On the other hand, the people who supported the Federalists were ordinary people and middle-class yeoman. We know that Melancton Smith was unhappy because " ordinary people will not attend to run for office ... the government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich. "
Joanna G
Luis G
Period 3
The anti-federalist were not happy with the new constitution deals because the number of representatives is small.The federalist were happy because people could vote for rich or poor people.
Anti-Federalist felt that the new constitution had too much power and anti-federalist were afraid of power.
The federalist felt in need of more power because of the mobs.
The people that supported anti-federaliist would be poor people.The people that would support the federalist would be the rich people.
Anti-federalist "This will be a government oppression."That means that the federalist will have a cruel government.
Federalist"The ancient democracies of Greece were characterized by tyranny and run by mobs."That means that the federalist want a strong government so the mobs won't destroy it.
Joshua c. & Bryan C.
Period 3
Meclancton Smith felt that if they where to approve the constitution it will lead them to a government like king George.This meant that he wanted a weak government to prevent that the government will not be too strong.Alexander Hamilton felt that to approve the constitution they will be feel safe because of the strong government.Alexander wanted a strong government because it will help everyone as he thinks. The people that will support the federalist will be the rich or the poor because it helps both but mostly the rich would it states that " the new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than poor person. The poor people would also elect the anti- federalists because the rich won't have more power than the poor so the poor won't worry about getting their rights taken away.
P.3 Alberto Acosta & Yanira Soto
Melancton Smith thought that the people is not happy with how the new constitutional because they felt like it wasn't going to be strong,instead it was going to be weak,"...rich considered...above the common people...believed anything they want."
Alexander Hamilton thought the people were happy with how the new constitutional deals with representation because they are saying that they want a new constitution,"the new constitution does not make a rich man...". The anti-federalists wanted to see is the government to fall into hands of rich people."So,the government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich." The federalists wanted to see the government
Jorge Melendez & Lupe Garcia - per.3 The anti federal doesn't like the new constitution because they think the constitution is not going to be safe.The federalist is happy with the new constitution deals with representation because this person is saying that he wants a new constitution. The anti federalist wanted a weak but safe government so the government wasn't like King George. "The anti federalist wanted a government that wasn't cruel." The people that supported the federalist were only the ones who wanted a fair government . The people that follow the anti federalist are the rich.'' The new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for election than a poor person."
Per 3
Jonathan C
Annette C
Anti-Federalists were unhappy for the new constitution because in the new constitution the rich people will take over because the rich think that they have the right to get anything. Federalists were happy for the new constitution because in the new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor person.
Anti-federalists want to see that the rich people have more people. Federalists don't want the rich to have more power because they want them to have the same equal right as the poor.
Anti-Federalists were supported by the rich because the anti-federalists want the rich to have more power. Federalists were supported by the poor because they are getting the same rights as the rich.
One quote for the federalist is "The rich consider themselves above the common person". One quote for the federalists are "the new constitution doesn't make rich man more eligible for an elected office".
Octavio L. Ezequiel L.
The way Anti-Federalist felt about representation in the new Constitution is that they were mad or angry because they knew the government was full of oppression.
The way the Federalist felt about representation in the new constitution is they were glad because they wanted a strong and powerful government.
The type of government that Anti-Federalist wanted was a weak but safe government.The type of government that the federalist wanted was a strong and powerful government so they can be protected.
The kind of people that supported the Anti-Federalist were people that wanted a fair government.The kind of people that supported the Federalist were people that wanted a government that will protect them.What led us to this inference was that they were fighting for the perfect government.
The Anti-Federalist wanted a safe government a safe government, but they didnt wanted a government full of oppression. The Federalist didnt wanted the event that happen to Greece were charactizied by tranny and by mobs. the Federalist wanted a strong government.
Angelina R.
The federalists felt that even if the they had The new constitution it does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor person. The anti-federalists felt that the number of representatives should be so large that both rich and poor people will choose there representative.
The anti-federalist didn't want to see the government "oppression".
Brittney C.
Rudy D.
The Anti-Federalist Melancton Smith is against federalists and how he felt in the new Constitution was that he was against the new Constitution because in the text it says, "If the number of representatives is small, the position will be too competitive. Ordinary people will not attempt to run for office." How the federalist Alexander Hamilton felt about the representation in the new Constitution was that he felt that "...new Constitution makes rich people and poor people the same to be eligible to be elected for office". The comparison between these two is that they are both going against each other. Then the government that the Anti-Federalist wanted was a government that has more rights than power because in the text it says that in the federalist's side it will be a government of oppression. The federalist wanted a government that is characterized by tyranny and runned by mobs which is stated in the text. The comparison of both of them is that they both wanted a government of their own of what they think is better. The kinds of people that supported the federalists were the rich people and for the anti-federalists were the poor people because in the text it says, "But it would seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful".
Anthony E. Jose E.
- The Anti-Federalist thought that the new constitution was not a great idea because they thought that they were going to take their rights away . But, the Federal position thought that it was a great idea because they would have equal rights for everyone ,so the poor people would be counted the same as the rich people and that the new constitution would be fair for every one .
- The anti- federation wanted to have a weak constitution because they wanted to have power over the constitution them selfs . The Federalist wanted to be powerful and to give everyone equal rights and that the rich would be no powerful than the poor .
- The people who supported the new constitution would be the people, the rich and poor, in the community so everyone would get their same rights and no one would get more rights than others .
- These are some quotations "They should understand their circumstances and their troubles" These quotes are from the anti-Federalist and "The new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible office than a poor person . I also think it's dangerouse to assume that men become more wicked as they wealth and education.
Yesica G. Daisy M.
Melancton Smith felt that the representatives should be a true picture of the people. he said "they should understand their circumstances about their trouble. He also believed that both rich and poor should be chosen to be representatives. He was not happy because the rich believed they could do anything they want.
Alexander Hamilton was happy about the new constitution deals because he believed "it would be the perfect government".
Melancton Smith would like to see a fair person because he stated that "They should understand their circumstances and their trouble". that statement probably means their should be a government that would hear out the peoples problems and be able to fix them or at least help out.
Alexander Hamilton supported the federal government because he believed that the government should have all the power.
The kind of people the that supported the Federalists was everybody. This made us infer because they each wanted something right for them selfs and their community.
The anti-Federalist felt Melancton Smith felt that the new constitution is not good. Some of the reason they state on why its not good is because the government is just taking away the rights of the citizens and just giving it to the rich and himself only. Another reason why he is doing this is because the rich believe they could do what ever they fell like doing at any moment. In Federalist Alexander Hamiltoon case, he state on why its good and why it should be promoted. Some reason why is because if any chance the governments allows a mllo , it is too weak to protect us.
The Anti-federalist wants to see a good government that has not a lot of power but not a little at the same time. The Federalists want to see a oppression. A reason why they want a oppression government is because they want power (rich).
The types of citizens that support the anti-Federalists are the republicans. The republicans are supporting the anti-Federalist because they don't want the government having so much power that they have few rights. In the other case they types of citizens that are supporting the Federalists are known as the democrats. The democrats are supporting the Federalist is because they want power since they want to be capable on doing what ever they want when ever they feel like it. In other words they have get more right. These types of people are most likely to be rich people.
One quote that supports the Anti-federalist ion why not to support the federalist is; "so the government will fall in to the hands of the few and rich." The messaging of that is that the government and rich will end up with more rights then the others.
period 3 francisco a. bliss v. 9/18/14
Jaritzy S. Per.5
Melancton Smith and Alexander Hamilton both had different reasonings for the Constitution. Smith was happy with the new Constitution since the Constitution deals with both upper and lower class. But, Hamilton was a Federalist and did not agree with what Smith had in mind. The lower class supported Smith since "The Articles Of Confederation" would give them the freedom that the king didn't have. Hamilton wanted the King's rules since he had a lot of safety. Smith said "A middle-class yeomen (farmer) will never be chosen. So, the government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich." While Smith said that Hamilton gave another answer by saying,"The anti-federalists seem to think that a pure democracy would be perfect government." This explains that the upper class would support Hamilton's idea. The loyalist would support his idea since he thought that the people that were wealthy were less wicked and more educated but, were sinful.
Heyle O. P.5
Melancton Smith and Alexander Hamilton both had different discussions of the Constitution. Smith isn't happy because he believed that the federalists will be another king.But Hamilton is happy because he thinks the rich are the only ones getting benefited. Smith wanted to see a weaker government so they can keep their freedom and not have another king. Hamilton wanted to see a stronger government. The people that supported Smith would be the lower class since he's for them and not the people. The people that supported Hamilton would be the upper class because the anti federalists seem to think that democracy would be a government. Smith states that "The government will fall into the hands of the few and rich. This will be a government oppression."And Hamilton states that"Both groups engage in immoral or wicked behavior. But it would seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful.
Viridiana Preciado period:5
Melancton Smith felt happy about the new constitution deals with representation.This is because both rich and poor should be chosen.Alexander Hamilton felt unhappy with the new constitution that deals with representations. He feels like this because only the rich are being benifited.
Melancton Smith wanted to see a government with both rich and poor representatives. Alexander Hamilton wanted to see a government with a little amount of representatives. He believes 50 representatives is the same as just having 20 representatives for each place.
The people that supported Melancton's argument were both the rich and the poor because Melancton was talking about both people to represent not just the poor so all the people supported him so they can all be one of the representatives.Also many poor people supported him because there were more poor people than rich so he had more poor people supporting him than the rich . The people that supported Alexander's argument were just the rich people because Alexander was just talking about the rich not the poor so mostly the rich supported his argument but not a lot of people supported him because only a little bit of people were rich and a lot were poor.
Evidence to support Melancton Smith would be, "Therefore the number of representatives should be so large that both rich and poor people will be chosen to be representatives."
The evidence to support Alexander Hamilton would be," The Anti-Federalists also argue that a large representation is necessary to understand the intersects of the people.This is not true."
p5 Karen Jimenez
Melancton smith felt happy because they believed they have the rights to have anything and they should also have respect. Alexander Hamilton wasn't happy about it. Melancton Smith wanted a weak government because they wanted freedom and so they wont be in the hands of the rich people. Alexander Hamilton wanted a strong government, because if they are wealthy it would be less wicked and sinful. Only the people that wanted a weak government would support the Anti-Federalist. The people that wanted to have more power would support the Federalist. "This will be a government of oppression. The rich consider themselves above the common people entitled to move respect." Will support the Anti-Federalists. "Both groups engage in immoral or wicked behavior. But it would seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful.
Angelica L. P:5
The anti-federalist and the federalist both had different opinions on the representation in the new constitution. The anti-federalist felt happy with the new constitution because they believed they had the rights to have everything including respect. On the other hand the federalist were totally against the new constitution.
The anti-federalist wanted a weak government, and to hear that many people would be surprised, but there reason was that if they were to have a strong government then they would mostly likely get there rights taken away. The federalist loved the idea of a strong government because they stated,"The new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor person."
The people that would support the anti-federalist would be democrats mostly because they would have a change in the government and also that the rich and poor are both equal. The publicans would be the people that supported the federalist because they don't want a change in government, they just want power and safety. the republicans believe the rich are better than the poor.
Karen Gomez Period 5
Smith is not happy with how they deal with with representation because there isn't an equal amount of rich and poor. The kind of government Smith would like to see is Liberty because they are afraid of power. "If the number of representatives is small, the position will be too competitive."
Hamilton is happy with how they deal with representation because the constitution gives everybody a fair chance to be elected for office. The kind of government Hamilton would like to see is Power because he believes that someone can understand fifty people just like someone who can understand twenty people. "The Anti-Federalists also argue that a large representation is necessary to understand the interests of people.
The rich supported the Anti-Federalists because the rich considered themselves above the poor, so they deserved more respect. The poor supported the Federalists because the behavior of the wealthy seemed less wicked and sinful.
Alyssa Munoz p.5
Smith felt that it was necessary to have a large representation so that they can understand the interests of the people. Hamilton felt that they didn't need a large representation that if a person can understand twenty people then he can understand fifty.
Smith wanted a weaker government because he wanted to keep his freedom because he believed that the rich would take it away like the king. Hamilton wanted a stronger government so that the people can be safe but also so that they keep their liberty.
I think that the people who supported the anti-federalists were the higher class people because they consider themselves above the common people. The people that supported the federalists were most likely poor because he states that " but it would seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful". I think that he ,meant that the rich would use their power for good and not let the power get to their head like the poor might.
Estefany M. P.5
Melancton Smith felt unhappy about how he represented the library because there weren't many representatives for people to elect. He thought that the rich will take all the positions. Smith wanted to have a weak government since they thought that the government was taking their rights.The people that supported him were the people that didn't want their rights taken away.One quote is: "This will be a government of oppression.
Alexander Hamilton was happy because he believes that having both poor and wealthy is good but he thinks that the wealthy are better since they are rich and educated. Hamilton wanted a strong government he thought that having rich wont steel money and also because they are educated. The people that supported the anti-Federalist were the rich since they thought that they could be more eligible to be elected. A quote is: But it will seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful.
P.5 Alisha H.
The Anti-Federalists were unhappy because they wanted more representatives. If there's less representatives,the position would be more competitive."If the number of representatives is small, the position would be too competitive." The Federalists were happy because they believed that a large amount of representatives is needed to understand the interests of the people. "...a large representation is necessary to understand the interests of the people."
The Anti-Federalists want a government that gives the people liberty (freedom, rights.) The Federalists want a government that has power and safety, because they believe that someone can understand fifty people as well as twenty people.
Proof of the Anti-Federalists wanting to have a government that gives the people liberty would be,"...the government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich.This will be a government of oppression." Proof of the Federalists wanting a government that has power and safety would be,"Why can't someone understand fifty people as well as he understands twenty people."
P.5 Alisha H.
The Anti-Federalists were unhappy because they wanted more representatives. If there's less representatives,the position would be more competitive."If the number of representatives is small, the position would be too competitive." The Federalists were happy because they believed that a large amount of representatives is needed to understand the interests of the people. "...a large representation is necessary to understand the interests of the people."
The Anti-Federalists want a government that gives the people liberty (freedom, rights.) The Federalists want a government that has power and safety, because they believe that someone can understand fifty people as well as twenty people.
Proof of the Anti-Federalists wanting to have a government that gives the people liberty would be,"...the government will fall into the hands of the few and the rich.This will be a government of oppression." Proof of the Federalists wanting a government that has power and safety would be,"Why can't someone understand fifty people as well as he understands twenty people."
Per.5 Fabian C.
There were arguments on the Constitution between two groups of people,Anti-Federalists and Federalists. The anti-federalists were against the constitution while the federalists agreed on the constitution. The anti-federalists wanted a more powerful government because they thought it was too weak. The federalists didn't argue about the government because they thought it gave people more freedom, the were good with a weak government. Smith, an anti-federalist, said that the constitution take away people's freedom because the government was going to be run by the rich. He thought the rich were going to take away other people's freedom because he thought since the rich are above common people, they would demand more respect. In the passage he wrote it says, "This will be a government of oppression. The rich consider themselves above the common people, entitled to more respect." The federalist, Hamilton, say that the anti-federalists are wrong that the government not going to take away the freedom of people because the rich feel overpowered. He says that the rich won't behave like tyrants because they seem to have more control with the power. In the passage Hamilton wrote, it says,"But it would seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful." This shows why people were fighting about the constitution and people thought about it.
Andy Briseño
Smith was not happy with the new constitution because there is not an equal amount of rich and poor people. In the contrast Hamilton was happy with the new constitution because it gave everybody a fair chance to be elected for office. Smith wanted to see a government with liberty because the people were afraid of power. Hamilton wanted to see a government with power because he believed that someone can understand 50 people just like someone can understand 20 people. The type of people who supported the Federalists believed that the Anti-Federalists seemed to think that a pure democracy would be the perfect government. The type of people who did not support the Federalists believed that the representatives should be a true picture of the people.
p.5 Stephanie P. Melancton Smith is happy with the new representation deals. He states " Both rich and poor should be chosen." On the other hand Alexander Hamilton disagrees with Melancton because he believes that only the rich is getting benefited. Melancton would like to see a government with both rich and poor involved. He states " The government will fall into the hands of few and the rich. While Alexander believes that the government should hold a small amount of representatives.Proof to support this is that Alexander says "The Anti-Federalists seem to think that a large representation is necessary . That is not true."I would say that the people in society that supported the Anti-Federalists were democrats . I'd say that the people who supported the Federalists were the republicans. What led me to these inferences is that Melacton wants change in the government so democrats support him. With Alexander his supporter are the republicans because all they want is safety not change as well as Alexander.
Per.5 Daniel V.
Each group felt differently about the new constitution. The anti-federalists felt bad because they didn't want to be treated unfairly and did not want to be oppress by the rich. The federalists felt great because they thought a rich man would be more eligible in election for office. The anti-federalist wanted a weak government because they didn't want to be oppress by the rich. One piece of evidence was that " So the government will fall into his hands of the few and the rich. This will be a government oppression." The federalists wanted a strong government because a rich person would be less wicked and and sinful." Look at all the in the community, the rich and the poor, the educated and the ignorant." In my the rich support the federalists because " But it would seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful. The people that support the anti-federalist are the poor because they don't want a government that would oppress them. " This will be a government oppression."
Ashley H. P.5
The anti-federalists believed that there should be more representatives. If there were too little representatives, the position would be too competitive.They knew that if a middle-class person ran for office, that they would never get chosen. Therefore the government would fall into the hands of the few and rich and the government would be an oppression. "..the government would fall into the hands of the few and rich.This would be a government of oppression."
The anti-federalists wanted a government that would give the people liberty, their freedom and fair rights.
In this case the anti-federalists would be democrats because they want the government to change and have new fair laws that sincerely benefits the people.
The federalists want a government that has power and safety. Safety is a good benefit to have but when someone or a group lets say in this case, the government, has to much power, they will most likely misuse it. They believe that a large group of representatives is unnecessary because someone can understand fifty people just like they can understand twenty people.
In the text, it states,"Which group has higher moral standards?..But it would seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful." In my opinion this would be an ignorant thing to say because they are being prejudice towards poor people and saying that they have a lower standards of knowledge.
The anti-federalists were like democrats. They wanted a change in the government and wanted to have fair rights. They also believed that both the rich and poor were equal. Unlike the federalists, they were like republicans. They didn't want to see a change in the government and they believed the rich were better than the poor.
Viridiana M. P.5
Melancton Smith felt unhappy with how the new Constitution deals with representation because he wants more representatives so that more people could be elected. He thinks that the rich would take all the positions. The government Melancton Smith wanted to see was a weak government since he believes the government is taking his rights. The evidence that supports his claim is "Therefore, the number of representatives should be so large that both rich and poor people will choose to be representatives."
Alex Hamilton felt happy with either representatives, though he prefers the stronger wealthy government. He wants to see the stronger wealthy government because since there wealthy they won't have a reason to steal money, and also because there educated. The evidence that supports his claim is "But it will seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful."
The kind of people that supported the Anti-Federalists are the people that Voted No for the Constitution. While the Federalists Voted Yes for the Constitution.
Hector solano
Melacton smith felt bothered or displeased with the new representaion deals he states " rich and poor should be equal".melacton wants to see an equal government not one that is ran by the rich and wealthy. alexander had somewhat the same idea he too believed that only the rich where being benefited and we need a government equal to all . the type of people that supported the federalist where peole that wanted democracy . anti federalist where against democracy . the anti federalist wanted didnt want equality they where loyal to the king . federalist wanted equality and wanted to be represented by the people
Delia A. Per.5
Smith votes no for the constitution,because he believes that each state should have more representatives."...Representatives should be so large..."Alexander in the other hand thinks Smith is wrong and talks about how he votes yes for the constitution, because it's just right. It was powerful enough to keep them safe, but not enough power to keep them from being free."The behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful."
smith wants to see a government with plenty of freedom but not enough control to keep them safe from others. He thinks that by voting yes to the constitution the states will turn into a reenactment of the time period of which was ruled by the king.this guy is afraid of a"Government of oppression."Alexander votes yes toward the constitution because he thinks it's just right. It has enough power to protect them but not quite powerful to keep them from being free."The constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor man."
By examining the two documents i could infer that the group that supported the Anti-Federals would be the rich because Smith states in the last paragraph,"The rich consider themselves above the common people." This means that the upper class wanted to be respected more then the rest.
the group that supported the constitution were the poor."Both groups engage in immortal or wicked behavior, But it would seem to me that the wealthy is less wicked and sinful.
Hugo S
Per 5
The anti federalist(Smith) felt happy with the new representation deals.He states"Both rich and poor should be the same." They should be equal.The federalist(Hamilton) is upset because he believes only the rich are being benefited.He also believes the poor should have the same rights as the poor. The rich are the ones on Smith side since Smith thinks the constitution is good the way it is and the rich are being benefited from this. The poor are the ones supporting Hamilton since Hamilton is trying to help the poor have the same rights as the rich."The rich consider themselves above the common people." I chose this quote because it shows the rich are in the anti federalist side since they think the have more power.
Per. 5 Berenice C.
The Ant-Federalists were unhappy about the Constitution deal with the representation because the people think that the representatives will give the position to the rich. The
Federalist were happy with the Constitution deal with the representation because the representatives will let the rich and the poor more vote. The Ant-Federalist want a strong government because a weak government will give them oppression.Document A says,"This will be a government of oppression." The Federalist want a powerful government because the government will give the people their rights and will give the people what they should have.
Per.5 Yenny Rodriguez
Melancton Smith, anti-federalist, wasn't happy with the representations since the person wants more representatives so more people could be elected. They thought that the rich would take all the positions. " This will be a goverment of oppression." While, Alexander Hamilton, federalist, was happy about the representations because they didn't need many representatives." Why cant someone understand fifty people as well as he understands twenty people."
Melancton Smith wanted to see a weak government since they think the government is taking there rights. The government would also fall in the hands of the few and rich. This will be a government of oppression, to be treated cruelly. While, Alexander Hamilton thought different, he thought that that having a strong wealthy government he/she won't have any reason to steal money and they are the most educated.
From Melancton Smith point of view, the people who support his point of view would be the ones who don't want there rights taken away like the poor or farmers.
P5 Angel R.
The anti-federalist felt like they were not getting representeded.They felt like they were not going to be any poor people they wanted to have a larger representatives.The felt like if the didnt the were going to be only rich."A middle class yeoman will never get chosemn."
The federalist felt like they were getting represanted.The didnt understand why the anti-federalist wanted more."Why cant someone understand fifty people as well as twenty people?"
The anti-federalist wanted a weak government.They were afraid.They were afraid that the government of rich people would take their rights."This will be a government of oppression."
The federalist wanted a strong government.They felt like a strong government would protect the from dangers.
Farmers would support anti-federalist.
Bankers would support federalist
P5 Stephanie F
The Anti-Federalists felt about the representation in the new Constitution is that if the representatives is small and a true picture of the people . The Federalists felt that the people don't need that many people to represent a bit of people.
The anti federalists Melancron smith will be a government of oppression because the government will fall. The Federalist Alexander Hamilton disagrees becuse he thinks that his goverment should be a pure democracy for them because he thinks that the ancient of the greece were tyranny amd mobs.
I think that the Federalist dont care about the peoples right and the anti federalists do care about peoples rights.
Leslie B.
09/18/14 p.5
Melancton Smith who was an anti-federalist did not feel happy with the representation of the new Constitution because there was not an equal amount of poor and rich people. On the other hand Alexander Hamilton who was a federalist was happy with the representation of the new Constitution
Per.5 Nataly Roa
Melancton Smith was upset of the new constitution. He was upset because he wanted more representatives for each state.Also because their rights might be taken away with the new government. Alexander Hamilton was happy because they didn't need a lot of representatives. Melanton Smithe wanted to see a weak government because the new constitution will be a government of oppression.The evidence that supports this is "This would be a government of oppression."Alexander Hamilton wanted to see a strong government because he thinks that wealthy people are less wicked than poor people. The evidence that supports this is "But I will seem to me that the behavior of the wealthy is less wicked and sinful." The people that will support Melancton Smith point of view are the people who were against King George because he had so much power and he treats people unfairly. they won't like a government like his because they were afraid of being treated unfairly.The people that would support Alexander point of view is people is wealthy people and people who wanted to be treated fairly.
P.5 Valery S.
Melanction Smith felt that he was a happy person because both poor and rich were able to be chosen as representatives. Alexander Hamilton felt sad because the new constitution doesn't make the rich man more eligible for an elected office than the poor people. The type of government Smith would like to see would be a weaker government because he rather have freedom instead of having to deal with a rich government. The type of government Alexander would like to see would be a strong government because they could make the rich more eligible for them to be elected.The people that supported the Federalist were the poor because they want
freedom and don't want to deal with the rich.The people that supported the anti federalist were the rich because they want to have the rights to get anything they wanted.The constitution wasn't happy with Hamilton because the rich were being benefied and the also in the text it says "rich man more eligible foe an elected office."
P5 Yahal Rodriguez
- Melancton Smith was not happy with the new Constitution because he thought that the the rich would take ver just like the king an stake away the poor peoples rights away from them. A qoute that supports my idea is "This will be a government of oppression" because he believed that the government would treat everyone with cruelty. On the other hand, Alexander Hamilton was happy about the new Constitution because he believed that the representatives didn't have to be the rich only he stated that "The new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible for an elected office than a poor person", meaning that the people would vote for whoever they wanted to be a representative.
- The type of government that Smith wanted to see was a weak government because he believed that the people would be treated cruelly like how the king had treated his people. Hamilton wanted to see a strong government because he believed that anyone can understand rich people as well as the poor people. "Why can't someone understand fifty people was well as he twenty people?" this supports my claim because
P5 Dennise M.
- Melancton Smith was not very happy with the new Constitution because their rights might be taken away and Smith is afraid that only rich people will be representatives. On the other hand, Alexander Hamilton was quite happy with the new Constitution because he knew that this didn't make the rich more powerful and that the people could vote for whoever they wanted. To support Smith in the text it states,"This will be a government of oppression."
- The type of government Smith would like to see is a weak government because he believes that the new Constitution will be a government of oppression or in other words with cruelty. Hamilton would like to see a strong government because he believes a person can understand rich people just like he can understand poor people.
Briana S. p5
Melancton Smith is happy with the constitution because he thinks that both rich and poor should have the right to be chosen. The type of government Smith would like to see would be a weaker government because he would rather have his freedom and not fall in the hands of the rich.Smith said "This will be a government of oppression."Based on this document the poor will support this point of view because they will agree of keeping their freedom and not being managed by the rich.Therefore not everyone is not happy with this constitution Hamilton Alexander isnt because the rich are only getting benefited and also because in the text he judges such as "the new constitution does not make a rich man more eligible."Hamilton will like too see a a stronger government because he will rather be well protected. "Why cant someone understand fifty people than twenty people." What he means is that with more people the stronger government they will have. Based on this document the type of people they will like to see will be the rich because they are he ones that will be benefited and are the ones that are chosen.
Period 5 Angel M
Both of the federalists and anti-federalists had different views when it came to the New Constitution. For example the anti-federalists saw the New Constitution as it would be too powerful because less representatives would make it more competitive and only the rich would be able to be representatives and take away the rights of the less wealthy. Meanwhile, the federalists saw it differently. They believed that both poor and rich where wicked ,but the educated where less wicked and sinful.The anti-federalists wanted a government of pure democracy. The federalists also had a different view of what government they wanted to see. They wanted to see a government where few representatives would be able to represent many people. The type of people that supported the anti-federalists where probably the less wealthy because, they were probably afraid of their rights being taking away if only the rich where able to become representatives. The people that probably supported the federalists where probably the rich. I believe that the rich supported the federalists because logic if the rich controlled why wouldn't they support them. Some quotes are , "This well be a government of oppression." This quote lead me to believe that the anti-federalists were afraid to the new constatition. The quote , "But it would seem that the behavior of the wealthy is lees wicked." This lead me to believe that the federalists weren't worried that it would take away the rights from the people less wealthy.
yonis gomez
1.how the anti-federalist felt about the constitution is that they are unhappy because theirs not an equal amount of rich and poor people. now the federalists they were happy with the constitution because the new constitution gives every body a fair chance to be elected for office.
2.the anti-federalists wanted to see a week government because they wanted more liberty. Now the federalists wanted a powerful government because they believe that it doesn't mater if someone can understand 50 people just like someone can understand 20 people.
3.The type of people that went for the anti-federalists were the rich people because they would be able to vote and get more liberty. Now the kind of people that went for the federalists were the poor people because it would give the poor and rich an equal chance to be elected for anything and they would get more safety.
4."if the number of representitives is small it would be more competitive" so the anti federalists dont want to be more competitive
The anti-Federalists felt that there was not enough representation in the new government, and that "ordinary people would not attempt to run for office .... the government will fall into the hands of the rich." The Federalists disagreed, for two reasons. First, they said that there is no need to have a large number of representatives. Second, they felt that even if the representatives were mostly rich, being rich doesn't mean that that person is evil. In fact, the Federalists said that the rich were probably "less wicked" than the poor.
The anti-Federalists were worried about a "government of oppression," which means they worried about a government that would endanger the liberty of the people. The Federalists were worried about "the mobs," people like Shays that would break the law, and the government wouldn't be able to stop them.
Since Melanction Smith, the anti-Federalist, is worried about the poor not being represented, it can be inferred that most anti-Federalist supporters were poor. Since Hamilton defends the rich, it can be inferred that most Federalist supporters were middle class or higher, such as businessmen and land owners, and they would be worried about things like Shays' Rebellion happening again and endangering their property or businesses.
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