Now, the students will explain which historian makes a better case. In a well written paragraph, the students will respond to this prompt:
- Contrast Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn's ideas about the Declaration of Independence
- Explain the main ideas of Bailyn and Zinn. Use short quotes from each historian to support your writing
- Find one example from the text of the Declaration that supports Bailyn, and 1 that supports Zinn. Use short quotes from the text, and explain how each supports the historian
- In a short conclusion, explain which historian is correct, and why
p3 joe s
P3 Jared C.
Bernard Bailyn believed that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because the colonists believed that Britian wanted to destroy America's liberty. In an excerpt from The Ideological origins of the American Revolution, it states,"The colonists believed they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America. They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and in the Coercive Acts".
Howard Zinn believed that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they wanted to have more rights and not pay so much taxes. In an excerpt from The People's History of the United States, it states,"Colonists wanted control over governments, the right of rebellion and revolution, fury at political tyranny, economic burdens, and military attacks".
Bernard Bailyn was right about the Declaration because they wrote it for keeping liberty in America.
Period 3 Samantha G.
Bernard Bailyn's main idea in his document was that the colonists believed that the events following 1763 were full of evil conspiracies that were set to destroy America.He states that "They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and in the Coercive Acts." He also states that "They believed that America was destined to become the "foundation of a great and mighty empire"" and "it would be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom." Howard Zinn's main idea in his document was that the rich wrote the Declaration of Independence to point all the lower classes anger towards Britain and not them.He states that "The solution was to find language inspiring to all classes, specific enough in it's listing of grievances to fill people with anger against the British..." He also mentions in his document that in the Declaration of Independence, it mentions that "all men are created equal" yet they fail to mention: Indians,black slaves, and women. "He has sent swarms of British officers to harass our people and eat our food." supports Mr.Bailyn because this quote talked about the Quartering Acts that only helped make the colonist more angry. "He has refused to establish courts of justice, and has made judges dependent on him for their jobs and salaries." This quote supports Mr.Zinn because this shows that it would only affect the rich. Judges were more likely to have power, and be rich. In my opinion, i believe Howard Zinn is more correct because he speaks the truth. He opens the eyes of many showing another aspect as to why the rich wrote the Declaration of Independence. He also makes you question "Why doesn't it include women, slaves, and indians? Why only men?" Zinn shows you other reasons to why they might have actually written the Declaration of Independence.
Period 3 Samantha G.
Bernard Bailyn's main idea in his document was that the colonists believed that the events following 1763 were full of evil conspiracies that were set to destroy America.He states that "They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and in the Coercive Acts." He also states that "They believed that America was destined to become the "foundation of a great and mighty empire"" and "it would be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom." Howard Zinn's main idea in his document was that the rich wrote the Declaration of Independence to point all the lower classes anger towards Britain and not them.He states that "The solution was to find language inspiring to all classes, specific enough in it's listing of grievances to fill people with anger against the British..." He also mentions in his document that in the Declaration of Independence, it mentions that "all men are created equal" yet they fail to mention: Indians,black slaves, and women. "He has sent swarms of British officers to harass our people and eat our food." supports Mr.Bailyn because this quote talked about the Quartering Acts that only helped make the colonist more angry. "He has refused to establish courts of justice, and has made judges dependent on him for their jobs and salaries." This quote supports Mr.Zinn because this shows that it would only affect the rich. Judges were more likely to have power, and be rich. In my opinion, i believe Howard Zinn is more correct because he speaks the truth. He opens the eyes of many showing another aspect as to why the rich wrote the Declaration of Independence. He also makes you question "Why doesn't it include women, slaves, and indians? Why only men?" Zinn shows you other reasons to why they might have actually written the Declaration of Independence.
Per.3 Marvin.Y
Bernard Bailyn's main idea is the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because the believed the United States will be a great empire. In interpretation 1 it states "the foundation of a great and mighty empire". Howard Zinn's main idea is the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because the upper class colonists persuade lower class colonists to join revolutionary cause and direct anger to England. I think Bailyn is correct because the usa is a big and mighty country and Zinn's claim is wrong because the us is not showing direct anger to England.
p3 Kevin C.
In Bailyn's 'The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution' he writes that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they knew that America would play a special role in history as becoming a large empire founded by liberty and freedom, and they did not want a conspiracy to crush liberty in America, to stop this from happening. "They also believed that America was destined to play a special role in history." In Howard Zinn's 'People's History of the United States' he explains that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration to deflect the anger of America to England, and not to the rich people like them. They wanted the people of America to realize the anger they have toward England by listing grievances. This is how they could get rich. Bailyn is correct in this argument, because if the Founding Fathers would do this for selfish reasons why would they risk there lives and become involved in the fight by being leaders.
p3 Kevin C.
In Bailyn's 'The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution' he writes that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they knew that America would play a special role in history as becoming a large empire founded by liberty and freedom, and they did not want a conspiracy to crush liberty in America, to stop this from happening. "They also believed that America was destined to play a special role in history." In Howard Zinn's 'People's History of the United States' he explains that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration to deflect the anger of America to England, and not to the rich people like them. They wanted the people of America to realize the anger they have toward England by listing grievances. This is how they could get rich. Bailyn is correct in this argument, because if the Founding Fathers would do this for selfish reasons why would they risk there lives and become involved in the fight by being leaders.
Steven P. Per 3
Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn's ideas were both to help America and make America a better place. They both wanted to make America an independent country. Even though they both wanted to accomplish the same goal they said it differently and had different ideas how to approach they're goal. Bailyn was more ideological with his ideas. While Zinn's ideas were more selfish reasons. For example Bailyn believed that America would play a special role i history and that America would be the "foundation of a great and mighty empire." Zinn on the other hand believed that the upper-class colonist had to do something to persuade the lower-class colonist to join the revolutionary "to direct there anger to england." Zinn speaks the same words but more clear. What i mean by this is because Bailyn says All men are created equal. But in reality black slaves , women ,and Indians are left forgotten. The declaration of independence states that everyone has rights called natural right which can not be taken away and if they are the people can rebel on their government . That statement supports Bailyn's idea . The declaration of independence also states that all people are created equal. This supports Zinns Statement because he says that not just upper-class people should be rebelling but also lower-class people. I believe that Zinn is correct . Simply because he says what he has to say in a clear way. He is right We say that all men were created equal but what about slack slaves , Indians, and Women? They are forgotten and treated unfairly when they are just like us.
Steven P. Per 3
Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn's ideas were both to help America and make America a better place. They both wanted to make America an independent country. Even though they both wanted to accomplish the same goal they said it differently and had different ideas how to approach they're goal. Bailyn was more ideological with his ideas. While Zinn's ideas were more selfish reasons. For example Bailyn believed that America would play a special role i history and that America would be the "foundation of a great and mighty empire." Zinn on the other hand believed that the upper-class colonist had to do something to persuade the lower-class colonist to join the revolutionary "to direct there anger to england." Zinn speaks the same words but more clear. What i mean by this is because Bailyn says All men are created equal. But in reality black slaves , women ,and Indians are left forgotten. The declaration of independence states that everyone has rights called natural right which can not be taken away and if they are the people can rebel on their government . That statement supports Bailyn's idea . The declaration of independence also states that all people are created equal. This supports Zinns Statement because he says that not just upper-class people should be rebelling but also lower-class people. I believe that Zinn is correct . Simply because he says what he has to say in a clear way. He is right We say that all men were created equal but what about slack slaves , Indians, and Women? They are forgotten and treated unfairly when they are just like us.
Steven P. Per 3
Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn's ideas were both to help America and make America a better place. They both wanted to make America an independent country. Even though they both wanted to accomplish the same goal they said it differently and had different ideas how to approach they're goal. Bailyn was more ideological with his ideas. While Zinn's ideas were more selfish reasons. For example Bailyn believed that America would play a special role i history and that America would be the "foundation of a great and mighty empire." Zinn on the other hand believed that the upper-class colonist had to do something to persuade the lower-class colonist to join the revolutionary "to direct there anger to england." Zinn speaks the same words but more clear. What i mean by this is because Bailyn says All men are created equal. But in reality black slaves , women ,and Indians are left forgotten. The declaration of independence states that everyone has rights called natural right which can not be taken away and if they are the people can rebel on their government . That statement supports Bailyn's idea . The declaration of independence also states that all people are created equal. This supports Zinns Statement because he says that not just upper-class people should be rebelling but also lower-class people. I believe that Zinn is correct . Simply because he says what he has to say in a clear way. He is right We say that all men were created equal but what about slack slaves , Indians, and Women? They are forgotten and treated unfairly when they are just like us.
Per.3 Katherine B
Both Bailyn and Zinn have interesting perspectives towards the declaration of independence. Bailyn's main ideas about it is that he thought that America would become a great place and that the DOI represents "...the colonists' deepest fears and beliefs." Paragraph 1(Historian 1) "They believed they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America." They referring to the colonists on how the British government was treating them. Zinn's thoughts are that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause." He also believed that the Declaration of Independence did not include anything about indians, black slaves, and women. He wrote "to fill people with anger against the british." He also stated that "Americans were clearly omitted(from the DOI)…indians, black slaves, and women."He wrote this to persuade people to go against the British government.Both historians have interesting perspectives.I agree with Howard Zinn's thoughts about the Declaration of Independence. Everyone is equal and deserves the same rights. Zinn noticed that the declaration of independence forgot about indians, black slaves, and women.
P3 Hector C.
The main idea for Bernard Bailyn Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they believed that America would have liberty, freedom, both civil and religious. Bernard Bailyn said “They believed that America would become the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be found on such principles of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious. The main idea for Howard Zinn Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because the rich were manipulating the English. Howard Zinn said “Everything the DOI was about-popular control over governments, the right of rebellion and revolution, fury at political tyranny, economic burdens, and military attacks-was well suited to unite large numbers of colonist and persuade even those who had grievances against one another to turn against England.”I think that Bernard Bailyn was more correct because he talks more about how America is going to play a role in history and that America will some day be a great empire.
Period 3 Angela V.
The main idea of Barnard Bailyn and Howard Zinn passage is that they are explaining what the reasons are that the founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. According to Bailyn the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence was because they thought that America was destined or in the future was going to become a great empire and they also wrote it for the reason that England was trying to take their natural rights away. Evidence to prove this is that in the text it states, “destined to play a special role in history". "All men are created equal" also supports the statement that Bailyn is trying to address. In another paper it states that one reason that the English were trying to take their rights away was by enslaving them for a no good reason. The Founding Fathers, according to Bailyn, thought that America was the greatest and mightiest empire that the world had ever saw, and was founded on such principles of liberty and freedom both civil and religious.
The main reason for why Howard Zinn thought that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Declaration was because the upper-class colonists wanted something to be done to persuade the lower classes to join the Revolutionary cause, to direct the anger towards England. Evidence of this was that he wrote in the Peoples History of the United States, “specific enough in its listings of grievances to fill people with anger to turn against England”. And he also stated that the declaration of independence does not include that the Indians, the Black Slaves, and the women are going to protected by the Declaration of Independence. That was his main reason that he did not agree that the United States should become independent from the colonies and should take back the things that they said abut the king not respecting their rights and just go back to their lives as dependent people.
Period 3 Gabriel Argueta
Bernard Bailyn was a historian from 1967. He wrote a book by the name of," The Ideological Origins Of The American Revolution." In it he wrote about why our founding fathers wrote the Decoration Of Independence. His understanding of this event was that the founding fathers wrote the Declaration Of Independence because they believed that America would become the biggest empire based on liberty and freedom. Howard Zinn however saw the Decoration of independence from a different perspective. He believed that the declaration of independence was written to manipulate the colonist's hatrid twowards the British. Even though i am a patriot i must say that Howard Zinn was correct. His argument was so powerful that he has changed my perspective of an iconic event. When he said," The solution was to find language inspiring to all classes,specific enough in its listing of grieviances to fill people with anger against the british,vauge enough to avoid class conflict and stirring enough to build patriotic feelings" my mind had been comepletely changed.
Per.3 Katherine B
Both Bailyn and Zinn have interesting perspectives towards the declaration of independence. Bailyn's main ideas about it is that he thought that America would become a great place and that the DOI represents "...the colonists' deepest fears and beliefs." Paragraph 1(Historian 1) "They believed they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America." They referring to the colonists on how the British government was treating them. Zinn's thoughts are that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause." He also believed that the Declaration of Independence did not include anything about indians, black slaves, and women. He wrote "to fill people with anger against the british." He also stated that "Americans were clearly omitted(from the DOI)…indians, black slaves, and women."He wrote this to persuade people to go against the British government.Both historians have interesting perspectives.I agree with Howard Zinn's thoughts about the Declaration of Independence. Everyone is equal and deserves the same rights. Zinn noticed that the declaration of independence forgot about indians, black slaves, and women.
P3 George V.
Bailyn and Zinn both believed in helping America become a better place.
Bailyn believed that the D.O.I represents the colonists deepest fears and beliefs.Bailyn also believed that america was gonna be a great and mighty empire, but britain wanted to destroy americas liberty.
Zinn believes that the Declaration of independence is just a popular control over governments.This just gave many rights such as ,right of rebellion,and revolution which supports the believe of Zinn.
p3 Jared S.
The Declaration of Independence was explained by two historians named Bernard Baylin and Howard Zinn who both explain it differently. The main ideas of BailYn is that the Declaration if Independence was written because The Colonists believed that America would play a great role in history by being the most powerful empire the world ever saw "to be founded on the principles on such principals of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious." Zinn's explanation is a bit more selfish and true than compared to Bailyn's explanation. Zinn's main idea was that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because the upper class wanted to manipulate the colonists into separating from the British by filling them with anger against them with something that seemed unlawful for the middle and lower class. The point was to bring more patriots so that the middle and upper class would back them. Bailyn's conclusion was correct because the colonist's conclusion of america becoming a strong and lawful country. On the other hand, Zinn was also correct because he stated that it was mostly the upper class's idea to get away from the British and be able to rule themselves because they were the ones losing in all of this mess at first. Overall, it think that Zinn's explanation was more reliable because he didn't really sugar coat it and just said the truth which was less patriotic.
p3 Jared S.
The Declaration of Independence was explained by two historians named Bernard Baylin and Howard Zinn who both explain it differently. The main ideas of BailYn is that the Declaration if Independence was written because The Colonists believed that America would play a great role in history by being the most powerful empire the world ever saw "to be founded on the principles on such principals of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious." Zinn's explanation is a bit more selfish and true than compared to Bailyn's explanation. Zinn's main idea was that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because the upper class wanted to manipulate the colonists into separating from the British by filling them with anger against them with something that seemed unlawful for the middle and lower class. The point was to bring more patriots so that the middle and upper class would back them. Bailyn's conclusion was correct because the colonist's conclusion of america becoming a strong and lawful country. On the other hand, Zinn was also correct because he stated that it was mostly the upper class's idea to get away from the British and be able to rule themselves because they were the ones losing in all of this mess at first. Overall, it think that Zinn's explanation was more reliable because he didn't really sugar coat it and just said the truth which was less patriotic.
Steven P. Per 3
Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn's ideas were both to help America and make America a better place. They both wanted to make America an independent country. Even though they both wanted to accomplish the same goal they said it differently and had different ideas how to approach they're goal. Bailyn was more ideological with his ideas. While Zinn's ideas were more selfish reasons. For example Bailyn believed that America would play a special role i history and that America would be the "foundation of a great and mighty empire." Zinn on the other hand believed that the upper-class colonist had to do something to persuade the lower-class colonist to join the revolutionary "to direct there anger to england." Zinn speaks the same words but more clear. What i mean by this is because Bailyn says All men are created equal. But in reality black slaves , women ,and Indians are left forgotten. The declaration of independence states that everyone has rights called natural right which can not be taken away and if they are the people can rebel on their government . That statement supports Bailyn's idea . The declaration of independence also states that all people are created equal. This supports Zinns Statement because he says that not just upper-class people should be rebelling but also lower-class people. I believe that Zinn is correct . Simply because he says what he has to say in a clear way. He is right We say that all men were created equal but what about slack slaves , Indians, and Women? They are forgotten and treated unfairly when they are just like us.
Period 3 Jonathan M.
There are many historians that have written their ideas about the Declaration of Independence, two of these are Bernad Bailyn and Howard Zinn, however they both have different reasons for writing this. Baylin wrote this for Ideological reasons. One reason he wrote this was that he believed that America was destined to play a special role in history. According to Baylin he states that "...America would become the foundation of a great and mighty empire," he also states it would "be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom." Also according to the Declaration of Independance it states,"that all men are created equal," it also goes on to say that there are "certian unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiess," this all supports Baylin in his reasoning that America would play a special role in history. On the otherhand however Zinn believed differntly. He belived that that we wrote the Declaration of Independace because of Selfish reasons. He belived the reason the Founding fathers wrote the Decaration of Independance beacause the upper class needed more people to fight against Britian. According to Zinn, he states that," it seemed clear to the educated, upper-class colonists that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the Revolutionary cause," after he states in order to get more people they had, "to direct their anger toward Britian." So then to make the people go against Britian, the Founding Fathers used the griveances against Britian so that the people would become angry. According to the Declarartion Of Independence some of these grievances are,"he started fights among us and has also forced us to live near merciless savages," another was, " for cutting off our trade with all parts of the world." These are some of the reasons why Zinn is correct. I belive that Howard Zinn was correct beacause the reasons looked more selfish than ideological beacause the upper class needed men.
Per.3 Alexandra P.
Baylin is explaining that the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence because they wanted freedom and equal rights. Evidence that supports Baylin's idea is that he explained that king George was "enslaving'' the colonists. They believed this because Britain would take away their rights and input whatever laws they wanted on them (not caring if they were fair or not). '' They saw the stamp act and the coercive act.’’ in the declaration of independence it states that all men are equal. Zinn on the other hand was more realistic on how things occurred. He believed that the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence because they wanted all people (including lower class, woman, Indians, and slaves) to rebel against Britain because then, if things went wrong the lower class people would get punished and not the rich and wealthy.” The solution was to find language inspiring all classes, specific enough on its listing of grievances to fill people with anger against the British...'' In my opinion, Zinn is correct because he spears the harsh truth about the perspective that the founding fathers have on the declaration of independence. He explains that the phrase ‘’all men are equal’’ doesn’t actually have significance because it excludes; woman, slaves, and Indians. And he also explains that the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence for selfish reasons, not ideological as Baylin claims.
P3 Ronal F.
There are two historians named Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn who both make points on the Declaration of Independence. Bernard Bailyn talks about how America shouldn't be controlled by England and that all of the men have and were born with equal rights. Howard Zinn, the other historian talks about how the rich people would convince the lower class people to be mad at England at not at the rich people. Bernard Bailyn states,"They believe that America would become " the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious." On the other hand, Zinn states,"Some Americans were clearly omitted from those united by the Declaration of Independence: Indians, black slaves, and women." The quote," are created equal.." supports Bailyn because it talks about how each men should have their own natural rights. But Zinn on the contrary thinks that people are being left out of the constitution and this quote helps his idea," are created equal..." because this talks only about men and it leaves out other people like women and black slaves.
I personally think Zinn is right because even though his reasons might be selfish he still talks about how certain people were not included in the Declaration of Independence. Even though he made the lower class people be mad at England which was the wrong thing to do he is still correct about it because the british did many harmful things to the rich so that is why he made the lower class people break out on England. So I believe that Howard Zinn is correct.
Per.3 Alexandra P.
Baylin is explaining that the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence because they wanted freedom and equal rights. Evidence that supports Baylin's idea is that he explained that king George was "enslaving'' the colonists. They believed this because Britain would take away their rights and input whatever laws they wanted on them (not caring if they were fair or not). '' They saw the stamp act and the coercive act.’’ in the declaration of independence it states that all men are equal. Zinn on the other hand was more realistic on how things occurred. He believed that the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence because they wanted all people (including lower class, woman, Indians, and slaves) to rebel against Britain because then, if things went wrong the lower class people would get punished and not the rich and wealthy.” The solution was to find language inspiring all classes, specific enough on its listing of grievances to fill people with anger against the British...'' In my opinion, Zinn is correct because he spears the harsh truth about the perspective that the founding fathers have on the declaration of independence. He explains that the phrase ‘’all men are equal’’ doesn’t actually have significance because it excludes; woman, slaves, and Indians. And he also explains that the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence for selfish reasons, not ideological as Baylin claims.
P3 Ruben R.
If you ask someone why the Declaration of Independence was written and what its message was, answers will most likely vary from person to person. One example of this is the two different interpretations given by historians Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn.
Bernard Bailyn wrote in The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence (DOI) because they believed America would play a great role in history. They wanted to be the largest empire founded on the principles of liberty and freedom (keep in mind that in their time no empire or country was based on those principles) and the British were trying to "enslave" them, prohibiting them from achieving their dreams from the future of America by trying to crush liberty in America. One exert from The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution says as so: "America would become 'the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious'" Howard Zinn on the other hand believed the purpose of the DOI was to convince, or "manipulate", the lower class colonists' anger towards the British or increase the anger they have to a higher amount to; therefore, they would want to separate from Great Britain. In People's History of the United States, Zinn wrote that The Declaration of Independence "was well suited to unite large numbers of colonists and persuade even those who had grievances against one another to turn against England."
p3 Ismael H.
In the text written by Bernard Bailyn the main idea is that "America was destined to play a special role in history," and build an empire based on liberty and freedom. On the other hand Howard Zinn's passage mainly states that the upper-class people needed to do something to "persuade the lower class people to join the revolutionary cause." The Declaration of Independence supports both text passages. For example, Bailyn's passage was supported by the sentence that reads, "... it becomes necessary for one peopleto dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume powers of the earth.." This supports his passage because Bailyn says that "assume the powers of the earth" by seperating from England. The powers of the earth are freeedom and liberty which Bailyn says is America's "special role." Zinn's passage was also supported by the DOI through the text that reads, "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish..." This supports his passage because Zinn says that he wants the people to rebel against England because their way of governing is unfair which is what the DOI says is reasonable. I think that Zinn was more correct because
p3. Desiree O.
The main idea of Bailyn's passage is that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they wanted to make America a better place and they wanted equal rights. Bailyn noticed that England was trying to enslave colonists and he said, "They saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy coming from England." They started to notice this evil when the British made the Stamp Acts and the Intolerable Acts. The main idea for Zinn's passage is that the rich men wanted the lower class people to get all their anger out and go against England. The rich men didn't want the Indians, black slaves, and women to go against them so they convinced the Indians, black slaves, and women to go against England. In the passage, it states, "Something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary.” I think Bernard Bailyn is correct because he wants equal rights for everyone and he wanted to fight against England to gain his freedom and the freedom of others. One the other hand, it seems like Howard Zinn is only thinking about himself. Yeah he wants other people to be treated equally but he wanted lower-class people to go against England just so that people wouldn’t go against him. He wanted the lower colonists to go get their anger out and throw it all on England.
p3 Gabriel Ava.
In the cases, Bernard Bailyn's main idea is that America should be a the largest empire of liberty and freedom, although Howard Zinn's main idea is that someone should persuade the lower class to be angry at England. Mr.Bailyn states that America would be "founded on such principles of liberty and freedom." In Howard Zinn's case, he states that the " solution was to find language to all classes," and listing all the negatives on England, " to fill people with anger against the British." In the Declaration of Independence [D.O.I], the quote " that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." This quote supports Bernard Bailyn's claim. Another quote from the D.O.I," government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it," which means that if England treats America with no general right we should be able to fight the government. This quote supports Howard Zinn. In conclusion, I believe that Howard Zinn is right because if england are treating America with no general rights or poor general rights we should alter that and persuade others to follow. His plan is selfish because the rich won't be fighting like the poor but his intensions help all.
*p3 Nicole B,
In the historians interpretations Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn have different reasoning to the Declaration of Independence. Bailyn, one of the historians, thinks that the founding father wrote the Declaration of Independence for the good of America.They wanted to make america a better place and a special role in history.In his interpretation he states, "They believed that America would become the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest world to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom".On the declaration of independence it also, states that "all men are created equal". This supports this historian by right of liberty and freedom.Now Howard Zinn thinks that the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they didn't want the lower class people to have anger towards the higher class, but they wanted them to be filled with anger towards the british.In his statement he states,"to fill people with anger.......vague enough to avoid class conflict" showing that they are trying to avoid anger towards the higher class so that the lower class could agree to joining in a defeat against the British. Howard Zinn also, points out that in the Declaration of Independence it states that all men are created equally, but notices that, "Some americans were clearly omitted from those united by the Declaration of Independence: Indians, black slaves, and women".Therefore, Howard Zinn is correct. The Declaration was written by the founding fathers to fill the people with anger towards british and fight for their rights and gain equality for all the people.That is why he states that they are not getting the rights and freedom they diserve, so the declaration of independence is sort of trying to make america a better place by actually filling people with anger and making them realize tha they do need to fight for their rights and be angry towards the british for what they have done to them for the past few years. The declaration of independence states all men are created equally however their are still people who are "clearly ommited" which are the black slaves, indians, and women. Therefore Howard Zinn is correct.
P3 Diana A
In the first historian's interpretations, Bernard Bailyn, his main idea is that, The Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they wanted to make America a "better place" and they wanted America to grow into a great empire based on the principles of liberty and freedom. One short quote to support his main idea is that, " They believed they saw wan evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America." In the second historian's interpretation, Howard Zinn, his main idea is that, The Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they were deliberately using the lower-class people so they could make them angry with Britain, because if they upper-class people went against them they would be affected more than the lower-class people. One quote for Zinn is, "Some Americans were clearly omitted from those united by the Declaration od In the Declaration one quote to support Bailyn's is, " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men were created equal…". In the Declaration one quote that supports Zinn's main idea is that, “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it…”. In conclusion the historian that is correct, might have to be Howard Zinn because even though he may be using the lower-class people for selfish reasons he explains how some people were omitted from those united by the Declaration of Independence because they didn’t see women, black slaves, and Indians the same way they saw men. Bernard Bailyn is not correct because he says that all people were created equal, but in reality back them not all people (woman, black slaves, and Indians) were seen as equal or treated equally and fairly, this is why Howard Zinn is correct.
P3 Josephine R.
Both Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn explain the Declaration of Independence. Bailyn is describing that the D.O.I is written be causes of ideological reason, however Zinn is describing the selfish reasons. Bailyn states what the past and future was like with and without the D.O.I. He believes that England is evil. His conspiracy is that England want to "crush the liberty in America ''. England has been taxing and wanting to enslave Americans. However, he thinks that America will have a grand role in history because of our principles in liberty and freedom. He wants America to encourage the freedom that England does not support. In the Declaration of Independence it states that "all men are created equal and "that we have the rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". This shows how America being separated from England will have a role in encouraging freedom. Most grievances exemplify the evil that the king and parliament of England show to colonists. The taxes and trade had a great impact on the colonists' life. Zinn's states that most upper class wanted the lower class to feel the same hatred toward England as they did. Most taxes affected the upper class, however they wanted the lower class to rebel for them. They manipulated the lower class to want the separation because if they failed they would be hanged. He also states that the D.O.I. excludes some people, therefore the term " all men are created equal " is not fully true. Zinn shows all the truthful selfish reasons to why it was written. For example, most of the grievances were written because they wanted the lower class to be charged if failed. The taxes and trade affected the upper class and they wanted something to be done about it. They state that all men are equal when women, black slaves, and Indians are not included in the D.O.I. The upper class thought the “solution was to find the language inspiring to all classes… to fill people with anger against the British”. The historian, Zinn is correct because he honestly states the correct reasons to why the Declaration of Independence was written. The upper class wanted something to be done however if it failed they would not want to be thought of has rebels. They stated the grievances to get the lower class to feel the anger. They also stated that “all men are created equal” when they clearly excluded some people from the D.O.I. He states the reasons without hesitation in his writing. He knows that the upper class wanted to make more money and increase trade without the control of Britain. Upper class people were selfish when writing the D.O.I. and Zinn proves it with most of the grievances and some false quotes written on the Declaration of Independence.
P3 Emanuel H
The main ideas of Bailyn are that the Declaration of Independence was written so that America could play a future role in history. He also thought that America would become "the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom." The main idea of Zinn is that the Declaration of Independence had to do with upper-class colonists to persuade the lower-class colonists to direct all their anger towards Britain and to find a language for all classes to speak.
P3 Emanuel H
The main ideas of Bailyn are that the Declaration of Independence was written so that America could play a future role in history. He also thought that America would become "the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom." The main idea of Zinn is that the Declaration of Independence had to do with upper-class colonists to persuade the lower-class colonists to direct all their anger towards Britain and to find a language for all classes to speak.
P3 Dimitry R.
There are many differences between how Howard Zinn and Bernard Bailyn wrote about the Founding Fathers' reasons for writing the Declaration of Independence. Bailyn basically talks about how the colonists believed that America was destined to play a huge role in history and become a huge role-model for other contries that wanted independence, because in the excerpts that Bailyn wrote it states, " They also believed that America was destined to play a special role in history." This role was to become an empire to be found on the " principles of liberty and freedom". Howard Zinn talks more about the upper classes' feelings towards the Founding Fathers writing the Declaration of Independence. He wrote that the upper class needed to do something to persuade the lower classes to join the revolutionary cause by directing their anger toward Sengland. They wrote so that it was, "...inspiring to all classes, specific enough in its listing of grievances to fill epode with anger against the British, vague enough to avoid class conflict, and stirring enough to build patriotic feelings." One example that supports Bailyn's idea was that, " ...America was destined to play a special role in history."
P.3 Damian.G
Bailyn's main idea is that the13 colonies should have freedom and liberty from Britian and that the colonies should build a great empire because on his source it says,'' America would become'' '' the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world has ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom''. Zinn's main idea is that the upper-class colonists should persuade the lower-class to face their anger at England because in the source it says,'' the educated upper-class colonists that something needed to be done to persuade the lower-class to join the revolutionary cause, to direct their anger against England". One example from the text of the DOI that supports Bailyn is,“ That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ’’. One example from the text of the DOI that supports Zinn is, governments are instituded among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
period3 Isis A. In the '' Ideological Origins of the American Revolution'' by Bernard Bailyn his main idea of why the founding fathers wrote the D.O.I. is because they wanted to express how the colonists felt towards England, and believed that America would be a good empire and they felt that independence was the right choice. In the text it states," They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and in the Coercive Acts." That quote from the text explains why the colonists were choosing to separate from the British. In the " People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn , his main idea explaining why the founding fathers wrote the D.O.I. is because they were trying to manipulate the lower class colonists to turn on the British. The text states, " It seemed clear to the educated, upper- class colonists that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause, to direct there anger against England." This supports the idea that the upper class wanted to manipulate the lower class. In the D.O.I. it says that, “He refused to pass, and forbidden his governors to pass, important and necessary laws.” This quote from the D.O.I. supports Zinn because this was only affected the rich and powerful. It also states that , “ He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislatures.” This quote from the D.O.I. supports Bailyn because this affected all the colonists. Howard Zinn is correct because in the D.O.I. the things Thomas Jefferson wrote mostly affected the rich and powerful colonists. For example another quote from the D.O.I. that only affects the rich amd powerful was, “ for cutting off our trade with all parts of the world.” This concludes that Zinn was more honest with is writing.
The main idea of Bailyn was that they wrote the Declaration of Independence was written because the founding fathers wanted freedom. Bailyn states,'' They believed they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America.'' by they we meant England . Zinn's main idea was that they wanted the poor to blame England not the rich people. he state some '' upper class colonists that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolution.'' One quote the supports bailyn is when he states ,''…. that they are endowed , ny their creator with certain unalienable rigths..' Oe quote that supports zinn is when it states ''…equal station to which the Laws Of Nature and of Nature's god entitle them.'' I think zinn is right because has reallygood evidence such like ,''Some americans were clearly omitted from those united by the Declaration of Independence ; Indians , Black slaves and women
P3 Fabian B
The main idea of Bernard Bailyn's passage is that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they wanted to make the world a better place and to be independent. Evidence of this that is quoted by Bailyn about the Founding Fathers is "They wanted America to be a great empire".Also more evidence quoted by Bailyn in his passage is "The colonists believed that England was trying to enslave them, and that they should use all the power which God has given them to protect themselves" and another piece of evidence quoted is the "Stamp Act and the Coercive Acts/Intolerable Acts".The main idea of Howard Zinn's passage is that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because they wanted other people that were lower class to want to fight against the British for freedom. Evidence of this that is qouted by Zinn is "The solution was to find a language inspiring to all classes,specific enough in its listing of grievances to fill with anger against the british,vague enough to avoid class conflict,and stirring enough to build patriotic feelings".Also "Everything the Declaration of Independence was about-popular control over governments,the right and rebellion and revolution,fury at political tyranny,economic burdens,and military attacks-was well suited to unite large numbers of colonists and persuade those who had grievances against one another to tun against England".I Believe that Zinn is correct because to me his explanation seems more accurate because none of the people who were involved in making the Declaration of Independence were normal people or people that were not very rich.
P3 Ruben R.
If you ask someone why the Declaration of Independence was written and what its message was, answers will most likely vary from person to person. One example of this is the two different interpretations given by historians Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn.
Bernard Bailyn wrote in The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence (DOI) because they believed America would play a great role in history. They wanted to be the largest empire founded on the principles of liberty and freedom (keep in mind that in their time no empire or country was based on those principles) and the British were trying to "enslave" them, prohibiting them from achieving their dreams from the future of America by trying to crush liberty in America. One exert from The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution says as so: "America would become 'the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious'" Howard Zinn on the other hand believed the purpose of the DOI was to convince, or "manipulate", the lower class colonists' anger towards the British or increase the anger they have to a higher amount to; therefore, they would want to separate from Great Britain. In People's History of the United States, Zinn wrote that The Declaration of Independence "was well suited to unite large numbers of colonists and persuade even those who had grievances against one another to turn against England."
P3 Armando A.
The main idea of Bernard Bailyn's passageways that England wanted to crush and destroy America's liberty, and the America was destined to be a great empire and to be play a special role in history. The main idea of Howard Zinn was that the upper class should change the lower class' anger toward England. In Bailyn's text from the book "Ideological Origins of the American Revolution" he states that, " The colonists believed they saw a clear pattern in the events that followed 1763,'' also ," They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and the Coercive Acts." The way that this supports Bailyn was how in his main idea he states how England was planning on destroying Americas Liberty. So in the quote, " They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and the Coercive Acts,"they saw that England was just imposing taxes and making unfair laws to try and minimize tyne colonies to keep them under British control. The main idea Howard Zinn had was to that the upper class needed a way to persuade to lower class to join the revolution and help high, the upper class gave the lower class reasons to fight, for example control over government, military attacks,political tyranny, which was what the declaration of independence was popular about. Zinn stated, "It seemed clear to the educated , upper-class colonists that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause , to direct their anger at England." Zinn also stated, "The solution was to find language inspiring to all classes." I feel that ZInn was more correct in a sense because in the Declaration of independence it states a lot of reasons to rebel and why the king was unfair. Also Zinn stated that they needed to get the lower class to join so without all these reason that are selfish the revolution from our side might've been lost.
Per 3 Ivan F.
Many historians have their own saying on why the Founding Fathers made The Declaration of Independence but only two historians that I thought were the closest which were Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn. Bernard Baliyn is saying that the Founding Fathers made the Declaration of Independence because of the saying, " Colonists believed they saw a clear pattern in the events that followed 1763" and also that colonists saw an evil conspiracy to crush liberty in America which means that colonists were planning something. In Howard Zinn's perspective, he says that the Founding Fathers made the Declaration of Independence because of the historians and citizens that hated the British due to them not allowing important things in the Declaration of Independence, taxes, and other thing.
Evidence that supports Bernard Bailyn is that in the 2nd paragraph, it states that colonists believed that England was trying to enslave them so they were trying to protect themselves but really they were not which states one of the colonists deepest fears and or beliefs. Evidence that supports Howard Zinn's quote is that on the first paragraph, it states that the upper class colonists tried to persuade the lower class colonists to direct there anger towards England.
I think that Howard Zinn is correct because he talks about the anger in what the British had done to all people like taxes and what he explains is just amazing like on the
P. 3 Abner E.
Many historians have studied and published facts about the Declaration of Independence, two being Bernard Bailyn and Howard Zinn. However they had a different point of view. Bernard was ideological because he wanted America to be a better place but in order to do so, they had to be independent. He once said "They (colonists) believed that America would become "the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious."" However, Howard was the more selfish type. He wanted to get the lower class people to hate the British too and join the revolution. Bernard wanted America to be a better place and Howard wanted the lower class to hate the British. The difference being that both results n independence but one is more ideological and the other is more selfish. A statement in the Declaration of Independence that supports Bernard is "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." This supports Bernard because it talks about the pursuit of happiness, the same way he talked about liberty and freedom. Something that supports Howard is "When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." this supports Howard because He talked about how everyone is equal and they should all hate the British. The Declaration of independence talks about how the Laws of Nature make us equal. Bernard is correct because he was being ideologic. Also he was thinking about everyone when he was planning on being independent. Howard was thinking of the upper-class people.
p3 Jared S.
The Declaration of Independence was explained by two historians named Bernard Baylin and Howard Zinn who both explain it differently. The main ideas of BailYn is that the Declaration if Independence was written because The Colonists believed that America would play a great role in history by being the most powerful empire the world ever saw "to be founded on the principles on such principals of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious." Zinn's explanation is a bit more selfish and true than compared to Bailyn's explanation. Zinn's main idea was that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because the upper class wanted to manipulate the colonists into separating from the British by filling them with anger against them with something that seemed unlawful for the middle and lower class. The point was to bring more patriots so that the middle and upper class would back them. Bailyn's conclusion was correct because the colonist's conclusion of america becoming a strong and lawful country. On the other hand, Zinn was also correct because he stated that it was mostly the upper class's idea to get away from the British and be able to rule themselves because they were the ones losing in all of this mess at first. Overall, it think that Zinn's explanation was more reliable because he didn't really sugar coat it and just said the truth which was less patriotic.
per.3 Emily M.
Bernard Bailyn's excerpt was mostly that the cause of making the Declaration of Independence , was that the colonists believed that they saw an evil conspiracy to destroy liberty in America. Bailyn quoted, " They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and the Coercive ( The Intolerable Acts). On the other hand , Howard Zinn's main statement , was that the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, because the upper class people needed to do something to convince the lower class to join the Revolutionary . He quoted," … to direct their anger against England".One evidence that supports Bailyn is , according to American Declaration of Independence, it states,"…. that all men are created equal. I think that baylin is correct because hes st
P.3 Beyoncee G.
Both Bailyn and Zinn have different ideas about the Declaration of Independence. In Bernard Bailyn's interpretation, he gives more ideological reasons. Bailyn's main idea was that they believed that America would be an important part in history. He states, “They believed that America would become the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious." He explained how the events following 1763 were full of evil conspiracies that were set to destroy America. Bailyn also states that, “They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and Coercive Act." In Zinn's interpretation, he gives selfish reasons. Zinn’s main idea was that he wanted to make the lower class hate the British. He wanted to persuade the lower class to join the revolution. In the interpretation, Zinn stated, “The solution was to find language inspiring to all classes, specific enough in its listing of grievances to fill people with anger against the British, vague enough to avoid class conflict, and stirring enough to build patriotic feelings.” I think that Zinn is correct, because to be able to become independent and become one nation, they would need the agreement of everyone and if they don’t make everyone agree they would have a conflict.
P3 Johan A
The main idea of Bernard Bailyn is that America is going to be a mighty empire with the principles of liberty and freedom."They believed that America would become " the foundation of a great empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious". The main idea of Howard Zinn was to get the lower class to hate England. "It seemed clear to the educated, upper class colonists that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause, to direct their anger against England. In the American Declaration of Independence it states " We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal". This quote supports Mr Bailyn because he is only is representing the men , he is not talking about womens , or slaves , he is only talking about men only.This is why this quote supports Mr. Bailyn . “Some Americans were clearly omitted from those united by the Declaration of Independence : Indians , black slaves, and women “. This quote supports Mr. Zinn because he is saying that not everybody was included in the Declaration of Independence. Indians , black slaves , and women were not included in the Declaration of Independence. This is why this quote supports Mr. Zinn. I think Zinn was correct because he saying not everyone was included in the Declaration of Independence . Indians, black slaves ,and womens were not included .
Diana A. Per.5
We all know that both historians have answered the question "Why did the Founding Fathers write the Declaration of Independence?" Bernard Bailyn theorized that the Declaration of Independence was written for ideological reasons. Howard Zinn argued that the Declaration of Independence was written for selfish reasons. Between these two historians, Bernard Bailyn was right. Although the Declaration of Independence did mention that the rich were mostly affected by the war, they did fight for the idea of liberty (freedom) for all. Howard Zinn did argue that there were rules that applied only to the rich. Bailyn did, however, list how the poor and lower class citizens were affected by the war. To prove my statement, Bernard Bailyn was correct.
P5 Joshua D
The main idea of Bernard Bailyn in his first paragraph is that the colonists thought that England was going to crush the liberty in America. Bernard Bailyn says this on his first paragraph by saying "They believed they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America." The main idea in Bernard's second paragraph is that the colonists believed that they would be the best country that is founded with principles of liberty and freedom. Bernard Bailyn states this on his first paragraph by stating, "They believed that America would become "the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious."
period 5 Jessy V.
Bernard Bailyn thought that the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence because the king was unfair and taxed the americans too much and the king also feared for their freedom. Howard Zinn says that the upper class colonists needed to convince the lower class to join the revolutionary cause
P5 Helen A.
Bailyn's main idea is that the colonist believed they saw conspiracy to crush America and they also wanted to become an empire of freedom and liberty. For instance, the text states "the foundation of a great and mighty empire". Zinn's main idea is that the rich people wanted to get the lower class mad because the lower class were jealous since the rich have money so in order for the poor not to attack or be mad the rich the upper class manipulated the poor to rebel against England. The text states "fill people with anger against british" this implies that they did manipulate the poor to strike at the king.
On the Declaration of Independence it states "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." This supports Bailyn's idea because his idea was ideological and he wanted to become an empire of freedom and liberty."Fill people anger against british" stated on the text helps support Zinn just said how rich people didn't want the lower class to steal their money so they just decided to make the poor mad at the British which this quote perfectly states.
Bernard Bailyn is correct because he just wanted people to have equal rights (natural rights)and thats what mostly the Declaration of Independence states. Zinn however doesn't really write about this so therefore Bailyn is right.
P5 Mariana G.
To begin, I think Bernard Bailyn answered the question. I think this because in his paragraph he describes how the colonists wanted to become an empire of freedom meaning they wanted to be free and didn't want anyone to tell the colonists what to do. Bailyn's main idea about the Declaration of Independence was that the colonists want to be free and not live by anyone's rule. In the second paragraph it says that "The foundation of a great and mighty empire". Zinn's main idea about the Declaration of Independence was that the upper class wanted to persuade the lower class and wanted them to turn against england. Also the rich people wanted to turn the poor people into rebels. They did this because the rich didn't want to cause any conflict with the poor because there was more poor people than rich people. So, the rich didn't want to be blamed because they were rich and told the poor people that the government is causing a lot of trouble for the poor. In paragraph 1, it says that,"It seemed clear to the educated, upper-class colonists that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause, to direct their anger against England. In the text from Bailyn says that they founded such principles of liberty and freedom. "Founded on such principles of liberty and freedom". In Zinn's paragraph it says that the declaration of Independence was about having control over governments."Everything the Declaration of Independence was about-popular control over governments". Bailyn is correct because the main reason was that the americans wanted freedom and not be controlled by England.
Period 5, Ryan G
To begin with Howard Zinn said that "it seems clear for the upper class colonist that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class colonists to join the revolutionary cause,to direct they anger against England"which we can infer that his point and main idea in saying this is that the colonists want to persuade the lower class to rebel against england and fill then with anger against the british.Bernard Bailyn main idea is that "they wanted to become an empire of freedom"and everyone believed that america would be a big part of history and it would become "the foundation of a great and mighty empire." The historian that is correct is Howard Zinn because it is reasonable that in making the lower class rebels and filling them with anger against the british would eventually benefit both of them and the lower class with then have patriotic feelings for england and eventually the declaration would happen.And that even those who and grievances against one another and turned against england, and some americans some americans where clearly omitted from those united by the declaration of independence.
P5 Karina L
Bernard Bailyn showed how important the declaration of independence is and Howard Zinn. The main idea is to explain why the declaration of independence was written, why it helped them, and what that caused for United States of America which wrote the colonists deepest fears and beliefs. "America was destined to play a special role in history." Bailyn said that the colonist believed England wanted to enslave them. Bailyn said that America was the foundation of a might empire. Also Howard Zinn said that the upper-class colonists knew that something had to be done in order to persuade the lower class colonists.
Per5 Exayana M.
Bailyn's main idea of The Ideologic Organs of the American Revolution is that the colonist believed they saw "evil" and "conspiracy" to "crush liberty in America". The "evil" that the colonist where talking about is England trying to crush liberty in America. The colonist believed this because they saw this "conspiracy" in the Stamp Act, quartering act, and the Intolerable Acts.
Zinn's main idea of the People's History of the United States is that the rich or upper class people where trying to manipulate the lower class to "join the revolutionary cause, to direct their anger against England.'' The rich tried manipulating the poor because there is more poor than rich. the reason the poor rebelled against England was because the rich told them that
Catherine Lozano Per.5
Bernard Bailyn's main idea about the Declaration of Independence was the colonist fears of how England would become And when writing the Declaration of Independence they "should use all the power god has given them"as in natural rights.The colonists said that America would a power nation".They didnt want to be enslaved so they declaraded there indepedence.
Howard Zinn's main idea was how the rich were using the poor to break away from ngland since the king of England was taxing them more.So they told the poor that
P5 Fabian S.
Bailyn and Zinn both had very different ideas on why the Declaration of Independence was made. Bailyn stated,"They believed the saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America." He said he saw this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and Coercive Acts. Zinn thought that the colonists wanted to trick the poor colonists into being mad at the King George III for his abusive power. He believed the rich patriotic colonists were going to be the victims of the class conflict between the poor and the rich. I believe Zinn is correct because at the time the main patriots like Thomas Jefferson were rich and might have been hated y the poor, so it seems more logical that the main patriots wanted to persuade the poor colonists to be mad at the king, not just cause they didn't want class conflict but also because the main population of the colonists were poor, giving the patriots a larger number of fighters if the Declaration did persuade them.
P5 Matthew V
Bernard Bailyns ideas about the Declaration of Independence was the colonist thought the king was abusing his power over the people. He also believe the america was distend to play a role in history. The Declaration of Independence represents the colonist deepest fears and beliefs. He believed america would become"the foundation of a great and mighty empire, the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious".
Kaitlyn Per.5
Bernard Bailyns main idea was to explain about the delcaration of indipendence was that it was about liberty, freedom, and both civil and religious rights. He also mentioned how the colonists from England beleived that England was trying to enslave them so, they made the declaration of independence to help them.Howard Zinn beleived that the upper class needed to direct the lower classes anger towards something else in fear that the lower class would overpower them due to them being outnumbered. So the declaration of independence was made to save the upper class citizens. I beleive both historians have a very strong statement but the statementi beleive the most is Bernard Balyn. In conclusion I beleive Bernard Baylin is correct because,
P5 Judith N.
Bernard Bailyn states that the Declaration of Independence was written because the colonists believed they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy. Quotes to support this are the Stamp Act, the Intolerable Acts, and crush liberty in America. Bailyn also states that the Declaration of Independence was written because the colonists wanted a mighty empire with liberty and freedom. The colonists wanted freedom from England because they feared that if they stayed the king will enslave them. Howard Zinn states that the Declaration of Independence was written to persuade the lower class colonists to became anger at the king and not the rich colonists. Zinn says that the higher class want the lower class colonists to be in there side because there were more lower class and they were good at fighting. Quotes that support what Zinn said is "anger against British" and "join the revolutionary cause." Another quote is "persuade the lower class of colonists to rebel against England. Examples from the Declaration of Independence that supports Bailyn main idea is that all men were created equal and that we have rights that the king has to protect not take away. These rights are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Examples that support Zinn is when the king cut the trade with other part of the world and for making the colonists pay taxes. I think Bailyn is correct because the main reason why we wanted to be away from the king is because we wanted our freedom and that's what Bailyn said. He is also correct because the king treated the colonists badly by making the intolerable acts, quartering acts, making them pay taxes, and all those bad laws.
P5 Nora Ramirez
Bernard Bailyn believed that the decloration of independence occurred because the British wanted to enslave the Americans. Not literally enslave, but take their rights away. He said and i quote," they believed they saw evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America". He meant that the british wanted some sort of power aginst them. Howard Zinn believed that Americans wanted their own country so they can reflect some anger towards Britain. Americans wanted to be a free country were everyone was treated the same, equal rights.
Bailyns evidence was that the Americans said they waned to be a " foundation of a great and mighty empire'. Howard Zinn said that the upper class colonists needed to be done to pursued the lower class to join the revolutionary cause.
P5 Leslie V.
Bernard Bailyn talks more about how the Decleration of independence is about liberty and freedom for both civil and religious rights for the people.He also talks about how he thinks there will be an evil spirit that will try to destroy the freedom and rights that america provides for their people.He thinks that the eve spirit will be the king of England because ether are at war so he might try to destroy them.Howard Zinn talks more about how the upper class people need to try an convince the lower class people to for them because their are more lower class than high class.He thinks that the lower class should stop putting their anger out on the ugh class and put it against the king and his people.Howard Zinn talks about selfish erosions because he only talking about the high class people being safe and not doing much work when their are way more low class people that need help and can’t fight in the battle so he only cares about himself and his people.Bernard Bailyn ,on the other hand, talks about more reasonable things sh as things that won’t just effect the high but the low class as well ,so he talks about ideological reasons.
P5 Diana S
Bernard Bailyn's ideas about the DOI were that the colonists believed that England was trying to take away their rights. Howard Zinn said that the rich people had a lot of money and the poor got jealous. So, the rich told the poor to let out their anger toward England. Bailyn’s main idea was that the people believed that America would become “the foundation of a great and mighty empire.” America would become Zinn’s main idea is “the upper-class colonists said something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause, to direct their anger against England.”
P5 Valeria V
Benard Bailyn and Howard Zinn have both answered the questions "Why did the Founders write the Declaration of Independance?" , but they both have different reasons when answering this question. Benard Bailyn's claim in his work was that the colonists believed that they had seen "an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America." The colonists also believed that "America was destined to play a special role in history," This meant that the colonists believed that England was trying to ruin liberty in America and that America would become a large, great empire built on liberty and freedom that would set an examples for other countries. Howard Zinn's claim was thatb the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independance because the upper class colonists wanted to persuade all the social classes (especially the lower class) to turn against England. "Something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause to direct their anger against England," says Howard Zinn in his writing. This means that the upper class colonists wanted the lower class people to turn against England so that they could fight against England.
Benard Bailyn was the correct historian of why the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independance.
P5 Brandon R
Bernard Bailyn's ideas about the Declaration of Independence was that colonists strongly felt that England was taking away their rights. Bailyn said “The colonists believe they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America.” Howard Zinn’s ideas about the Declaration of Independence was that almost everything seemed to have happened to the rich people instead of the poor people. Zinn said “It seemed clear to the educated , upper class colonists that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause, to direct their anger against England.” One example that helps support Bailyn
p5 Daniel l.
Historian, Bernard Bailyn's main idea for interpreting the Declaration of Independence is that he represented the fears and the beliefs of the american colonists. The colonists believed that they saw evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in america. They also believed that america played a special role in history. Historian, Howard Zinn's main idea for the declaration of independence was that the upper class was trying to persuade the lower class to fight against the king because they would think that the lower class colonists would have less meaning. the upper class would say bad things that would effect the lower class so they can get mad and have anger against the british
P5 Isis M.
Bernard Bailyn's main idea was to represent the colonist deepest fears and beliefs. The colonist believed they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America. Bailyn once said "the foundation of a great and mighty empire, and the largest the world ever saw to be founded on such principles of liberty and freedom, both civil and religious." On the other hand Howard Zinn' wanted the rich for the lower class to rise up to England and fight for the upper class. They wanted to do that because the D.O.I. was well suited to unite large numbers of colonist and persuade those who had grievances against one another.
Bernard Bailyn was correct. I can personally agree that Bernard Bailyn was correct because he had ideological reasons for the colonist by representing the colonist fears.
P5 Brianna G.
Mr. Bernard Bailyn focuses more on the fact that the Declaration of Independence was made to make empires have more liberty and freedom,''the foundation of a great and mighty empire.'' Howard Zinn believes the Declaration of Independence was made to point the lower classes anger toward England, or King George,''it seemed clear to the educated, upper class colonists that something needed to be done to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause, to direct their anger against England.''
P5 Liliana R.
The main idea of Bailyn is that they believed that the colonists' had deepest fears and beliefs. They believed they saw a clear pattern in the events that followed 1763. One quote to support the writing is "The foundation of a great and mighty empire." The main idea of Zinn is that the people split up so they can direct their anger against England. A quote to support that is "Fill up with anger against British." One example from the Declaration that supports Bailyn is "He has waging war against them; he has plundered the seas; ravaged our coats, burned their towns, and destroyed the lives of the people." One that supports Zinn is that "he has imposed taxes on us without our consent." Bailyn is correct because he is the one that wrote it with ideologic examples. He gave examples that would involve everyone not just some specific people.
Daisy B. per.5
Bailyn’s main idea about the Declaration of Independence is England had a conspiracy to crush the liberty in America and “Colonists should use all the power god has given them” to protect themselves. Colonists saw the Stamp act and Intolerable acts as evidence to this conspiracy. Zinn’s main idea about the Declaration of Independence is upper class colonists wanted persuade or manipulate the lower class colonists to direct anger against England. The persuasion should be “vague enough to avoid class conflict” upper class colonists didn’t want the lower class to find out that the upper class was trying to “persuade lower class to direct revolutionary anger against the British".If the lower class did find out since there was more poor people and less rich people the lower class could turn against the upper class meaning the lower class could kill the upper class.
Bailyn is correct because his idea shows the colonists that England doesn't really care about what happens to the colonists. The British only do things for their best interest."England had a conspiracy to crush the liberty and freedom in America" eColonists saw the intolerable acts and
Nathan c per5
Bernard Bailyn thought that the American colonists wrote the declaration of independence because they wanted to become a freedom land .Bailyns main idea was that he believed ''America would become the foundation of a great and mighty empire''. Bailyn thought that England was trying to enslave them and use all the power that god has given America to protect themselves.
Zinns main idea was that they wanted to turn people against England even people who were against each other were to turn against England. ''unite large numbers of colonists and persuade even those who had grievances against one another to turn against England.
I think Bailyn was correct because he was correct America did want to become a freedom land and they didn't write the declaration of independence for people to be mad at each other
jessy v period 5
Bernard Bailyn thought that the founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence because the king was unfair and taxed the americans too much and the king also feared for their freedom. Howard Zinn says that the upper class colonists needed to convince the lower class to join the revolutionary cause
P5 Julius G
Bernard Bailyn's ideas were mostly that the cause for writing The Declaration of Independence,was that the colonists believed that there was an evil conspiracy to take the liberty of colonists in America. Bailyn had said, " They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and the Coercive Acts. However, Howard Zinn's main statement was that the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, because the upper class people needed help in convincing the lower class to join and support the Revolution. He quoted," … to direct their anger against England". Evidence that supports Bernard Bailyn is , according to The Declaration of Independence,,"…. that all men are created equally with certain unalienable rights such as liberty,freedom,and the pursuit of happiness”
P.5 Cassie G.
Bernard Bailyn wrote that The Declaration of Independence was wrote because the coloniests belived they saw evil and deliberate conspiracy in England to crush Liberty in America. There are many evidence in his claim because of all the complains writen down on the Declaration of Independents. Two of the many complains are The Stamp Act and Coercive Act.
P.5 Imogen R
Bailyn's idea about declaration of independence was that colonist believed that they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America ,They also believed that america was gonna play a special role in history and would be a empire with liberty and freedom.They saw evidence of this conspiracy in the stamp act and in the coercive acts. Zinn's ideas in the other hand was that the upper class colonist needed to persuade the lower class to join the revolutionary cause , to direct their anger towards England and not upper class. The solution they had was to find the language inspiring to all classes , specific enough to its listing of grievances to fill people anger against the british , vague enough to avoid class conflict. Since the rich had loads of money the poor got jealous and told the poor to let out their anger toward England. Howard Zinn may have to be the correct one here , because i feel that his claims and evidence were more understandable that the founding fathers who wrote this
P5, Idaly P.
Bernard Bailyn's idea about the Declaration of Independence was that the colonist believed they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush the liberty in America. The colonist saw evidence of this conspiracy in the Stamp Act and The Coercive Act. The colonist believed that the king wanted too take away their rights and to enslave them and their rights. Howard Zinn's idea about the declaration of independence was for the upper-class colonist to persuade the lower class to join the revolution to direct their anger towards England. In paragraph one from The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution by Bernard Bailyn “They believed they saw an evil and deliberate conspiracy to crush liberty in America”, it also says “America would become the foundation of a great and mighty empire, founded on such principles of liberty and freedom”. Colonist wanted America to have self-rights and freedom. Colonist believed England was trying to enslave them and that they should use all the power god has given to protect themselves.
P.5 Cassie G.
Bernard Bailyn wrote that The Declaration of Independence was wrote because the coloniests belived they saw evil and deliberate conspiracy in England to crush Liberty in America. There are many evidence in his claim because of all the complains writen down on the Declaration of Independents. Two of the many complains are The Stamp Act and Coercive Act.
P5 Keilly,B
Bernard Bailyn thought the American colonist wrote the Declaration of Independence because American colonist wanted to become an empire of freedom. Bailyn states in his book" The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution", "… the foundation of the great and might empire …" "… principals of liberty and freedom…" However,Howard Zinn thought thought that the American Revolution made the Declaration of Independence to manipulate the lower class Americans into becoming rebels. Zinn wrote in his book "People's History of the United States" , that the Americans wanted "… to fill people wit anger against the British…" " … to avoid class conflict…." They wanted this so that the lower classes would get mad at them but at the British.
p5 Daisy S.
Bernard Bailyn's idea of the declaration of independence was that he believed that it was the colonist's deepest fears. The colonists believed they saw an evil conspiracy that would crush America. They saw this conspiracy in they Stamp Act and in the Coercive Acts. Howard Zinn's idea of the declaration he thought that the upper class colonists needed to persuade the lower class colonists to join revolutionary cause and to direct their anger on England not on them. The upper class colonists did this because they did not want the colonists to take their money so they filled the minds of lower class colonists that King George was the one they should be angry at. The historian that is correct is Bailyn because he believed that the declaration of independence was their way to freedom and rights if they took that away the colonists would go against the government.So Bernard is right because he has more reasons why the declaration of independence is a good thing for the colonists to have because everyone is equal and deserve the same rights as anyone else and they deserve to be free from the king and his rules.Bernard Bailyn is correct.
Diana A. Period 5
The main question that is being asked here is "Why did the Founding Fathers write the Declaration of Independence?" One historian, Bernard Bailyn, states that the Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence because the Founding Fathers (Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams) wanted equal rights for all the inhabitants of the Colonies of New England. Another historian, Howard Zinn, argues that the Founding Fathers actually wrote the Declaration of Independence to list rights only for the rich and not the poor. The historian that is mostly correct about the Declaration of Independence was Bernard Bailyn. He stated that in the Declaration of Independence, it quoted that all men were created equal and all men deserved equal rights.
I agree😁😁😁😁😁😁😎😃
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