Monday, November 10, 2014

Freedom of Speech? The Sedition Act of 1798

Congressman Matthew Lyon of Vermont, shown here in a actual fight with another congressman on the floor of the House of Representatives, said that all President Adams wanted was "ridiculous pomp [ceremony]." That was enough to have Congressmen Lyon charged with violating the Sedition Act, passed by Congress in 1798 and signed into law by President Adams. He was one of many to be charged and convicted under this law.

As you post your responses, please make sure that you start your entry with your period, and then first name and last initial

Paragraph 1: Describe the Sedition Act of 1798 – explain what acts were illegal, why the law was passed, and the penalties for violation. Be sure to use brief quotations from the text to support your answer
Paragraph 2: Describe the reasons that Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the Sedition Acts. Explain what actions that they suggest should be done to stop these laws. Be sure to use brief quotations from the text to support your answer
Paragraph 3: The Sedition Act clearly limited freedom of speech. Some “speech” in the US is limited: for example, making terrorist threats or revealing military secrets are not considered “protected speech” under the First Amendment. Do you think that there should be any limits on free speech? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

Natalie R.

The Sedition Act of 1798 was 3 laws that were passed by the Federalist Congress in 1798 and signed into law by President Adams. This Act prohibited public opposition to the government. Fines and imprisonment could be used against those who " write, print, utter, or publish...any false scandalous and malicious writing against the government." It is illegal under the Sedition Act to help someone with a bad or evil plan against the government, president, or congress. I believe that the Sedition Act was passed in order to stop seditious attacks from weakening the country.
Mr.Jefferson's reason to oppose the Sedition Act is because he thought that the country has freedom and rights. Mr.Armstrong's reason to oppose the Sedition Act is because he wants to be able to criminate the country. Evidence to support these two reasonings is "...the freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press," and "It is equally foreign from our wishes and intensions to criminate the motives of the nation legislatures..." I believe the Mr. Jefferson thought that they could of the case to the court, but no one thought of doing that, in order to stop these laws. I believe that Mr. Armstrong thought they could be part of the militia, part-time temporary army made up of citizens who return to their regular jobs when a crisis is over, in order to stop these laws.
I believe that there should be limits on free speech. I think this because there is things that need to be kept private, but what if someone doesn't care what you think and they go and tell everyone, I believe that this is taking it too far so there should be limits to free speech. Another example is if you don't like someone and you spread rumors about them, and then they spread the rumors online, that to me is also taking it too far. This is why I think there should be limits on free speech.

Anonymous said...

agustin i.
On the Sedition act in 1798 the acts that were illegal: if you were to write, print ,utter or publish, printed or that shall do any wrong towards the government of the united states, or house of congress, president of the united states, this law was passed to prevent people defaming the government, president. or house of congress of the united states or stir up the sedition charges of this crime after this law was passed there was a fine that didn't exceeded two thousand dollars and imprisonment no more than two years.
thomas jefferson disagrees with the sedition act and says that it wasn't violating the first amendment on the constitution by violation the freedom of religion speech and of the press job armstrong says that from the severest penalties from expressions even a single of a thought will be severed. because he put in as slavery since the people had no power toward their own opinion, nor power for the countries future.
yes , because the government could become corrupt instantly if something is revealed to the press. i think that their shouldn't be a limit towards opinion, and religion. but if you know that it is going to destroy your country the thats the limit.

Anonymous said...

Gilberto L

In 1798, there was a law passed called "The Sedition Act". The Sedition Act made it so that any thing that described the government as weak or the enemy was illegal.Since the president during the time was John Adams and was a federalist, this la was specifically targeted toward republican news paper editors, but ordinary republicans as well. Some punishments for speaking or acting against the government were that you could've been fined up to two-thousand dollars or go to jail for a maximum of two years. " ... uttering or publishing any false scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States ... shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two - thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years".

Even though this law was passed, there were few people who knew this law was wrong , and they had the right to oppose this law. Thomas Jefferson, being a republican of course , disapproved this law because he saw this as an attack on his party. Plus Jefferson stated stated that this law violates the first amendment, specifically freedom of speech and freedom of press. Jefferson saw this violation and stated this law has no legal force "... is not law, but is

Anonymous said...

Yatziry B.

One July 14,1798, one of the most egregious breaches of the U.S. Constitution in history becomes federal law when Congress passes the Sedition Act. Some of the illegal acts of the Sedition Acts were that no person shall write,print,utter or publish, any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States or house of the Congress. One evidence that supports this is, "...malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States, or either house of the Congress..," this shows one illegal act from the Sedition Acts. Some of the punishments for violation of the Sedition acts were strong punishments, from expressing their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the President, or of the either house of Congress, through the medium of the press.
In opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts, Thomas Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong. Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Madison drafted the Virginia and Kentucky Resolves, declaring the acts to be a violation of the first and tenth Amendments. Mr.Armstrong would be against the Sedition Acts since he was a supporter of the Constitution and was a member of the Constitutional Congress after the war. The Kentucky Resolution was against the Sedition Acts because, the Kentucky Resolution talks about freedom of press and the Sedition Act doesn't allow that. Thomas Jefferson also used the example from the Constitution to respond to the Sedition Acts because the Sedition Act is related to the first Amendment of the Constitution, "Special provision has been made by one of the Amendments of the Constitution which expressly declares.."
In my opinion I believe that it is the right to do, say, or speak whatever we feel or think without being judged unfairly as long as we don't take someone else's rights away from them in the process. Any freedom whether it is freedom of speech, press, religion, civil rights, etc... ceases to be free if it infringes upon others rights to also be free and uninhibited as well. this is why I believe that there should not be any limits on free speech.

Anonymous said...

p1 Nicholas P
The sedition Act was a law that was made to make talking bad about the government illegal. This hurt republican publishers the most because they were usually the ones to publish bad things about the government. The law was passed so it can stop people who were anti-government. The violations of doing so was that you got arrested and put in jail. It was said congress and the president made the law because the writings about government brought "Hatred to the good people".

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong were strongly against the sedition acts. Armstrong wasn't from America so he had his reasons. They saw the acts as betraying the constitution. "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech or press". This meant that the constitution gives freedom of what to write and the government was not to take concern. They wanted to get rid of the law so we can follow the constitution directly.

I think that there should be limits on free speech. I think this because there are people out there who want to take down the US. So to take down the US they attempt to take down the government and that's where we draw the line. If you try to take the US down then you should go to jail and if you aren't in favor of us then our laws shouldn't concern you. Those are the big things though, little things are understandable but if it goes too far that's it for you.

Anonymous said...

P1 Mirian P.
The Sedition Act was a law passed by federalist to make the lives of the democratic party difficult. Under this act it was a crime to write any printed document of such kind talking bad against the US government. The punishment if so committed would be "a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars" but also including imprisonment not "exceeding" two years. And also another factor for this was the commotion surrounding the French and Americans.
Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong both ruled out that the Sedition Act of 1798 was violating the first amendment under the so call constitution. Jefferson wrote a document called The Kentucky Resolution which was published by multiple newspapers on November 16,1798. In it he argued about the "congress shall not" having the right to make laws against the basic offered freedoms.Which are the following listed Freedom of press and speech which were the ones violated not so much the freedom of religion. Later adds on that the Sedition Act cuts off those freedoms and that has no legal force altogether with no effect even though some choose to either follow it or not due to the fact it was signed by its former president and they had rights taken away in exchange for protection at the time. Mr. Armstrong on the other hand spoke with what he believed every American had the right and that this can be a more clear definition of what slavery is because of his following statement
"state no belief have no opinion that will judge a senator or elector official." Meaning no one under this Act had no rights and can be compared to what slaves also had no opinion on anything be of their value was only three fifths of a person. And his support for The Constitution was strong he believed that if a right is written and stated in a legal document like in the amendments then people do have the right to question government actions and not be taken away under act because the document before that gave them those rights.
In a conclusion,I believe that there shouldn't be a limited to freedom of speech. Every individual has something to say and share everyday must be heard. What if that one person had a belief or statement that could have during crisis and cant say anything because they don't have that right. And what about if their opinion on action can be a key to shape a whole nation all over as stated in Mr. Armstrong's poster that America is "a free nation" then its in existence for it to be okay to express opinion on political subjects because of the "freedom offered there and are clearly protected under the First Amendment.

Anonymous said...

Juan Chavez per.1

In the sedition act of 1798 the acts that are illegal were when you wrote something bad against the government (bad print) and false saying toward government.The laws were passed because this stopped bad print and the people who wrote the bad print and publisher s got arrested or even deported.

The reason that Mr.Armstrong and Mr.Jefferson opposed was because they were Republicans and the sedition act was towards the Federalist . The acts they suggested to stop the Sedition act were they argued to congress that the sedition act was gone to far and they should change it .

I think that there should be a limit in freedom of speech because nobody wants a person talking bad on there company on believes and many people that do bad print sometimes exaggerate and say more things than is needed and lies . Thats why i think that there should be a limit in freedom of speech .

Anonymous said...

Kayla Ochoa period. 1

The acts that were illegal drink the Sedition Act in 1798 were:
-writing a malicious letter to the government
-a printed, uttered, written letter disagreeing with the agreement

Some of the penalties from violating would be:
-imprisoned for less than two years

-"... then such person,.. shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years".

I think that there shouldn't be a limit on free speech because people have the right to say whatever they want and express the way they feel. If people disagree its kind of saying that the way we feel or think doesn't matter and we shouldn't express it, we should be able to express whatever we want to, nobody can stop us from that.

Anonymous said...

Period 1
Maria S.

The Sedition act of 1798 was a law that makes publishing, writing, and printing scandalous and false writing agains the government illegal. This law was passed because most of the publishers and newspaper writers at the time were of the opposing political party and they would frame the government and make citizens think that the government is in for malicious intentions. The penalty if this law was broken was "...shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the Sedition Acts because it takes away peoples rights. They are both also supporters of the strict construction and the Sedition Act goes by the loose construction. They suggested that the act must be of no effect and should be void.

I personally believe that there shouldn't be any limits on free speech. First of all because it is called "free speech" it just goes against to what it's called if there is limits to it. Second of all, speaking and expressing our emotions and thoughts are what makes us human; having an opinion. Lastly, we should be able to express what we think. Creativity, spreading our thoughts, and being open-minded.

Anonymous said...

jovana d.

The Sedition Act that were illegal are writing, printing, ulter or publishing. These laws were passed because to prevent people from accusing the president, government, or the house of congress, the United States or stir up the sedition act. The charges of this crime was an exceeding two thousand dollars, and can only be two years no more than that.
thomas jefferson had disagreed with the sedition act and thought it was a vast violating the first amendment. this had violated the freedom of speech, religion, and the freedom of press. in the other hand armstrong thought that the worst penalty can also be counted by a single of thought would be served. john had placed a slavery since the believed that the people had no power towards their own opinion.
i believe that their shouldn't be a limit to free speech because people can say what they want, but can not be judging others. i also think this because people have the right to expression what they feel or think.

Anonymous said...

Period 1
Julissa B.
The Sedition Act was passed by Congress on July 14,1798 and signed by President John Adams. Writing anything bad or dreadful about the government was a crime according to the Sedition Act. In the 1970's publishers and writers were the type of people that could have been found guilty for that crime. The Sedition Act protects the president from defame and outlaws any conspiracies. "That if any person shall write, print, utter, or publish any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United states..." The law states that writings that defame the government stirs up sedition within the U.S. "with intent to defame the said government ... the hatred of the good people of the United State, or to stir up sedition within the U.S"
Mr. Jefferson thought the Sedition Act should be appealed. He used the quote,"Which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not law, but is altogether wood and of no effect." to support his opinion. Mr. Armstrong was against the Sedition Act because he thought that we should be able to share our thoughts and opinions. He said that if law citizens are not allowed to express their opinion it's as bad as slavery because slaves didn't have freedom of speech. " By this law citizens of their states are prohibited, from expressing even their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the President..." "What stronger, what more precise definition of slavery can be given than this? That we can state no belief, hazard no opinion that..." This shows that the Sedition Act is as bad as slavery.
I think that there should be limits on free speech because clearly terrorist threats or revealing military secrets can cause harm to people.

Anonymous said...

November 13,2014
Period 1
Vanessa T.
The sedition act of 1798 was an act of the United States Congress that extended the Espionage Act to cover arrange of offenses, notably speech, and the expression of opinion. The acts repealed in December and passed the House of Representatives and Senate in 1798. The sedition act also forbade the use of "disloyal, profane, or abusive language" about the United States government,its flag, or its armed force.

Jefferson and Armstrong both ruled out that the Sedition Act was violating the First Amendment under the constitution. Jefferson wrote a document called the Kentucky resolution and it was published by multiple newspapers on November 19,1798. In it he argued of the "congress shall not" having the right to make laws against the offered freedoms. The Sedition Act cuts off people's freedoms and has no legal force altogether with no effect.The president and people had rights taken away in exchange for protection. Armstrong had spoke with what he believed that every American had the right and that this can be a more clear definition of what slavery is."State no belief have no opinion that will judge a senator or elector official." This means that no one under this act had no rights and could be compared to what slaves also had no opinion on anything be of their values was only 3/5 of a person. His support for the constitution was strong and he believed that if a right is written and stated in a legal document just like in the amendments, then people do have the right to question the government actions.

In conclusion, my opinion is that there should not be a limit to freedom of speech because every individual has something to say and share so it must be heard. That person probably had a belief or statement that could have been during crisis and really cant say anything because they don't have the right to. Their opinions on action can be a lead a whole new better nation all over as stated in Mr. Armstrong's poster that America is a "free nation".

Anonymous said...

p.1 Aaron Delgado
The Sedition Act made the idea of the first amendment illegal. The Sedition Act made anything printed or said against the government illegal. "That if any person shall write,print,utter or publish or shall cause or procure to be written,printed,uttered or published,or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing,printing,uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United states,or either house of the congress of the united states, or the President of the united states..."

Jefferson and Armstrong both believed that the sedition act was unjust. Jefferson believed it was violating the rights of the first amendment.He wrote the "Kentucky Resolution" that explained the sedition act was wrong.He believed the states should decide and void it. Armstrong also believed it was wrong. He explained that if we kept the sedition act we would be like slaves. which i believe means that this act would take away some of our rights, like slaves.

Anonymous said...

Period 1
Daisy M.

The Sedition Act is an act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States.An act that was illegal under the Sedition Act was Hostile Designs."to aid,encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States,their people..." this means that a hostile design is a bad or evil plan that you could go to jail for.The law was passed so the federalist could make life difficult for the republicans.Violators were punishable by fine,imprisonment,or both."shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars,and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

Jefferson and Armstrong oppose the Sedition Act.Jefferson and Armstrong oppose the Sedition Act because they believed that the people should have the right freedom of religion,of speech,or of the press."Congress shall make no law respecting the free exercise thereof,or abridging the freedom of speech,or of the press.."this is what Jefferson said.
"that we can state no belief,hazard no opinion,that..lesson the public estimation of public servant..."this is what Armstrong believed.

Yes,I do think that there should be any limits on free speech.I think this because they can reveal military secrets which can make our security vulnerable.Terrorist can use them to attack.

Anonymous said...

Aaron F. The sedition act was a act by the government which made it illegal to write negative things about the government. The reason why the government passes this law or bill was because the government didn't want other countries to see the bad things that the citizens of america had written and think that America is a bad weak country. The reason why thomas jefferson opposed the government is because both jefferson and Armstrong were strong followers of the constitution. They both believed that the sedition act went against the constitution and they would oppose anything that did so. Jefferson's quote was " Special provision has been made by one of the amendments of the constitution which expressly that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press" " An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the united states which does abridge the freedom of the press is no law but is altogether void or no effect. Armstrong's quote" what stronger what more precise definition of slavery than this . That no state can state no belief hazard no opinion.". i do believe that there should be some limit to speech. The reason why i believe this would be because what if a citizen of the United states that hated America wanted do tell for example England a few of americas top secrete military information. This could definitely cause us to loose a war. The worst part about this would be that the traitor would not even get punished for his or her terrible dec. This is why i believe that theree should be a limit os speech.

Anonymous said...

Period 1
Raymond B.

The Sedition Act of 1798 was created to introduce a new power to deport foreigners as well as making it harder for new immigrants to vote. Some acts that were illegal under the introduction of the sedition act was that you could not write or speak of anything that was against the government of the United States of America.Anyone who violated the law was fined two-thousand dollars and or imprisoned for no more than two years. The law was passed to help the Federalists win more elections since most republican voters were immigrants.

One reason that Mr.Jefferson opposed this law is because it would be harder for his party voters to vote for republicans since most of their voters were immigrants. One reason that Mr.Armstrong opposed this law is because since he is an immigrant from Ireland, he wouldn't have equal voting opportunities as others. Mr.Armstrong suggested that fellow immigrants should be able to speak up for themselves. "That we can state no belief."

I think that there should be limits on free speech because someone might say something about the military's secret plans to a terrorist group or an enemy country. There are some things that should not be spoke of such as top secret files. That is where we have to stop things from being said. It's either you're with us or against us.

Anonymous said...

Yamilet Gonzalez

The sedition act of 1798 was made to punish certain crimes against the U.S government.An example of an act that was illegal was that any person that wrote,uttered,or printed anything false of the government shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 2,000 dollars and by imprisonment not exceeding 2 years.This law was passed because the Federalists wanted to make life difficult for the Republicans. "...shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed the sedition act. They opposed it because publishers and writers were the ones who were talking bad about the Federalists.And those people were Republicans so they thought it wasn't fair for their people to be jailed."By this law citizens of their states are prohibited,under the severest penalties,from expressing even their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the president,..."

Yes,i believe that their should be a limit to freedom of speech.I believe this because like it is already prohibited terrorism threats shouldn't be allowed. Also fake rumors about the nation or government should not be allowed to be said.

Anonymous said...

Maite Sanchez

The Sedition Act is a law that says people can not talk, write, or publish anything that talks bad about the government. These acts were illegal because they will defame the United States and give them a bad name. Another act that was illegal is that no one "can aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any nation against the US their people of the government." The US government was worried about the foreign nations because the US has a weaker army. These laws were passed because the government simply did not want any defaming happening to the country. The penalties that will happen if you break this law is that you will pay a fine, not going over two thousand dollars, and you will be imprisoned.
Mr. Jefferson thought these acts were not a good idea. he though

Anonymous said...

Laisha G. period1

The sedition act
Congress passed the sedition act on July 14,1798 and was signed by president John Adams. The Sedition act was against anybody writing anything bad or dreadful about the government. This was a crime according to the Sedition act. Publishers and writers were usually guilty of this crime. The sedition act protects the president from defame.

The government was afraid and worried about writing that defame them because if the people wrote something fake and the other people believed it this could cause problems with the government and people can rebel again the government. This can stir up sedition ion the US. Agreeing with something negative about the
government was also made illegal under the sedition act.

Mr. Armstrong was against the sedition act. He was against it because Mr. Armstrong inferred that people should be able to state their beliefs and opinions. The author said the flaw citizens are prohibited from expressing their disapprobation. Armstrong linked the sedition act to slavery because the slaves didn't have rights; freedom of speech.

I believe that there should be a limit about what people say about the government because it might cause awareness between the governement. But on the other hand i also believe that people should be able to share and publish there opinions about the government on for example the newspapers.

Anonymous said...

Aimee M

The Sedition Act was passed by Congress on July 14,1798 and was singed by President John Adams.It was illegal to "write,print, utter or publish, or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing, printing, uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writing against the government of the United States, pr either house of the Congress of the United States, or the President Of the United States...". In other words, it was illegal to support or write any negative writing about the government. The penalties were a fine not w exceeding two thousand dollars and being in prison not exceeding two years. It states that in part three, document one "such a person...shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."
Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed the Sedition Acts because they believed it took away their freedom of religion,of speech, and of the press. They suggested that "Congress shall make no law respecting an Establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,". They believed there should be no law that takes peoples freedom and that people should have freedom of religion, of speech,and of the press.
I think there should be limits on free speech. i think that because people could take that too far. Like terrorist can threat people and the government and might end up doing what they said. Also having freedom of speech can reveal military or government secrets that can cause danger, rebellion, riots, and maybe even wars. Not only freedom of speech is bad for the government,military,president,ect. but it is also bad for kids. Kids can bully each other because they believe they can say anything they want with out having consequences.Freedom of speech should have a limit for everybody. Freedom of speech can affect everybody, and can have big consequences to the world.

Anonymous said...

Period 1 Jesus T.

The acts that were illegal by the Sedition Act was that no one should talker write false statements against the government of the United States. Evidence that supports my statement is when it says "That if any person shall write, print, utter, or publish...any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government." The Sedition Act was passed so that only the ones who talk bad against the government should be punished. If this act was violated they would be "punished with the a fine of two-thousand dollars and imprisonment not exceeding."

The reasons Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed the Sedition Act was because it was limiting the people's freedom of speech and press. They thought the Sedition Act should be stopped because it was unconstitutional, so they wrote these resolutions but only Kentucky and Virginia adopted them. But since it was only those two states that adopted them the protest died. Evidence from the book that supports my answer"Jefferson drew up a set of resolutions opposing the Sedition Act and sent them to the state legislature for approval...Only two states adopted these resolutions, Kentucky and Virginia. When no other states adopted these resolutions the protest died."

I do think there should be limits in free speech because if a civilian contains confidential information it could cause war or someone could use it against the government. But those limits should only be used when it could affect the government. These limits would prevent the illegal distribution of information and prevent war.

Anonymous said...

Jasmine M. Period 1

The Sedition Act of 1798 was a law passed by the federalists in Congress. According to the Sedition Act, printing, writing,speaking,publishing, or encouraging rebellion against the government is illegal. The text in Document 1 says,”That if any person shall write,print,utter or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written...” Federalists passed the law to make life difficult for the Republicans, their enemies. Some penalties for violating the law would be being convicted, being arrested, or paying a fine. Document 1 says, "To aid,encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States, their people...shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.”

Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Jefferson opposed the Sedition Acts. Jefferson opposed the Sedition Acts because he believed that the people should have the right to express their opinion about the laws and government since they have freedom of speech and press. So he thought it wasn’t fair that they couldn’t show what they thought was right and wrong about the government. Document 2 states, “ Congress shall make no law respecting an Establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech , or of the press.” Armstrong opposed the Sedition Acts because he thought that we should still be able to express our opinions with limits and that the punishments and penalties are bad and are happening to people just because they are showing what they think about the government. Document 3 states, ‘ What stronger, what more precise definition of slavery can be given than this? That we can state no belief, hazard no opinion, that ...lessen the public servant...” So he believes that we have the right to express our selves because we have freedom of speech and press. They both suggest that there should be limits to what they are allowed to say. So they can’t say or publish everything because that can cause severe problems against the government.

The Sedition Acts limited the freedom of speech. I think there should be limits on free speech. I think there should be limits on free speech because since there are many people in the United States that are not from here, they could be terrorists or other people trying to get information about us like about military things. They may be able to transfer information about us that can lead to them causing war. They may be able to bring down our government and find weaknesses of our nation. So I think people should be able to have freedom of speech and press but there should be a limit in what they say. If they want they can talk about problems with the government or things that are being done wrong, but they shouldn’t be able to reveal secrets or strong issues about the government or the United States that could bring the U.S. down.

Anonymous said...

Samantha r . per1

In 1789 congress passed a controversial law known as the Sedition Act. Sedition means, the crime of encouraging rebellion against the government, writing, printing, or speaking about the government, congress, and president in a hateful way. This law was passed because, they needed to protect the country from trouble makers like Citizen Genet. One of the acts is that is illegal under the Sedition act is any hostile designs of any forgone nation against the United States. "With intent to defame the said government, or either house of the said congress, or the said president, or to bring the hatred go the good people go the US, or to stir up sedition within the United States.." Penalties for this violation would be conviction and jail.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed this because Mr.Armstrong himself was an immigrant from Ireland. Mr.Armstrong also thought that the sedition act was prohibited under the severest penalties, he also thought that people wouldn't be able to state no belief or opinion. "THat we can state no belief or hazard no opinion ...." Mr.Jefferson also thought the same he thought that this law would lessen the freedom of the press. He also responded to the Act by saying ... " Congress should make no law respecting an Establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press..."

I think that freedom of speech should be limited. I think this because at some point it will get it of control and also freedom of speech should be used in a good way, not in a way that will hurt someone one make them look bad. Freedom of speech should be used for good not for bad it will always have consequences....

Anonymous said...

Per 1 Patricia S.
A series of laws known as the Alien and Sedition Act were passed by the federalist congress in 1798 and signed into law by president John Adams.The Sedition Act made it a crime to willfully utter,print,write,or publish any disloyal scurrilous,or abusive language about the form of government of the United States.The Sedition Act also made it illegal to aid, assists, or encourage any evil plans against the government of the United States.This act caused great controversial among the opposite political parties.Federalist argued that the Sedition Act was passed to protect the country from troublemakers that might make the young-nation's government vulnerable.On the other hand,the Democratic- Republicans believed that the Sedition Act was taking away their rights to freedom of speech.In reality,the Sedition Act was directed against Democratic-Republicans,the party typically favored by new citizens,and the only journalist against the Sedition Act were editors of Democratic-Republican newspapers.This act made false,malicious writing against congress or the president punishable by fine or imprisonment.A quote that supports this phrase is "...Then such person...shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars,and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

Thomas Jefferson believed that the Sedition Act should be of no effect and should be void.He believed that this was unconstitutional and was taking people's rights away.Therefore, Jefferson and Madison came up with a set of resolutions, that would oppose both the Alien and Sedition Acts.These two men believed that the states had a duty to nullify the laws.The only two states that adopted these resolutions were Virginia and Kentucky.If the Kentucky and Virginia resolution were to be accepted by all states,there would be lack of unity and confusion as a country.However,the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions were not accepted.Mr.Armstrong might be against the Sedition Act, because he was a supporter of George Washington and the constitution.Another reason, why I believe Mr.Armstrong was against the Sedition Act is because he believes that everyone should be able to express their opinions towards the United States government.Mr.Armstrong believed that in order to end these injustices the people should join the militia,and create a rebellion against the government.The supporting quote is "..History informs us..that the only convenient,efficient and safe defense of any free nation is the militia."

I personally believe that there should be no limits on free speech.If free speech were to be limited we as citizens of the United States would not be able to comment on any measures of the government.Not being able to express your opinions,means that there wouldn't be anything we can do to make our country better.I also believe that everyone should be able to express themselves through diverse ways,such as protest,and other non-violent methods.I am also against limited speech because it stultifies the amount of ideas that can be posed,understood.challenged or adopted.In a way,I agree with Thomas Jefferson,because I believe that everyone has the right to speak up to what they believe is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Per. 1 Destinee M.

IN 1798, the sedition act law was passed and signed by President Adams. The acts that were illegal were to publish any written article or speech against the government and helping someone with bad or evil plans any type of evil plans. This law was passed because President Adams wanted a "ridiculous pomp [ceremony]" which made it easy to charge Congressmen Lyon with violating the sedition act. Because of Congressmen Lyon's actions, President adams signed the sedition act so that no other misleads like Congressmen Lyon, will happen again.
Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Jefferson oppose the Sedition Acts because they thought that people weren't gonna have there freedom of speech and freedom of the press which are under the 1st amendment. They also thought that the section act wouldn't let the people have there freedom if the had the law.
I think that there should be a limit to free speech because then everybody is gonna want to have freedom of speech and with everybody speaking up that is probably gonna end up being a war because of the mad people that think something ins unfair of way another person had said.

Anonymous said...

Vanessa V , Period 1 .
The Sedition Act of 1798 was a series of laws known collectively as the Alien and Sedition Act that were passed by Federalists Congress. They were passed by the President Adams when he signed them. The acts that were illegal were like encouraging rebellion against the government. Hamilton approved this law , believing it would punish only those who punished vicious lies intended to destroy the government. The penalties for violation would be getting arrested. One example is when a newspaper editor called adams " old , querulous , bald , blind , crippled , toothless Adams ". 25 people were arrested under the law & ten of them were convicted of printing sedition opinions.

Jefferson & Armstrong oppose the Sedition acts because they viewed the Sedition Act as an attack on the rights of free speech and free press. Since the federal government was enforcing the act, they looked to the states to protect these precious freedom . Jefferson and Madison made up some suggestions opposing the alien & the Sedition act. they both argued that congress had gone beyond the constitution in passing these acts. States had the duty to nullify the laws that is to declare them to be without legal force.

I think that there should be a limit in freedom of speech because nobody wants a person talking bad on there company on believes and many people that do bad print sometimes exaggerate and say more things than is needed and lies . Thats why i think that there should be a limit in freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Nayeli M. Period1

In 1798 many laws were made. One of them was the sedition act. The sedition act protects against a rebellion to the government. The acts that were illegal were to pulish any written article or speech against the government and helping someone with bad or evil plans of any kind. This law was passed because there are many problems that can be introduced if this law wasnt made like bringing hatred of good people because many people can publish many things on newspapers in which many people can see which can cause many people to get upset.
I believe that Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong were against the sedition act because they thought this was against people's freedom. I believe they thought this because this was going to violate the amendment in which it stated that people had the right to the freedom of speech and the freedom of press. They suggested to have people do what they thought was right and still not offending the law because people had that right and coud not be taken away from them.
I believe that there infact should be a limit to the freedom of speech. I believe this because many people go to far in what they say. Some people make up a speech against the government to there needs not involving the pros and cons because some laws are past because if they are not it can bring a desaster to the country. People should be considerate in what they say because they often say what comes out of anger and not think in what they are going to say first.

Anonymous said...

Period 1 Santiago Vejar
The Sedition Act of 1798 was a series of laws know collectively as the Alien and Sedition Act that were passed by Federalist Congress. They were signed into law by Presidents Adams .Some act that were illegal were crimes like encouraging rebellion against the government .Hamilton approved of this law,believing that it would punish only those who published vicious lies intended to destroy the government .The penalties for violations would be getting arrested. One example is when the newspaper editor called Adam " old , querulous , bald , blind , crippled , toothless Adam ".Twenty-five people were arrested under the law .Ten of them were convicted of printing seditions opinions.
Mr.Jefferson and MR. Armstrong oppose the sedition Acts because they viewed the Sedition Acts a s an attack on the rights of free speech and free press.Since the federal government was enforcing the act,they looked to the states to protect these precious freedom .Jefferson and Madison made up some suggestions opposing the alien and the sedition act . They both argued that Congress had gone beyond the constitution in passing these acts. States, therefor had t a duty to nullify the laws that is to declare them to be without legal force

Anonymous said...

Priscilla P.
In 1798,President John Adams signed the sedition act. The sedition act was a law that didn't allowed people to write,print, or speak anything scandalous and malicious about the government. The law was passed because it protected the government and avoid conflict with the people but it was also to make the federalist's enemies[the republicans] have a hard time.If they do commit the crime or help to commit the crime they will pay a fine less than a thousand dollars and would be imprisoned for less than 2 years.This is shown in a quote from the sedition act"to aid,encourage or abet any hostile design of any foreign nation against the united states.....imprisonment not exceeding two years".

Mr.Thomas jefferson oppose the sedition act because it abridge the law from the constitution.He made Kentucky and Virginia void the law and created the Kentucky Resolution but it became a bad idea so,he should of put it to the court.Mr.Armstrong opposed the sedition act because it didn't follow the constitution and he also linked the sedition act to slavery because it took an important right away from the people. This is shown in the poster by john armstrong"what stronger,what more precise.......can be given then this." He also thought that they should use the militia [army]

I believe there should be limits on free speech because sometimes speeches can go to far and hurt, they should stop when they say a secret nobody wants to say.

Anonymous said...

Amber D. p1.
in 1798 federalists passed the sedition act. The sedition act was made to keep thetas away from the government, or at least in the federalists eyes. In the republicans eyes the sedition act was violating the constitution well the first amendment to be exact. The republicans thought it was an invasion of the right to free speech and press. The sedition act actually said that, it was illegal to say write publish or help anyone do anything of the sort that was considered hostile, or gave a bad message about the country, government, or anyone/ anything related to the government.
they were to be "punished by a fine not exceeding two-thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

Mr. Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong tried to oppose the sedition act due to the fact that they were against it. they are gainst it because it was an invasion of the first amendment. Mr.Jefferson wrote about the constitution and about the sedition act went against it.

Under the first amendment there is something called "protected speech". i think that there should be a limit to what people do or don't say. I believe that because some one can say some thing false and spread fear anger or other hostile emotions. People who work for the government shouldn't be allowed to say anything they please for they might leak secret information on the military, president, elections, bills, or other things.

Anonymous said...

per.1 Anai.o

Encouragement rebellion against the government was a crime made by the sedition act. The types of people that would be found guilty are republican , democratic The Democratic-Republicans made the Alien and Sedition Acts an important issue in the 1800 election. Thomas Jefferson, upon assuming the Presidency, pardoned those still serving sentences under the Sedition Act.government authorities prepared lists of aliens for deportation, many aliens fled the country during the debate over the Alien and Sedition Acts, and Adams never signed a deportation order.The XYZ Affair was a political and diplomatic episode in 1797 and 1798, early in the administration of John Adams, involving a confrontation between the United States and Republican France .An American diplomatic commission was sent to France in July 1797 to negotiate problems that were threatening to break out into warSedition Act- a bill that made it a crime to speak or write anything against the governmentThe Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (or Resolves) were political statements drafted in 1798 and 1799, in which the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took the position that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bryan Contreras

The Sedition Act made writing,printing,saying,or publishing lies about the government or any house of the congress. The law was passed because the president was afraid of being overruled by the republicans and his enemies finding a weakness in the united states. If the sedition act were to be violated the violated will be arrested for 2 years (max) and a fine of 2,000 dollars (max). Mr. Armstrong was against the sedition act because they were penalizing people on there freedom of speech and not letting people share there opinions. Mr. Jefferson was against the sedition act because he thought the act was intended towards his party because most republicans would talk bad about the president. He also was against it because he thought it was taking there freedom of speech. I think that there should be a limit in speech because some things are secrets like military wise and personal wise.

Anonymous said...


The Sedition Act was passed by Congress on July 14,1798 and signed by President John Adams. Writing anything bad or dreadful about the government was a crime according to the Sedition Act. In the 1970's publishers and writers were the type of people that could have been found guilty for that crime. The Sedition Act protects the president from defame and outlaws any conspiracies. "That if any person shall write, print, utter, or publish any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United states..." The law states that writings that defame the government stirs up sedition within the U.S. "with intent to defame the said government ... the hatred of the good people of the United State, or to stir up sedition within the U.S"
Mr. Jefferson thought the Sedition Act should be appealed. He used the quote,"Which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not law, but is altogether wood and of no effect." to support his opinion. Mr. Armstrong was against the Sedition Act because he thought that we should be able to share our thoughts and opinions. He said that if law citizens are not allowed to express their opinion it's as bad as slavery because slaves didn't have freedom of speech. " By this law citizens of their states are prohibited, from expressing even their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the President..." "What stronger, what more precise definition of slavery can be given than this? That we can state no belief, hazard no opinion that..." This shows that the Sedition Act is as bad as slavery.
I think that there should be limits on free speech because clearly terrorist threats or revealing military secrets can cause harm to people.

Anonymous said...

Miranda P. Period 3

The Sedition Act of 1798 was illegal because the could say lies or talk bad about their president or government. If they were heard saying bad things about their government they were kicked out of the state or sent to jail. The government felt if they said things about them it would make them feel weak.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed to the sedition act because they believed in free exercise and also freedom of speech. The act also gave punishment for certain crimes against the United States. They also wanted to void it.

Anonymous said...

Bryan Contreras

The Sedition Act made writing,printing,saying,or publishing lies about the government or any house of the congress. The law was passed because the president was afraid of being overruled by the republicans and his enemies finding a weakness in the united states. If the sedition act were to be violated the violated will be arrested for 2 years (max) and a fine of 2,000 dollars (max). Mr. Armstrong was against the sedition act because they were penalizing people on there freedom of speech and not letting people share there opinions. Mr. Jefferson was against the sedition act because he thought the act was intended towards his party because most republicans would talk bad about the president. He also was against it because he thought it was taking there freedom of speech. I think that there should be a limit in speech because some things are secrets like military wise and personal wise.

Anonymous said...

Oscar Ramirez

The act of the Sedition act was illegal because it made the federalist go against the government.
The people that were found guilty of this crime where the federalist.The people that where not protected of the law was the trouble makers.The sedition act guard against people not to be against the goverment or else they would be punished or sent to jail. The goverment was afraid that his people would go against him.

The sedition act means to say something or write something against the goverment. that would go to the federalist or the news-paper reporter.The alien act was to name the people that came from other countries that not yet became citizen. For example Mexico people.(non-citizens) I think that they did good for the for the Kentucky resolution. They solved it because they had removed some laws.

Anonymous said...

per 3
Jonathan C

I can describe the sedition act as a law that protects the president and the government from false information about them. A quote to support this is 'uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the united states , or either house of the congress of the united states ,or the president of the united states '. The thing that was illigall were iimagrants which was the act called Alien act . The sedition act was past to protect the president and the congress from false information.
They would go to prison if the law was violated.

The reason that Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstong oppose to the sedition act was that the sedition act took away some of their right that were in the first amendment which was free speech and press. The actions they suggested were to altogether void and of no affect .

They should not be limits to free speech and press because if there is limits to free speech they would be taking away are rights that are in in the constitution of the united states.

Anonymous said...

per.3 Joshua .C

The sedition acts were illegal because it took away your right to freedom of speech and freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The law passed because for other countries won't think wrong about them . The penalties for violating the law is you get fined or get imprisoned.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment. The action they took was to

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yesica G. Per.3
The sedition act was a law that stated no publisher or anybody could could publish lies or any false writing about the government or the president. The law was passed because the federalist congress was signed to law by president Adams. The penalties were that they could be punished by a fine that exceeds two thousand dollars and prisoned for 2 years.
Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong were in the republican side and and the federalist were the ones who created the law.

Anonymous said...

Bliss Ventura period.3 11-13-14

The sedition Act of 1798 are four bills that were passed down by the Federalists from the fifth United State Congress that were signed by the persedent John Adams. The sedition Act was against anyone writing any negative about the government ( this was a crime if anyone did ). the ones that were more guilty and more blamed on this sort of crime were the publishers of the local newspaper and also writers. this sedating act is also protecting the president.

the reason why Mr.Armstrong was aginst the sedition act was for the reason that he inferred that the citizens should be able to state their "beliefs" and "opinion".

Anonymous said...

Karla R. period 3
The Sedition Act of 1798 was a bill that was passed by the federalist in the 5th U.S congress. The acts that were illegal were saying or writing lies or false actions about the U.S government, congress, or president," That if any person shall write, print, utter or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written..." . This law was passed because some of the people from the United States were talking bad about the U.S president and government. The penalties for this violation were prison for 5-20 years or getting kicked out of the U.S.

Jefferson and Armstrong both opposed to the Sedition Act because they were both on the Republican's side and the republicans were actually known to commit this violation. Mr.Armstrong suggested that we all had the right to live in peace without slavery that way the republicans would stop talking or writhing bad about the U.S. Jefferson said that, " An in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States,"this shows that Jefferson thought the people had a right to say things about the U.S.

I think that there should be limits to free speech because everyone has the right to say what they want but, they can't say false statements or other things about the U.S because they might cause problems not only with the government but also with other people and they can also get themselves into problems.

Anonymous said...

Briana R. Per.3
It was illegal to say anything false about the government of the United States, the house of Congress, or the President. It was illegal because then they would be defaming the government and they would then have a weak government. It was also illegal to help any foreign nation against the United States. The laws were passed because people were complaining that the Sedition Act was preventing them from their freedom to speak what they want. They would be charged a fine and by imprisonment.
Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the Sedition Act because it was prohibiting the freedom of speech,press.

Anonymous said...

Brittney C.
Per.3 History

The Sedition Act of 1798 is an act that it has punishments of certain kinds of crimes against the United States. There was also acts that were illegal like to "...willingly assist or aid in writing, printing, uttering, or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writings against the government of the United States..." Also writings against anything related to Congress or the president. Another illegal act is "...intent to defame the said government or either the house..." The law was passed because it was entitled as "An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States."

Anonymous said...

Jorge Melendez per 3.

The sedition act of 1798 made it illegal to write ,print utter, or publish any thing bad about the president .
These laws were passed because many french were saying lies and if anyone brke this law they need to pay $2,000 .

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed the sedition act because the believed that it violated peoples rights in freedom of speech . They believed if they

Anonymous said...

Joanna G. per.3

The Sedition Act was a law. The law was passed by Congress on July 14, 1798 and signed by president John Adams. The acts that were illegal were if you said something bad or lied about the president or the government. This law was passed because if someone said a bad comment about the president or the government, they would be protected by the law and the person who said the bad thing would be punished. The punishments that the people would get if they talked bad about the president or government was either they would go to jail or they would be kicked out of the U.S..

Jefferson and Armstrong opposed to the Sedition Act because they were in the republican side and the federalist mad this law. They suggested that the law should be taken away from Congress because they thought that it was against freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Jose E. per.3
Acts that were illegal in Sedition act was that anything said false about the government of United States,the house of congress,and the president.

Anonymous said...

Luis G. Per.3

The acts that were illegal in the sedition act was that you couldn't talk,speak,write,or publish any opinions or speak falsely about the president or the government.This law was passed on because the government and the president were afraid that the people would defame them and wouldn't be liked anymore.The penalties were you have pay two thousand dollars and go to jail for two years."Two thousand dollars,and by imprisonment two years."

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed the sedition act because citizens couldn't say any opinions about the government or the president.So they got mad that citizens didn't have freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Rudy Diaz per. 3

When the Sedition Act came out you weren't allowed to write, print, utter or publish false scandalous or malicious writing against the government is a crime. The French or immigrants were usually the ones found guilty. The Sedition Act guards the government from being defamed. The gov. is afraid of bad things of him stirring up sedition within the US. The punishment was 2 years in prison or 2000 dollars.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the Sedition Acts.They wanted to do something to stop these laws.

Anonymous said...

Eduardo H. per.3

When the sedition act was founded their was now things that were illegal. One of which was that, it was a crime to say anything or write anything against the government. I think the people that would have wanted this law would be people that are part of the government. I think that because only the government would have wanted that no one could say anything. The penalties for doing this is that you would go to jail for two years and you would have also had to pay two thousand dollars.

Anonymous said...

Joanna G. per.3

The Sedition Act was a law. The law was passed by Congress on July 14, 1798 and signed by president John Adams. The acts that were illegal were if you said something bad or lied about the president or the government. This law was passed because if someone said a bad comment about the president or the government, they would be protected by the law and the person who said the bad thing would be punished. The punishments that the people would get if they talked bad about the president or government was either they would go to jail or they would be kicked out of the U.S..

Jefferson and Armstrong opposed to the Sedition Act because they were in the republican side and the federalist mad this law. They suggested that the law should be taken away from Congress because they thought that it was against freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Octavio Lizarraga pd 3

The act of sedition was illegal. Because it maid the federalist have more power then the republicans. The law was past also to make aliens [non-citizen]be sent to Mexico or jailed.That law also maid that people could not talk bad about the government and if they did [it was considered a crime].

The reason why Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong were against the sedation act was because they were both republicans and the sedation act took away power from republicans.

Anonymous said...

Angelina R.
Period 3

When the Sedition Act came out it was a crime to write or publish false information against the government. the government was a afraid of the people not liking them or going against them. The penalty was a charge of $1,000 and 2 years in jail.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed the Sedition act because clients couldn't say there opinions on the government or the president.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie A. Per.3 11-13-14

The Sedition Act was a law that made it a crime if you say,write, or print lies about the government,president, and Congress even though they are opinions about them. This would take our freedom of free speech.

Thomas Jefferson and Armstrong opposed the Sedition Acts because they felt that this act would violate the 1st amendment. The actions that they suggested should be done to stop these laws is too cut-off the press, so this is not a law, but is altogether cancelled and of no effect. So the punishment of certain crimes were against the United States. "...which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not law, but is altogether void and of no effect."

I think there should not be any limit of speech because everybody should be able to speak whenever they want because they have a freedom of speech meaning that they speak when they want to. Everyone should be able to say anything and any time they want to.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Guzman p3

The sedition act was of 1798 was illegal because anything said false about the president would go to jail and suffer the consequences.Talking bad about the president can lead to going to jail and being hanged.This law was passed because the federalist president , John Adams, did not like when they talk bad about the president so this is why he passed this law.

Mr Jefferson and Mr Armstrong opposed the sedition acts because Mr jefferson was a replubican so he of course he disapproved this law because this law had a attack on his party.On the other hand Mr armstrong thought that people should be able to state beliefs and opinions so he sent a letter to congress.

There should be a limit of free speech because some secrets can be out and they can be secrets that nobody should know for example military techniques or terrorist attacks.

Anonymous said...

Alberto Acosta Per.3

The sedition act of 1798 was illegal because talking bad about the president or government would go to jail and suffer the consequences they said about them.The laws were passed because the federalist president, John Adams, did not like when they talked bad about the president so this is why he passed this law.Some punishments for speaking or acting against the government were that you could've been fined up to two-thousand dollars or go to jail for two years.

Thomas Jefferson, being a republican of course,disapproved this law because he saw this as an attack on his party.Mr.Armstrong thought that people should be able to state beliefs and opinions,so he sent a letter to Congress."What stronger ,what more precise definition of slavery can be given then this?

I believe that there should be a limit to free speech.I believe this because it can get the whole country
worried and caused war.But we do have enough freedom of speech

Anonymous said...

Period 3
Bianca S.

The illegal acts were that if you write against the government of the United States or publish false and scandalous writing.The government was afraid of the people disliking them or going against them.The penalties for violation was that they could take you to jail and hang you.In the text on document 1 part 1 & 2,it says that "writing against the government of the United States or either the house of the congress of the United States.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment.The actions

Anonymous said...

Lupe garcia

Sedition Act ..The illegal acts were that people could not say bad things about the president or the government. The law was passed by John Adams this is because John Adam was a democratic federalist and didn't like when people talk things about the president. The penalties people would receive for violating these laws were to be jailed and be hanged or either pay 2,000 dollars to be freed.
Mr. Jefferson opposed the Sedition Act because he was republican and Mr. Arm strong also opposed the Sedition act , because he believed people could state opinions so he sent a letter to congress.

Anonymous said...

James C.

The Sedition Act of 1798 was passed by Congress on July 14,1798 and signed by President John Adams. Some acts that were illegal was that people couldn't write, print, utter or publish, falsely about the president or the government.

The reason why they opposed the Sedition Acts because citizens could not say any opinion to the government especially since they dont care.

The Sedition Acts clearly limited freedom of speech. I do not think that there should be any limit on free speech because its your mouth so you can talk as much as you want. That is wrong to give punishments just because you talk to much.

Anonymous said...

Ezequiel L.

The sedition act is a law that protects the president and congress."Uttering or published any false , scandal and malicious writing or writings about the president or government of the U.S.People couldn't say bad things about congress because if they did they have committed a crime that is illegal . Another act that were illegal is that there were immigrants from different countries and they were illegal and they were called aliens. The sedition act was passed because it will encourage rebellion against the government. The penalties would be they would have to pay the law or they would go to prison.

The reason that Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong oppose the sedition act is that the sedition act took some rights that were in first amendment.For example they the sedition act took away free speech in court. The actions that they suggest should be done to stop these laws is that they said 'altogether void and of no affect".

There shouldn't be limits on free speech because if there were freedom of speech they would take away our rights that are in the amendment.

Anonymous said...

Angelina R.
Period 3

When the Sedition Act came out it was a crime to write or publish false information against the government. the government was a afraid of the people not liking them or going against them. The penalty was a charge of $1,000 and 2 years in jail.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed the Sedition act because clients couldn't say there opinions on the government or the president.

Anonymous said...

Fabian Cruz Per.5

The Sedition Act of 1798 is a law that says that people are forbidden to say or print anything that is false about the government or president. It has been said that the Sedition Act was actually used to make the live of Republicans difficult. If you broke the Sedition Act, you would either pay a fee or get imprisoned for a limited amount of time.In the passage it says,"... shall be punished by a fee not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."
Jefferson and Armstrong opposed the Sedition Acts because it took away the freedom of speech and press of people. They would say that it would be like if Americans were slaves. In the passage it says,"What stronger, what more precise definition of slavery can be given than this?"
I would think that there should be a limit on free speeches. I think there should be a limit because some people might believe a person who is lying and that lie might cause major trouble. This would also make it so that there wouldn't be much danger to anyone. I would limit it to the point where there shouldn't be a lie can majorly hurt anyone, unless its true than that might be fine, but honestly I do not want anyone to be hurt.

Anonymous said...

Angelica L. P:5

The sedition act said it was illegal to publish anything false about the government to the public. The sedition act took away everyones freedom of speech to protect anything bad about the government getting out to the public. The law was passed so other countries won't think anything bad about the government or about the president. The penalties that were made for violating the law were that if you get caught you could be fined or get imprisoned. In document one it says," That if any person shall write, print, utter, or publish, or shall cause a procedure to be written, printed, uttered or published..." they shall be fined or imprisoned.
Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong both oppose the sedition act because they didn't like that it violated many rights. For example, the sedition act violated the first amendment also known as the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom to petition the government, and freedom of religion.
I personally don't think their should be any limits to free speech because then it wouldn't be considered free. If the government would like to say something they should be able to say it even if it can bring consequences. The thing is if they know it could bring severe consequences they should just think about there actions and make a decision if what they say would be worth the trouble and could actually make a big change.

Anonymous said...

P.5 Ashley H.

The Sedition Act made it illegal to write, publish, or speak bad things about the Congress or President. It also made it illegal to help someone with sedition plans. The Sedition Act was passed by the Congress on July 14, 1798, and signed by President John Adams, who was a federalist. There were many reasons why they created this law. One reason was to drown out political criticism. Another reason was to weaken the Democratic-Republican party during the 1800 election. The third reason was because if people believed the negative, or false statements, there would be hatred towards the government. The last reason was because, if other foreign countries believed these negative, false statements, they wouldn't want to help the U.S. when needed. If you violated the law, you would be imprisoned and fined. Document 1 part 3 states, "..shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

Both Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed the Sedition Act. One reason was because they thought the law was unconstitutional. Another reason was because the Sedition Act infringed the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. Document 2 part 1 states, " Congress shall make no law respecting..the freedom of speech, or of the press.." When Mr. Jefferson became President, he freed all men imprisoned by the act, reimbursed the fines they paid, and granted them a formal pardon. and apology.

I think there should be limits when it comes to free speech. I say this because citizens shouldn't be able to reveal military secrets because they would basically be committing treason. I also believe that there should be limits on free speech when it comes to terrorist threats because it can cost the lives of innocent people. However, i believe that people should be able to give their opinion because you might agree on their point of view, and you might change the way you feel about something.

Anonymous said...

p.5 Heyle O.
The Sedition Act of 1798 is a law where they punish people.If you publish anything that contradicts the government.The acts that were illegal were that if you publish or say anything illegal,you pay a fine.The law was passed because the government could gain respect.One of the penalties was that you have to pay a fine and go to jail for the years that they tell you.For example,it states"..illegal to write,publish,or say anything bad is illegal.."It is also illegal to to help someone with sedition plans.The Sedition Act was passed by the congress on July 14,1798.This act was signed by president John Adams who was a federalist.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong oppose the Sedition Acts because for many reasons.Here are some reasons why. When Jefferson saw it, he referred to nulification.He referred to this because he didn't agree to the Sedition Act becoming a law.Jefferson and Armstrong both opposed.They thought the law was unconstitutional.Also,because they thought that it would take away Freedom of Press and Freedom of Congress.Also,that they didn't have freedom and couldn't sneak their minds and the sedition citizens couldn't either.

I think that there should be limits on free speech because they shouldn't be able to reveal military secrets.I also believe that there should be limits on terrorist threats because it could save the lives of good people .

Anonymous said...

Leslie B.

The sedition act of 1798 made many things illegal, it had penalties and was a law. It made acts like writing false , scandalous, or malicious information about the government , president, or house of congress a crime. If any one violated the sedition act they'd be punished. According to doc.1 pt3 "...against the U.S. their people or their government then such person shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 2 thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding 2 years." The sedition act wasn't actually a law but there would be punishment for false information of the U.S. government. Due to the statement "...and act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the U.S.," which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not a law, but is altogether void and of no affect."
Jefferson and Armstong oppose the sedition act because they knew the sedition act took peoples freedom of speech right away. And, because Jefferson and Armstrong went by the constitution , there it was clearly stated that, "Congress shall make no law respecting and establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there of or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press", which Thomas Jefferson added to his essay "The Kentucky Resolution" on doc.2 pt1.Their suggested actions were that Response the Sedition act (poster by Armstrong) and the Kentucky Resolution(essay by Jefferson) were that the sedition act shouldn't be a law because the constitution expressly declared that people had the right of freedom of speech, and the sedition act prohibited people from having that right.
I believe there should be a limit. Not were people will be punished for there opinions, but were they wouldn't have to be told whats right from wrong. Were people won't have to be reminded about there actions and were the type of limit were they wouldn't take over advantage of the rights there provided with.

Anonymous said...

Brandon F PER 6

The Sedition act was a law that made any false statments about the the government illegal. By this i meant that if you say a lie or something that cannot be proven true it would be an illegal act. The law was made so other countries wouldn't believe these false statments. For example if someone made up a lie about the U.S government that said they were going to war other countries might want to attack."That if any person shall write, print ,utter or publish or shall cause or procure ... any false scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States ..'
Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed the Sedition Act because it violated the constitutions amendment. The amendment violated was the first which stated freedom of speech and press. Both Mr. Jefferson and Armstrong believed that was wrong and unfair to good citizens. Mr. jefferson and Armstrong decided on an 'Act of certain crimes against the United States'
Yes the first amendment was violated and i believe that yes there should be limits to freedom of speech. One should not be able to work for the U.S and tell all plans or strategies to a different country as an act of freedom of speech. I also believe that the limits that are given to us are unfair we should have the right to share out what we believe the government or even the president is doing wrong.

Anonymous said...

Delia Acedo per.05
The sedition act was a law that would punish anyone who published, utter, or write any lies about the US government in general. The law was passed so that any trouble maker from anywhere in the world who published a lie or anything that could not be proven would be punished. This law was more supported by the federalist because of what happened with Genet. He tried to convince people to kick out the president and to avoid tis the law was passed. “That if any person shall write, print,utter,or publish...any false, scandals malicious writing or writings against the government...”This supports the main idea of what the sedition act was all about.

Both Armstrong and Jefferson thought it was a violation lot the first amendment. The reason why Jefferson, being a republican, opposed the sedition act was because he thought it was a violation of our rights. Our rights clearly say that we have the right to freedom oppress and freedom of speech. “Special probation has been made by one of the amendments to the constitution which clearly expressly declares, that congress shall make no laws...abridging the freedom of speech or the press". Armstrong thought it should be it prohibited people from expressing their believes. “Prohibited... penalties from expressing even their disapprobation. Armstrong was a supporter of the constitution ,so he knew that it was wrong to pass the sedition act. This pretty much explains why both men thought the sedition act was such a bad idea.
I do believe that there should believe that there should be limited freedom of speech. I also believe that whatever was published should have evidence and there shall not be any articles of top US secrets exposed to the public. They are secrets for a reason and only the US government should know.that is why i think there should be limited freedom of speech, to some extent.

Anonymous said...

Jaritzy Sanchez P.5
The Sedition Act of 1798 was how this act made it illegal for anyone to express "any false, scandalous and malacious writing" against Congress or the government. This act did not specifically protect the vice-president which was, Thomas Jefferson. Any additional language punished any spoken or published words that had "bad intent" to "defame" the government or cause the "hatred" of the people toward it. Penalties ranged from 6 months to 5 years in prison. And a fine of up to $5000 to $100000 (in todays dollars).
Just like Mr.Jefferson, Mr.Armstong was also against he Sedition Act. Mr.Armstrong thought people should live in a free nation and have freedom of speech and press. He thought this because this was 2 of all the 5 laws given in the First Amendment. Mr.Armstrong reffered this to slavery since you didn't have freedom with either slavery or the Sedition Act. Mr.Jefferson also thought that the Sedition Act was violating the rules of the First Amendment. These were the freedom of speech and press. Mr.Jefferson stated "... which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not law, but is altogether void and of no effect."
I think there should be freedom of speech, but there should also be a limit.The limited speeh is als called "protected speech." I think this because some can have agreements and disagreements on many things. Like the military secrets should be protected but not other things like our language. There are things that should be proteted like secrets while not as much as others. This should be voluntarily and not by force.

Anonymous said...

Viridiana Preciado Period 5
The Sedition Act in 1798 was illegal because it took all your right in freedom of speech and also freedom of press. The act that were illegal were publishing false comments about the president,saying things that were not true about people in government. The laws were passed because the people who worked in the newspaper wrote thing that were not true about the president and government.The penalties for violation were sent to jail or death.In document 1 it says "That if any person write,print,utter or publish,or shall cause or procure to be written,printed,uttered or published, or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing,printing,uttering or publishing any false,scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the united states,or either house of the congress of the united states, or the president of the united states."

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because the didn't like that it violated so many rights. For example the sedition act didn't respect the first admendment which it said you had freedom of speech, freedom of religion,and freedom of press,and freedom to petition the government.

I think there should be limits on freedom of speech. I think this because many people say thing that are not true about the president, government, congress and other people. Also i think there should be a limit because like it says many people reveal military secrets and making terrorist threats and that should not be said at all. So some thing you say have a limits.

Anonymous said...

Per 5
Hugo Serrano

The sedition Act was a law that couldn't let you express your opinion about the president, congress, and government .Hamilton approved this law believing that it would punish those who published lies intended to destroy the government. "That if any person shall write, print,or publish anything false,scandalous and writing against the government of the United States or either the house of congress..." If you do express a bad opinion about the president, government, or congress you will get punished by a fine or exceeding $2,000 and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.

Jefferson believes that there should be no law about religion , or the freedom of speech or press. Jefferson also believes that this law is breaking the amendment to the constitution declares that "congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or the freedom of speech or press..."This is what the amendment said so the sedition act is breaking the law. Mr. Armstrong believes people have the right to give there own opinion about the world. If they give there opinion it is what they think not a fact. "That we can state no belief,hazard no opinion."

I believe there should be no limits on free speech. Everyone has the right to feel about things different than other people. Just because you say an opinion doesn't mean that it is true.

Anonymous said...

Angel R. Per5

The Sedition act was the act that John Adams a federalist passed.In the act it made it illegal to speak or print bad lies about the government."That if any people shall write, print,utter, or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered or publish.... publishing any false,scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government." The law was made so there wouldn't be any riots.If people started saying lies about the government they would cause the government trouble."with intend to defame the said government, or either house of said Congress, or the said President, or to bring... the hatred of the good people of the United States..."The penalties of breaking the law would be getting jailed for no more than two years or/and no more than two thousand dollar bail."Shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

Thomas Jefferson thought that the Sedition Act was violating peoples right to freedom.He also said that the Sedition Act was unconstitutional since in the constitution there is freedom of rights and press the Sedition act cant take it away."...or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,""thereby guarding the same words, the freedom of religion, of speech, and of the press," Thomas Jefferson thought that the Sedition Act should be Void."which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not law, but is altogether void and of no effect."Armstrong thought that people should express themselves and that the punishments were severe."By this law citizens of their states are prohibited, under the severest penalties, from expressing their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the President, or of either house of Congress,"

There should be some limitations to the freedom of speech.One limitation is if someone intends to harm someone.e.x. Like if they say I'm going to hurt someone. The other limit is if they are deliberating trying to bring down the government.e.x. If they share the government plans or secrets withe terrorist or random people online.The last limit is if they abuse the freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Period 5
Karen G.

The Sedition Act of 1798 prohibited people from publishing, printing, or writing something that was against the government. "... printing, uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States...". This law was passed because it guards against someone who would want to 'attack' the government. If one were to 'attack' the government, they would be punished with a fine of two thousand dollars or imprisonment in jail for two years. "Then such person...shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

Mr. Jefferson opposed the Sedition Acts because when the Kentucky Resolution was published he stated that the Sedition Act did not follow the First Amendment rights in the Constitution. He suggested that they get rid of the Sedition Acts. "Congress shall make no law respecting an Establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."
Mr. Armstrong opposed the Sedition Acts
because he was supporter of George Washington and of the Constitution. she suggested that they get rid of the Sedition Acts because he believed that people can speak what's on their mind without getting in trouble. "That we can state no belief, hazard no opinion, that...lessen the public estimation of a public servant..."

I think there should be limits on free speech because some stuff could be extremely confidential. Although some people won't talk about society's problems, there should be some limits that prevent us from saying anything that would make us sound as if we were against the government.

Anonymous said...

Karen J.
period 5
The sedition act of 1798 was illegal because it took the freedom of speech of the people and the freedom of press. If you say or write anything that is a false statement about the Government you would be breaking the law. This law was passed because some people didn't think of the bad things it was happened and the rights it will take way from them.The penalties for it would be to punish them with a fine no more than two thousand dollars and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.
Jefferson and Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment. The actions that they suggest that the sedition act shouldn't been passed because the constitution expressly said that people have the rights of freedom of speech and this act would take away the freedom of their speech.The actions they took was from expressing even their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the president or of either house of congress though the medium of the press.
There should be limits to free speech because if they a secrets you don't want people to know, then people will tell other people and it will be spread before you can stop it.Also there shouldn't because if you want revenge again them you can use the secrets they have.

Anonymous said...

Period 5 Stephanie F.

The acts that were illegal by the Sedition Act that people shouldn't write or talk about the government in a bad way that would be against what the government is known for. In the text, "... any foreign nation against the United States,their people or their government, ... shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.''

The reasons Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Jefferson oppose that the Sedition Act because it was taking away the peoples freedom of press and freedom of speech. Mr.Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong thought that that the Sedition Act should be stopped of the Sedition Act laws and orders because its unconstitutional. This is why they wrote resolutions but only Kentucky and Virginia took them. This supports my statement in the text," Jefferson drew up a set of resolutions opposing the sedition act and sent them to appproval ... only two states adopted these resolutions, Kentucky and Virginia... "
In my perspective i think that there should stop of freedom of speech and freedom of press because the information they give us is faulty and can cause a war. People can also use the information against the government. These acts should be prevented illegal.

Anonymous said...

Beatrice A. Per. 5
In 1789, the congress passed the sedition Acts. The Sedition Acts didn't allow anything to be published if it was hateful or false information about the government, the house of Congress, or the president. The evidence for this is,"...printing,uttering,or publishing any false, scandalous, and malicious writings or writings against the government..." The Sedition Acts also does not allow anyone to help a foreign nation with a crime, or evil plan or else they will be punished.In document 1, part 3, it states, "to aid, encourage, or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States...shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars and by imprisonment..." The Sedition Acts were passed because if the people read the false information, the government would seem weak and not only the people will most likely go against the government, but there will be hatred towards the people of the U.S.
Mr. Jefferson opposed the Sedition Acts because he knew that the law was a violation of the first amendment. The evidence for this is in document 2, part 2, which states," which does abridge the freedom of the press..."Jefferson thinks that they should get rid of the Sedition Acts and the evidence for that is, " which does abridge freedom of press, is not law, but altogether void of no effect." Mr. Armstrong opposes the sedition Acts because he is a follower of the Constitution and the Constitution has the first amendment, which says that everyone has the freedom of speech and the press. he knows that the Sedition Acts are taking away the people's freedom of speech and freedom of the press. The evidence for this is in document 3, which states,"He was a supporter of the George Washington and the Constitution..." This says that Mr.Armstrong supports the Constitution, so he also respects the amendments,so of course he will oppose of the sedition Acts. Mr. Armstrong would want to get rid of the Sedition Acts because it is a violation of the first amendment.
I think that there should be limits on freedom of speech, only if it is really private. If it is something like a small lie of the government, then it doesn't matter. There should be limits to freedom of speech because sometimes, publishing really private secrets or threats would cause a lot of problems. For example, no one should publish any revealed military secrets because other foreign countries (militaries) would know their weaknesses and take advantage of it and steal their ideas or ruin a certain mission that is probably planned.

Anonymous said...

Nataly Roa Per.5

The sedition act of 1798 is an act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States. The sedition act prohibited public opposition to the government. it made it illegal"to write, print,utter,and publish any false,scandalous,and malicious writing against the government of the United States." It was also illegal to help any foreign nation with a crime or evil plan. Act were illegal because it violated the constitution which guarantees "freedom of speech." Congress passed four acts to empower the president of the United States. Penalties for violations included "a fine not exceeding $2,000 and/or imprisonment not exceeding two years.

Mr.Jefferson oppose the Sedition acts because he was against the constitution.Mr. Jefferson suggests that they should get rid of the Sedition act.The evidence that supports his opinion is"which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not law,but is altogether void and of no effect."Mr.Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because he was a supporter of the constitution and the constitution has the amendment that says,"everyone has the freedom of press,and speech." What he thinks is that the sedition act is taking away their freedom of speech,and freedom. The evidence that supports this is"penalties, from expressing even their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the president, or of either house of congress."

I think there should be freedom of speech. I think this because we all have the right to voice our opinions without fear of punishment.No one has the right to stop someone.You may not like some of the opinions peoples voice, or the words that they use, but this is absolutely no reason to have the government trample people's natural rights. There is nothing worse than limiting our freedom,we are making things difficult for ourselves.

Anonymous said...

period 5
hector s
the sedetion act of 1798 made it illegal to say certain things about the government, house of congress , or the president . you couldn't express how you feel about these things . you also couldn't publish or print out lies about government, house of congress , or the president .these laws where passed to stop immigrants mostly from france , from coming the untied states . another reason why these laws where passed was because john adams signed of on them . the punishment for breaking the sedition act was either a 2,000 dollar fine or up to two years of jail time . "... shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 2,000 dollars , and imprisonment not exceeding 2 years ."

one reason why george jefferson wants section act taken away is because he said that all people should have the freedom of religion ,freedom of the press ,and the ,freedom of speech .he did all this by quoting the bill of rights ." special provision has been made by one of the amendments to the constitution with expressly declares , that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof , or abridging the freedom of speech , or of the press". armstron thought it was wrong to punish for expressing your thoughts . " under severe penalties from expressing ". they both though that this can be stopped by getting the sedition act taken away .

i think that there should be a limit on free speech . there should be a limit on free speech because i know theres people who will take it too far and say a big lie that might scare others .

Anonymous said...

Viridiana M. per. 5

The Sedition Acts of 1798 an act that prohibited "The Mob" from rebelling against the government and/or writing and publishing bad things about the government. The acts as in rebelling against government and publishing bad things about the government was illegal because it might cause people to believe wht people where saying and bring hatred of the good people to the United States. The penalties for the violation was a "fine not exceeding two thousand dollar, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

The Sedition Acts were opposed by Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong because The Sedition Act was taking away there freedom of speech and freedom of press. "Congress should make no law respecting an Establishment of religion, or prohibiting the frr exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." Jefferson had stated this from the Constitution, saying that this was taking our freedom of speech and freedom of press.

I believe there shouldn't be any limits on freedom of speech, because everyone is allowed to express there own opinion on any certain topic or circumstance.

Anonymous said...

period 5
hector s
the sedetion act of 1798 made it illegal to say certain things about the government, house of congress , or the president . you couldn't express how you feel about these things . you also couldn't publish or print out lies about government, house of congress , or the president .these laws where passed to stop immigrants mostly from france , from coming the untied states . another reason why these laws where passed was because john adams signed of on them . the punishment for breaking the sedition act was either a 2,000 dollar fine or up to two years of jail time . "... shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 2,000 dollars , and imprisonment not exceeding 2 years ."

one reason why george jefferson wants section act taken away is because he said that all people should have the freedom of religion ,freedom of the press ,and the ,freedom of speech .he did all this by quoting the bill of rights ." special provision has been made by one of the amendments to the constitution with expressly declares , that congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof , or abridging the freedom of speech , or of the press". armstron thought it was wrong to punish for expressing your thoughts . " under severe penalties from expressing ". they both though that this can be stopped by getting the sedition act taken away .

i think that there should be a limit on free speech . there should be a limit on free speech because i know theres people who will take it too far and say a big lie that might scare others .

Anonymous said...

Briana S p5
The Sedition Act was approved in 1978 by John Adams . Some of the people in congress felt that ,that was against freedom of speech. This act doesn't allow you to do ,"...any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the U.S.A. Also another illegal act is to publish anything that is malicious or against the government which also includes publishing false facts. If you violate this act the penalty would be a fin not exceeding 2000$and by imprisonment not exceeding 2 years.
There were two men that were from congress that opposed this law. There name were Thomas Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong. Jefferson's reasoning for opposing this act was because he thought that, "congress shall make no law respecting to establishment of religion , or prohibiting ..."the freedom of speech." In brief words he thought that people should have the freedom to give there opinion. He thought that congress should pass on the 14 th of jul 1798 entitled ," An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the USA. " He thought that freedom of the press is not law , but is altogether void and of no effect.
Armstrong felt very similar to Mr. jefferson he said that ,"under the severest penalties from expressing even their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the president." Which means that this kept people from expressing themselves in any typical way against the president. Armstrong inferred that people have the right to give their opinion and have beliefs.
I absolutely think there should be limits of freedom os speech. My reasoning is because some people just can not handle giving there opinion in a respectful way. There is also opinions that are stated in a very malicious way . I do think there should be restrictions but there should also be a space for giving an educated opinion.

Anonymous said...

Alyssa Muñoz p.5

The Sedition Act of 1798 was a law passed that prohibited the people to write print and/or publish any false writing against the government,congress,and/or president. "...publishing any false,scandalous, and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States or either house of Congress of the United States, or the President of the United States..." Even though this law violates the first amendment [ freedom of speech and of the press] it was still passed by Congress on July 14, 1798 and signed by president John Adams. The reason this law was passed is because they were worried that the people who read the false entries would believe them and not vote for the certain person who is being talked about or they would think the US is weak because they're allowing people to enter false accusations. The penalties for the violation were severe." by this law citizens of the states are prohibited, under the severest penalties, from expressing even their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the president or of either house of congress, through the medium of the press..."

Thomas Jefferson and John Armstrong oppose the Sedition Act because it violates the first amendment[ freedom of the press and freedom of religion].They suggested that the sedition act should take off the sedition act by a militia[ temporary army made up of citizens] "... that the only convenient,efficient and safe defense of any free nation is [the] militia..."

I don't believe that there should be any limits on our freedom of speech because our founding fathers gave us a right to speak our mind and be heard so there's no reason why our rights should be taken away.

Anonymous said...

Andy Briseno per.5

On July 14, 1798 president John Adams signed a law named the Sedition Act. The acts that the law made illegal were that one could not publish anything that could destroy the government. It also tried to punish every hostile of any foreign nation that is against the United States. This law was passed so that people would not believe they had a bad government. The penalties for violation were that you could receive were conviction and jail time.

The reasons Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed of the sedition acts were that Mr. Armstrong believed that with that law people were not able to express their political belief. Mr. Jefferson believed that this law would lessen the freedom of the press. He also said "Congress should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech, of the press..."

I believe there should be no limitation on free speech. I believe this because one should be able to express their self as they wish. Also, because the government should not be able to take away the rights you have especially freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

PER 5 Valery S.
The sedition act was passed by the congress on July 14,1798.The sedition act was illegal because it took many of your right away.Some rights were the freedom of speech and another one was the freedom of press.The sedition act protected Hamilton's party but mostly with the government and the president.The law was passed because they didn't want anyone to think wrong about them .If you violated the law the penalties would be getting fined or going to prison.

Mr.Armstrong and Mr.Jefferson oppose the sedition act because the act violated the first amendment.The action they took was they said that everyone had the right to have their own rights.If they passed the sedition act alot of people wouldn't have the freedom to do what they would normally do.Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong weren't satisfied with this because they wanted everyone treated equally. Evidence to support this was that the sedition act was limited to some things.For example making terrorist threats or revealing military secrets weren't considered protected speech.

I think their should be some limits because you never know if they are going to tell the enemies the plans they have to defeat them.Also because its better to keep everything in a secret rather than telling other people that might want to see us defeat by the other tributes.Some people may think that the sedition act was a good thing because they would have more freedom.I think that even though they give you freedom you still have the risk of going to prison or paying a fine.

Anonymous said...

Sandra.G per5
The acts that were illegal by the sedition acts were that no one should talk or write any false statement against the government of The United States.Evidence that supports this is,"That if any person shall site,print,utter or publish ,or shall cause or procure to be written ,printed,uttered or published...aid in writing printing,uttering or publishing any false ,scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States ,or either house of the Congress of the United States ,or the UnitedStates ..."
The resin Mr.Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong a posed the sedition acts was because it was limiting the peoples freedom of speech and press. They thought the Southern Acts should be stopped because it was unconstitutional ,so they wrote these resolutions but only Kentucky and Virgina adopted them. But sure it was only those two states died.Evidence for this is "Jefferson grew upset of resolutions opposing the sedition act and sent them to the states legislature for approval... only two states adopted these resolutions,Kentucky and Virgina .When no other states approved the virginia and Kentucky resolutions,the protest died."
YES,because even if you have freedom of speech not all things you say are true and that might case other people to go against or with you so you need to think before saying anything no matter what.

Anonymous said...

P.5 Daniel V.
The Sedition Act was a law that didn't allow anyone or nothing to say any lies or false statements without evidence or proof about the United States government. The acts that were illegal were publishing any false statements without any proof or evidence supporting your false statement. The law was passed so like that way other countries,states,or even people wouldn't disrespect the country. "... uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writings against the government of the United States..."
Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed to the sedition act because it went againt one of the amendment of the constitution which was part of the first amendment which was freedom of speech. What they did to stop this no sense was establish a act called "an act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States," This would abridge the freedom of press.
Yes I believe there should not be any limitation for freedom of speech because everyone has a right to give their opinion or say what they agree to and what they don't agree to. They have the right to freedom of speech as ;one as they don't get into trouble like get killed.

Anonymous said...

Briana S p5
The Sedition Act was approved in 1978 by John Adams . Some of the people in congress felt that ,that was against freedom of speech. This act doesn't allow you to do ,"...any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the U.S.A. Also another illegal act is to publish anything that is malicious or against the government which also includes publishing false facts. If you violate this act the penalty would be a fin not exceeding 2000$and by imprisonment not exceeding 2 years.
There were two men that were from congress that opposed this law. There name were Thomas Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong. Jefferson's reasoning for opposing this act was because he thought that, "congress shall make no law respecting to establishment of religion , or prohibiting ..."the freedom of speech." In brief words he thought that people should have the freedom to give there opinion. He thought that congress should pass on the 14 th of jul 1798 entitled ," An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the USA. " He thought that freedom of the press is not law , but is altogether void and of no effect.
Armstrong felt very similar to Mr. jefferson he said that ,"under the severest penalties from expressing even their disapprobation of any part of the conduct of the president." Which means that this kept people from expressing themselves in any typical way against the president. Armstrong inferred that people have the right to give their opinion and have beliefs.
I absolutely think there should be limits of freedom os speech. My reasoning is because some people just can not handle giving there opinion in a respectful way. There is also opinions that are stated in a very malicious way . I do think there should be restrictions but there should also be a space for giving an educated opinion.

Anonymous said...

Alisha H Per.5

The things that were illegal during the Sedition Act in 1798 was that you could't have bad or evil plans. It also took away the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press. You can't also write scandalous or malicious things against the government of the United States because then they will fear that it will bring hatred against them. You can't help someone with a crime, that is also illegal because of the Sedition Act. The law was passed because the government didn't think about the Sedition Act that well. It didn't come to their mind about what will happen when that law would be passed. The penalties for violation against the Sedition Act would be, "...then such person... shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

The reason that Mr.Armstrong and Mr. Jefferson opposed the Sedition Act was because they violated the first amendment. Their suggested actions due o their Kentucky Resolution ( the essay by Thomas J.) and Response to the Sedition Act (poster by Armstrong) were that the Sedition Act shouldn't be a law because the constitution expressly declared that people had the right of freedom of speech, and the Sedition Act prohibited people from having that right.

I think that there should be a limit to freedom of speech. I think this because people tend to tell secrets to people and I don't think that you would want people to tell everybody about your secrets. Also, because if you want to plan a revenge on somebody and someone listens to your plan, they might go and tell that person. Also that if someone is going to be on the news you wouldn't want them to reveal your personal problems on the news. That's my opinion on that people should have a limit to freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

per.5 Yenny R.
The acts that were illegal by the Sedition Act was that no one could talk or write any false statement against the government of the United States. The Evidence that supports my statement is where it says,"That if any person shall write, print, utter, or publish... any false, scandalous, and malicious writing or writings against the government." The Sedition Act was passed so that only the one who spoke bad against the government or president would be punished. If this act was violated they would be punished with a fine of two-thousand dollars and imprisonment not exceeding two years."
The reason Mr.Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed the Sedition Act because it was limiting the people's freedom of speech and press. They thought of the Sedition Act should be stopped because it was unconstitutional, so they wrote these resolutions but only Kentucky and Virginia adopted them. But since it was only these two states the protest died. Evidence from the book supports," Jefferson grew up on the resolutions opposing the sedition and them to the state's approved the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, the protest died."
In my point of view, I think that there should be and end to freedom of speech and freedom of press because all the information could start a huge war and many people could use the information against the government. These limits should be provided illegally.

Anonymous said...

p.5 Yahal R.

The sedition act of 1798 was a series of laws that were passed by the federalist congress in 1798. this law stated that anyone who rebelled against the government, president or the house of congress of the united states was now to be considered a serious crime."...scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of t he u.s, or either house of congress of the u.s, or the president of the u.s..." Another illegal crime in the sedition act that no one was to encourage the rebellions, " to aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the united states, their people or their government, then such person... shall be punished..." this law was passed by the federalist congress in 1798 because they believed it would protect our nation from any foreign trouble makers like edmond genet. any person who violated this law would have to " punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

the reasons that mr.jefferson gave to oppose the sedition act were that it took away or limited your rights that were given to every person by the bill of rights and like this it was unconstitutional. the right that was limited was freedom of speech, since you weren't able to express your thought about the government etc. he also said that since the sedition act was limiting your rights it couldn't be passed,"congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therefor, or abridging the freedom of speech. or of the press." mr.armstrong also gave reasons for why the sedition act shouldn't be passed by congress and they were that it was unfair to pass a law that didn't really give you any freedom. the suggestions that they gave to stop this law was that they should make a law that punishes the certain crimes against the u.s without taking away any of your rights, " An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the u.s, which does not abridge the freedom of the press..."

The sedition act clearly limited freedom of speech. some "speech" in the u.s i limited: for example, making terrorist threats or revealing military secrets are not considered"protected speech" under the first amendment. i think freedom of speech should be limited because you cannot be opening your mouth about u.s military secrets because that would put your nation at risk of war and if you say terrorist treats you will get into a lot opt trouble.

Anonymous said...

Yonis Gomez P.5

In the sedition of 1798 the act that was illegal wear that , it was to a crime to write or publish anything that was able to distort the government. In the text it says ,"that if any person shall write, print, utter or publish anything about the government that can affect or destroy it will be but in prison".Another crime is that you can't aid about any foreign nation against the U.S. The penalties of discriminating the government or any other branch would lead to people believing , that they have a bad government or even a bad president.
The reasons that Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong oppose to the sedition act, is because both of them agree that this act is taking our right of freedom of speech and our freedom of the press. Jefferson states in his example of the constitution that says that ,"their isn't any laws that would prevent the people's freedom of speech and os the press."what they do about this law is that , Jefferson says that he wouldn't permit the law to pass and so does Armstrong.
No i dont think that their should be any limits on the freedom of speech and of the press. I think this because everyone should know the truth of what is happening around us . The states or the government shouldn't be able to limit our freedom of speech .

Anonymous said...

P5 Dennise M.

The Sedition act of 1798 was the series of laws passed by Congress on July 14,1798 and was signed by President John Adams. Encouraging rebellion against the goverment was an illegal act. Another illegal act was to encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the U.S, the government wanted a safe state, they didn't want lies to be said against them. The Sedition Act was passed to keep people from writing or publishing false rumors against the government.The penalties for violation was getting a fine and and by imprisonment. in the text it states, " ... scandals and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United States... to aid or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States... the hatred of the good people of the United States... shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

Mr. Jefferson ans Mr. Armstrong oppose the Sedition Acts because it didn't give people the right to freedom of religion,speech, and of the press, which is under the first amendment. It limits your rights that the bill or rights gave us. Jefferson suggested that they should make a law that punishes certain crimes against the U.S without limiting one's rights. In the text it says, " Congress shall make no law respecting an Establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States."

I think there should be a limit on free speech because everyone has the right to give their opinion and how they feel about things, but not to the point where there are threats to others.

Anonymous said...

Angel M. Per.5

The sedition acts were made into law by
President John Adams. The seditions acts made encouraging rebellion, a crime. It also made publishing any kind of false or scandalous comments, towards the President, government, and congress illegal. The law was passed (accordingly to Alexander Hamiliton), "believing that it would only punish those who published vicious lies intended to destroy the government."Basically , to punish those who intended to destroy the government with false rumors.The penalties for committing that crime were according to the text, "shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

Two men that opposed the sedition acts were Thomas Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong. They had their resins for opposing the sedition acts, Jefferson's reason was because he believed that the sedition acts violated the constitution. "Congress shall make no law respecting an Establishment of religion , or prohibiting the free exercise thereof , or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..." Armstrong's reason was he felt that the sedition act prohibits expressing your opinion towards the President or congress. Both suggested what should be done to stop these laws. Jefferson's idea was to make a law that punished those against the government but, wasn't forced which did not take away your freedom of speech or press. Armstrong's suggestion was to have a militia for safe defends.

I have a somewhat common opinion that of Thomas Jefferson had, to not limit speech, it violates the constitution and its wrong in general. My opinion is that you shouldn't be able to limit freedom of speech because , that statement alone (limiting speech) would only want people to encourage rebellion more if that law didn't exists . In conclusion , I say that there should not be a limit of free speech because it would only anger the people more.

Anonymous said...

Period 5 Laura G.

The Sedition Act in 1798 was illegal, nobody should talk or write any false statement against the government. Evidence that supports this statement says, " That if any person call write,print,uttered,or published,or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writting,painting,uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writting or writtings against the government of the United States, or the President of the United States... The sedition act was moved on for those who spoke bad about the government, or President they would be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years.

Mr. Armstrong, and Mr. Jefferson opposed the sedition act and became limited of peoples freedom and of speech,and press. The Sedition Act should be stopped, because it was unconstitutional, they wrote these resolutions it was only Kentucky and Virginia, they had adopted them. Since those two states adopted them their protesting died eventually. " Jefferson drew a set of resolutions opposing the sedition act, and sent them to the state of legislature for the approval,only Kentucky and Virginia adopted the resolution. "


Anonymous said...

Leonor Ascencio PER.3 11-13-14

The Sedition Act was a law that made it a crime to say, write, or print and publish lies about the government,Congress,and the president. This means that it was even illegal to say your opinion about the president. The Sedition Act takes away your right of free speech.The press can't print any thing that makes the government,Congress,and the president even if it might be true.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong oppose the Sedition Act because they felt like it violated the first Amendment. Mr.Jefferson thinks that they should keep the press out of the Sedition Act . Mr.Armstrong thinks that

I think that there shouldn't be limits on free speech because I think that everyone should speak their mind.

Anonymous said...

Maite S

The Sedition Act is a law that says people can not talk, write, or publish anything that talks bad about the government. These acts were illegal because they will defame the United States and give them a bad name. Another act that was illegal is that no one "can aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any nation against the US their people of the government." The US government was worried about the foreign nations because the US has a weaker army. These laws were passed because the government simply did not want any defaming happening to the country. The penalties that will happen if you break this law is that you will pay a fine, not going over two thousand dollars, and you will be imprisoned.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the Sedition Acts because they thought it was going against the first amendment. The first amendment stated that people have freedom of the press and freedom of speech so they have the right to speak up for anything they wanted. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Armstrong both secretly drafted the Kentucky and Virgina Resolutions. Thomas Jefferson recomended that the Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and should not be passed by law. Jefferson said that these acts will create a lot of problem and maybe even war. Jefferson was calling these acts for outright rebellion. Both of the men belived this laws were unfair to people and mostly unconstitutional.

I believe there should be limits on free speech because lots of people do say rude stuff about things and give that person or topic they're talking about a bad image. For example, if someone who doesn't like you is telling the government your darkest thoughts or things you've done wouldn't the government see you differently? Even though people shouldn't judge a person before actually getting to know them, in the real life people will not listen. Also if people talked really badly about the US other people from different countries wouldn't want to come here because of the things people have talked or wrote about. If there was no one was visiting the US how would we get money for different things we need in this country?

Anonymous said...

Ryan A.

The sedition act of 1798 was a series of laws that were passed by the federalist congress in 1798. this law stated that anyone who rebelled against the government, president or the house of congress of the united states was now to be considered a serious crime."...scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of t he u.s, or either house of congress of the u.s, or the president of the u.s..." Another illegal crime in the sedition act that no one was to encourage the rebellions, " to aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the united states, their people or their government, then such person... shall be punished..." this law was passed by the federalist congress in 1798 because they believed it would protect our nation from any foreign trouble makers like edmond genet. any person who violated this law would have to " punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years."

the reasons that mr.jefferson gave to oppose the sedition act were that it took away or limited your rights that were given to every person by the bill of rights and like this it was unconstitutional. the right that was limited was freedom of speech, since you weren't able to express your thought about the government etc. he also said that since the sedition act was limiting your rights it couldn't be passed,"congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therefor, or abridging the freedom of speech. or of the press." mr.armstrong also gave reasons for why the sedition act shouldn't be passed by congress and they were that it was unfair to pass a law that didn't really give you any freedom. the suggestions that they gave to stop this law was that they should make a law that punishes the certain crimes against the u.s without taking away any of your rights, " An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the u.s, which does not abridge the freedom of the press..."

Anonymous said...

Diana S.
Per 4
The sedition acts are illegal because they took rights away and if they said something false they would send them to jail

Anonymous said...

Alex Velasco

The Sedition Act act was illegal because it tok away the right of freedom of speech and also freedom of press. It also protected Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The passed because for other countries won't think anything wrong about them.

Anonymous said...

Period 4

The sedition acts were illegal because it took away your right to freedom of speech and freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The law passed because for other countries won't think wrong about them . The penalties for violating the law is you get fined or get imprisoned.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment. The action they took was to

Anonymous said...

Manuel barajas
per 4
The sedition acts were illegal because it took away your right to freedom of speech and freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The law passed because for other countries won't think wrong about them . The penalties for violating the law is you get fined or get imprisoned.

Anonymous said...

Period 4

The sedition acts were illegal because it took away your right to freedom of speech and freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The law passed because for other countries won't think wrong about them . The penalties for violating the law is you get fined or get imprisoned.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment. The action they took was to

Anonymous said...

Per. 4

Acts that were illegal in the sedition acts was that anything said false about the government of the United States,the house of congress,and the president.The sedition were also illegal because it took away your right to freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government...........

Anonymous said...

Per. 4

Acts that were illegal in the sedition acts was that anything said false about the government of the United States,the house of congress,and the president.The sedition were also illegal because it took away your right to freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government...........

Anonymous said...

Leslie O. Per.4
The Sedition acts were illegal because it criminates the freedom of speech or of press; write against the government of the United States or publish false and scandalous. The government was worried of the people disliking them or going against them. The punishments/severe penalties for the the violation was that they'll take you to jail and hang you. In the text on document 1 part 1 & 2, it says that "writing against the government of the government or either the House of the Congress of the United States."
Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong went against the Sedition Acts because it violated the first Amendment.

Anonymous said...

Pedro Cervante

In the sedition act has to acts . The first one is the sedition act doesn't allow people to say or print lies about the government.the alien act made it harder for non american citizens to get paper and it took up to 14 years .

Anonymous said...

Pedro Cervante

In the sedition act has to acts . The first one is the sedition act doesn't allow people to say or print lies about the government.the alien act made it harder for non american citizens to get paper and it took up to 14 years .

Anonymous said...

Angie P.

The Sedition Acts were illegal because it took away peoples freedom of speech or said anything horrible about the government,the president, and the house of congress. This law was approved by other countries because they thought it could work for them and didn't think anything negative about them. The penalties for not following the law were getting fined or get imprisoned. Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong oppose the Sedition Act because it violates the First Amendment. I think there is limits in free speech because people may do something worse than the threats they recieved.

Anonymous said...

Per 4 Anson Z.

sedition acts are illegal because they took away there freedom of the press and that protected hamilton's party.The law was passed cause of other countries don't think wrong of them

Anonymous said...

Angie P.

The Sedition Acts were illegal because it took away peoples freedom of speech or said anything horrible about the government,the president, and the house of congress. This law was approved by other countries because they thought it could work for them and didn't think anything negative about them. The penalties for not following the law were getting fined or get imprisoned. Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong oppose the Sedition Act because it violates the First Amendment. I think there is limits in free speech because people may do something worse than the threats they recieved.

Anonymous said...

Pedro Cervante

In the sedition act has to acts . The first one is the sedition act doesn't allow people to say or print lies about the government.the alien act made it harder for non american citizens to get paper and it took up to 14 years .

Anonymous said...

Period 4
Nathan Cervantes

The illegal acts were that if you write against the government of the United States or publish false and scandalous writing.The government was afraid of the people disliking them or going against them.The penalties for violation was that they could take you to jail and hang you.In the text on document 1 part 1 & 2,it says that "writing against the government of the United States or either the house of the congress of the United States.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong

Anonymous said...

Kevin M Per.4

The Sedition Act began on July 14, 1798 the government passed a law that nothing bad can be said the government or that person will get arrested this act was scandalous to Amendment #1.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed this act because this act was against the 1st Amendment.

Anonymous said...

per4 Aribelle G

The Sedition Act is when you write or say lies about the government. '' That was enough to have Congress Lyon charged with violating the Sedition Act , passed by Congress in 1798 and signed into law y President Adams. ''

Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong was against the Sedition Act because the Sedition Act is against the Amendments.

I think there should be a limit to freedom of speech because what if people that were fired from the government are or might say secret government stuff.Also like terrorist making threats or reveling military secrets . They won't get in trouble because they dot limit freedom of speech .

Anonymous said...

melanie s. per 4
The sedition act was illegal because people would say lies about the government.
The president could do want ever he want he is the boss.
The people should not be limits on free speech because people have the right to speak up for themselves.

Anonymous said...

melanie s. per 4
The sedition act was illegal because people would say lies about the government.
The president could do want ever he want he is the boss.
The people should not be limits on free speech because people have the right to speak up for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Bracamonte B.

Kentucky resolution was against the sedition act.people have rights in the constitution.

It was legal yo tell lies about the government.writers and publishers were the people that might be found guilty of the crime.

the sedition act is against Joumalist and publishers.

Anonymous said...

Bracamonte B.

Kentucky resolution was against the sedition act.people have rights in the constitution.

It was legal yo tell lies about the government.writers and publishers were the people that might be found guilty of the crime.

the sedition act is against Joumalist and publishers.

Anonymous said...

Manuel Ban

the sedition act of 1798

what made the sedition act a crime, it became a crime because it was agienst the 1 amendment which was one the side of freedom and to press.also framers will be chartered because they were as strong tj.

one of the sedition act that guard against is to the rebellion toward adment 1. it would also bring food to the united state america. other thing that was illegal was to help the ration.

one thing they did not like about mr.armstong took away the peoples freedom of speech and freedom press. also the slaves told the government to tell the american what they can and what they can not do .

Anonymous said...

Anahi M. Per.4
The Sedition Act of 1798
Its all started in 1798 it was an outlaw to write, print, utter, becauuse there was lie's about the government they would call it the "Freedom of Speech" it was passsed by Congress in 1798 and singed into law by President Adams.
The Kentucky Resolution
The Kentucky Resolution"shall make no law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of RELIGION"Mr. thomas jefferson was against to the Kentucky Resolution.T he same words , the freedom of religion, of speech,and of the press. It was void to the evidence what thomas jefferson of the sedition act.
The Sedition Act 1798
Forbidden or unable to do by law severest strongest disapproval. Mr. Armstorng infer that people have the right to do prohibited to do. this is my reason of the The Sedition Act in 1798 many people think that every history is the same in every chapter but is not just trust me.

Anonymous said...

the sedition act was illegal because people would say lies about the government.
the president could do what ever he wants.
they should get limits on free speech because the cam speak up for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Estevan G

The sedition act of 1798

The sedition acts were illegal because it took away your right to freedom of speech and freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the goverment and president. The law passed because for other countries wont think wrong about them. the penalties for violating the law is you get fined or get imprioned. this is aginst the first amendment which is a gainst freedom l. Farms would becharged with law because they are as stroms just like T.J.

Anonymous said...

The sedition acts were illegal because it took away your right to freedom of speech and freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The law passed because for other countries won't think wrong about them . The penalties for violating the law is you get fined or get imprisoned.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment.

Anonymous said...

p4 Elian V.
the sedition act
any person can be write , print , utter or publish any false or bad will be placed in jail.

mr. jefferson is saying that the people have rights in the constitution and the sedition act are talcing away their rights. mr armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment . the action they took was to .

jefferson saw this law as an attack on this party .
jefferson would say that sedition act has no legal force because the constitution says congress should make no law abridging the freedom of speech its not allow .

Anonymous said...

Lesly E. period.4

The Sedition Act 178

Before the sedition Act, publishers,and writers were able to express the opinions about government and free of speech. Then congress pass the law of 'The sedition Act that was force that 'any person that would write,publish,printed',and cause a problem going against the government, consider a crime,should be arrested.
Thomas Jefferson oppose the sedition act that has no legal force,(void). He constitution says congress should not make no law 'which doesn't abridge the free of speech that wasn't allowed.
There shouldn't be any limited free of speech because any person or group of anything suppostly consider a crime should be legal,since there saying there opinion and thinking of what be right.they have first amendment 1 of free of speech and press.

Anonymous said...

Anahi M. Per.4
The Sedition Act of 1798
Its all started in 1798 it was an outlaw to write, print, utter, becauuse there was lie's about the government they would call it the "Freedom of Speech" it was passsed by Congress in 1798 and singed into law by President Adams.
The Kentucky Resolution
The Kentucky Resolution"shall make no law respecting an ESTABLISHMENT of RELIGION"Mr. thomas jefferson was against to the Kentucky Resolution.T he same words , the freedom of religion, of speech,and of the press. It was void to the evidence what thomas jefferson of the sedition act.
The Sedition Act 1798
Forbidden or unable to do by law severest strongest disapproval. Mr. Armstorng infer that people have the right to do prohibited to do. this is my reason of the The Sedition Act in 1798 many people think that every history is the same in every chapter but is not just trust me.

Anonymous said...

Alan Sánchez
Period 4

The Sedition act were illegal because it took away your rights ofhe sedition acts were illegal because it took away your right to freedom of speech and freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The law passed because for other countries won't think wrong about them . The penalties for violating the law is you get fined or get imprisoned.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment. The action they took was to BAD

Anonymous said...

p4 Elian V.
the sedition act
any person can be write , print , utter or publish any false or bad will be placed in jail.

mr. jefferson is saying that the people have rights in the constitution and the sedition act are talcing away their rights. mr armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment . the action they took was to .

jefferson saw this law as an attack on this party .
jefferson would say that sedition act has no legal force because the constitution says congress should make no law abridging the freedom of speech its not allow .

Anonymous said...

Henry M per 4 11/14/14

The sedition act was illegal because it took the right of freedom of speech.Also freedom of press also it protected Hamilton's party.Also one thing was that writing something bad about the government was a lawThe sedition acts were illegal because it took away your right to freedom of speech and freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The law passed because for other countries won't think wrong about them . The penalties for violating the law is you get fined or get imprisoned.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment. The U.S.government were worried about the the foreign nation in 1798.

Anonymous said...

Abraham Q Per.4

The Sedition Act was passed in July 14, 1798, it was passed by the government and it was stated to no making lie about the government president, and congress.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed the Sedition Act because they were people of free speech.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The sedition act was a crime by the sedition act is if you write or publish something about the government thats not true.If you did write something and the writer did not type his name and the publisher published it, the publisher will be guilty because he/she is the only one how saw and knows hows the writer.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong was against the sedition act because the sedition act was against the Amendments.I think by writing that defame to the government might lead them to fight back.

yes, because if they start saying lies about the government the people will believe it a boycott.there should be limits on freedom of speech because if someone says something that they were not soups to say they could get in trouble.

Anonymous said...

Teresa N. per 4
The Sedition Act was a crime that lies about the government or against him.The law was passed by the President Adams. "That was enough to have Congressmen Lyon charged with violating the Sedition Act, passed by Congress in 1798."

Mr.Jefferson had got over the Sedition Act
because the Sedition Act didn't have freedom, speech,press. I think that President Adam should stop the law because his the one convicted under the law. Which he signed the law in 1798 (The Sedition Act.

I think that there "Should" limit free speech because any other people would like to say there on speech without anybody judging them by what they think because thats what they feel.

Anonymous said...

Lesly C. Per.4
the sedition act was a crime is telling about government or agains him

Jefferson would say sedition act has no legal force (void) because the constitution says congress should make no law abridging the freedon of speech its not allow.

Anonymous said...

The sedition acts were illegal because it took away your right to freedom of speech and freedom of press and it protected Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The law passed because for other countries won't think wrong about them . The penalties for violating the law is you get fined or get imprisoned.
Pedro Cervantes 11-14-14 per 4
Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendmen

Anonymous said...

Lucio Rodriguez 11/14/14

Printing or publish is a crime to the sedition act.The publishers were found guilty in a crime.We were aganist talking bad abut the government.If you talk bad about the goverment you can go to jail for saying bad thing.They get killed and people will rebel.The U.S was not strong in the 1798.

It took freedom of speech and freedom of press for it.The constitution is the freedom of speech.To tell people there talking the freedom of speech and press.

MoDs said...


The sedition act were Laws that were made in the 1989 .The Sedition act the passed a law saying that if any person write something that is not true about the congress.


Anonymous said...

Yessica Carrillo Period 6

The Sedition Act was in 1798. It made illegal to write, publish, or speak anything against the government. It was passed to protect the government especially from lies and according to to the document signed by John Adams "the hatred of good people of the US, to to stir up sedition within the US." The penalties would get you fined or imprisoned.

Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed the sedition acts because Amendment 1 clearly states "Congress shall make no law respecting an Establishment or religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." They action they suggested to be done was not to violate the first amendment.

I think they should be any limits of freedom of speech because it isn't fair. They shouldn't tell people to say what they think if they have another law stating the opposite. It wouldn't affect the government to take off one of the laws. Either way if they take off the Sedition Act they can explain about what people are saying and clear it out.

Anonymous said...

Alejandro Rodriguez per 6

The Sedition act prohibited people to talk bad about the government. The Sedition act was passed by the congress on July 14,1798 and signed by president John Adam. This law was passed because they where worried because they might off get kicked out by the people like they did to the king of France. Penalties for the violation of the Sedition act where a fine up two thousand dollars and going to jail. "...shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousands dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years".

Mr.Jefferson oppose to the Sedition act because it's cuts off the freedom of the press. Jefferson also said it's not a law if people don't like it so it does not have no legal force and no effect. "... which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not law, but is altogether void and of no effect. Mr.Armstrong was against the Sedition act. He was against because people will not give there opinion about the government or president if it was a bad opinion. "States are prohibited, under the severest penalties, from expressing their disapprobatton of any part of the conduct of the president. He talked about the rights that people have to give there opinion about the government.

I think that there should be limits to freedom of speech. One reason will be to not give secrets to terrorist about the military. Also to not give fake information of the government and attacks. In the other hand people should not be limited to freedom of speech for example the government is doing something wrong.

Anonymous said...

per.6 Michelle Miranda :)

The Sedition Act was passed by congress in 1798 which made it illegal to write,print,utter,and publish against the federal government which included the congress and the president.The sedition laws can be traced to English common laws which made insulting to the king a crime in amendment 1.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it violates the first amendment . "An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the united states ."Which does a bridge the freedom of press, is not a law.

Free speech should not have a limit unless it includes violence and being disrespectful and offensive to authorities and our country it can make people selfish and arrogant. It should be limited because some respectful people can have the rights to speak and give there opinion unless its rude.

Anonymous said...

Axel H 11.14.14

The acts that are illegal are that you cant say or write anything against the government. Another act that was illegal was to try to defame the government or to aid or encourage ay hostile design of any foreign nation against the U.S people or government. I think the reason they passed this law was because they were afraid that it would steer up sedition within the U.S. If someone broke this law the penalty would be a fine of two thousand dollars or less and for imprisionment for two years or less.
The reason Mr.Armstrong wanted to stop the sedition act was because the people of the U.S couldn't express disapprobation of any president.
What i think is that there should be a limit to free speech because not everything should be publicly revealed specially when the wrong person could hear it.

Anonymous said...

Alejandro Rodriguez per 6

The Sedition act prohibited people to talk bad about the government. The Sedition act was passed by the congress on July 14,1798 and signed by president John Adam. This law was passed because they where worried because they might off get kicked out by the people like they did to the king of France. Penalties for the violation of the Sedition act where a fine up two thousand dollars and going to jail. "...shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousands dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding two years".

Mr.Jefferson oppose to the Sedition act because it's cuts off the freedom of the press. Jefferson also said it's not a law if people don't like it so it does not have no legal force and no effect. "... which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not law, but is altogether void and of no effect. Mr.Armstrong was against the Sedition act. He was against because people will not give there opinion about the government or president if it was a bad opinion. "States are prohibited, under the severest penalties, from expressing their disapprobatton of any part of the conduct of the president. He talked about the rights that people have to give there opinion about the government.

I think that there should be limits to freedom of speech. One reason will be to not give secrets to terrorist about the military. Also to not give fake information of the government and attacks. In the other hand people should not be limited to freedom of speech for example the government is doing something wrong.

Anonymous said...

Damaris Martinez period 3
The sedition of 1798 act was illegal because in amendment 1 it states that "congress shall not make no law respecting an establashment of religion , or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.Which means that congress can make a law against the freedom of speech or press which will go against amendment 1.The law was passed because the congress were afraid they were going to be defame.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong were opposing because the sediment act was violated the first amendment and Mr.Jefferson was all about freedom and liberty.Jeffeson wanted their to be a punishment for having this law.

Their should not be a limit on freedom of speech unless their is violence included in this.You have the right to say and express what you think in a peaceful way what you thing and what should be done to help make it better.It is your right as said in amendment number one that no one can make a law that prohibits you from saying what your mind thinks. Therefor my answer is no their should not be limits on freedom of speech.:):):):)

Anonymous said...

Christopher H.
Period 6

In 1798 President John Adams signed a law named "The Sedition Act" which made any scandal towards government illegal. The law was passed due to various writings by journalists and publishers that defamed the government. Penalties towards the people that created these scandals were fined with two thousand dollars and imprisonment of a total of two years.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong were against the Sedition Act because it gee the Constitution a different meaning and you cannot say the truth about the government. They suggested certain actions against the Sedition Act such as the Kentucky Resolution.

I think that there should be no limit to freedom of speech because there could be important things that people hide due to limited freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Period:6 Brianna E.

The Sedition Act that happened in 1798 was illegal because it took away peoples freedom of speech and there freedom of press. It was a crime of writing lies about the government. The penalties for violation was a fine of two thousand dollars and imprisonment not exceeding two years. This was passed because this can protect people and especially the government.

The reasons why Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed the Sedition Act were because this will incriminate the motives of the national legislatures and was forbidden and was disapproved of the conduct of actions or behaviors. Actions that they suggest should be done is that no one to publish or say anything to the public people. " opinion that...lessons the public estimation of a public servant..."

I think that there should be a limit on free speech because it protects peoples personal secrets or information and also protects information useful to someone. Also everyone should have a limit of what to say that can be public or can be used against someone.

Anonymous said...

11/14/14 per.6 Javier M.

The sedition act was illegal because it took away your rights of freedom and speech, freedom of press and it protected Alexander Hamilton's party the most with the government and president. The law was passed because the other countries wouldn't think wrong about them. The penalties for violating the law was that you would be fined or get put in prison.

Anonymous said...

Anallely B. Period 6.

The Sedition Act happened In 1798. The sedition act made illegal to write, publish, or speak anything that goes against the government. It outlaws people making lies about the government.It protects the government from lies people make up and the document signed according by John Adams " The hatred of the good people of the united states or to stir up sedition within the united states" this means the lies you make up will get you prisoned or fined.

Thomas Jeffreson and Mr.Armstrong oppose to the sedition act because in Amendement 1 states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise therefor, or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press." and according to the sedition act it says something completely different. The action they suggested to be done was not to violate amendment 1.

I think there shouldn't be limits on freedom of speech, because people have the rights to say what they want even thought the sedition acts opposes to this its not fair to everyone. Thomas Jefresson and Mr.Armstrong were right to oppose on the sedition act they thought was right and what was wrong and right.

Anonymous said...

Arizbeth Garcia Per.6
The sedition act was passed by congress on July 14, 1798 and signed by the President John Adams. It prohibited people to talk negative about the government. The reason why this law was passed was because they were worried about getting kicked out the same way they kicked out the king of France. The penalties for violating the sedition act are that you either get fined or prisoned.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong were against the sedition act because it will criminate the motives of the national legislature. 0

Anonymous said...

Period 6 ,Gisselle V.

The Sedition Act Were Illegal Because Of Anything Said That Were Untrue About The Government ,It Also Took Away Are Freedom Like Freedom Of Speech Or Freedom Of Press . But They End Up Passing The Law Because The Country Didn't Think Wrong About The Sedition Acts . And If They Did Not Follow The Law Or If They Violate The Law They Would Be Send To Prison For Two Years Or Be Charged Two Thousand Dollars.

Both Mr. Jefferson And Mr. Armstrong Did Not Agree With "The Sedition Act" Because "The Sedition Act" Interfere With The First Amendment Like The Freedom Of Speech And The Freedom Of Press ,It Took Away Are Freedom. They Did Not Do Anything To Stop This Law Passing, This Law "The Sedition Act' Was Passed On The 14th Day Of July, 1798 .

The Sedition Act Clearly Limited Freedom Of Speech, Speeches Like Terrorist Or Revealing Military Secrets Should And Shouldn't Be In The Freedom Of Speeches Because I Think Terrorist Are Bad People Trying To Destroy The Peace In Are Country Today But Revealing Military Secrets Is Very Good Because We Should Know What Is The Government Is Doing To Are Country Like There Could Be A War In The Middle Of Are Neighborhood And We Wouldn't Even Know It So I Agree Revealing The Government Secrets For Like A Warning Of What Going On .

Anonymous said...

Stephany B. Period.6
The sedition acts that were illegal was writing lies about the government or to rebel. It was illegal because it would take away the freedom of speech. "Writing, printing, uttering, or publishing any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings against the government of the United states."

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts because it will criminate the motives of the national legislature. "By this law citizens of their states are prohibited, under the severest penalties."

Anonymous said...

Catherine A. period 6
The acts that were illegal was the sedition act, if you wrote, published, or printed anything false about the government, you would get fined or imprisoned. Therefore, this act is illegal because it took away your right to the freedom of the press and speech.

The reasons why Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong oppose the sedition acts was because citizens cant express disapprobation for any president.

Anonymous said...


The sedition act were laws that were made in the 1789. The sedition act passed a law saying that if any person write something that is not true about the congress,government, president, they shall be killed. This law was passed because the government would get money off the writer,publishers,and printers. "Congress shall make no law respecting an Estblishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ,or abrading the freedom of speech,or of the press.

The reasons why mr, jefferson and mr. Armstrong opposed off the sedition act is because thought of the constution. Armstrong thought that the sedition act was going to far and the citizens of the state couldn't express disapprobation to any president or house of congress. Mr. jefferson opposing against the sedition act because in amendment 1 it says we have the right to express yourself and the sedition act is going against it.

Mr.Armstrong was against the sedition act because any citizen of any state should have the freedom of speech and that was stated in amendment 1.

Anonymous said...

Manny P.
The sedition act was illegal due to the cause that it could take away many stuff such as your freedom of press and your freedom of speech an if managed to protect the party of sir Alexander Hamilton. Many other countries would had had many cruel or bad thoughts about them so they decided to pass on the law. If you disobey the law the penalty would had been find or a one way ticket behind the bars in jail.

Anonymous said...

per.6 julissa Alvarez

The Sedition Act was the law imposed in 1798. The act of writing, saying, publishing, etc. and offensive comments to the United States in any part is against the law. The penalties are, "shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 2,000 dollars, and by imprisonment not exceeding 2 years" These laws were passed, because the Federalists wanted the Democrats to be "gone". The democrats are the ones directed under this law.
Mr. Jefferson believes in this act,because he doesn't believe he is interfering with the freedom of speech or the freedom of press. "An act of a punishment for certain crime against the the U.S, which doesn't abridge freedom of press, is not law, but is altogether with no effect." Some of the action to prevent this law were acts such as he Kentucky act. The act help other people see the vista. Armstrong opposes all of this.
I do not think there should be any limits to the freedom of speech. This is because, although many people are and may say stuff bout the US is doesn't mean it is true. Many should be jealous of the US it is not a fact. Why should the US arrest others when its not true. Unless it's true. Therefore thats why I believe the truth should be told. Any way I think any side should be told. Other to show jealousy, and other for truth.

Anonymous said...

jose b per. 6

The sedition acts were illegal because anyone one could make lies about the government. then people wouldn't trust the government. the penalties for that is a fined or imprisoned. 'then such person be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by prison not exceeding two years.

the reason why Mr Jefferson and MR arms strong were against the sedition act is because if you cant take about something you believe in then it really isn't freedom of speech these law break the first amendment of freedom of speech.which does abridge the freedom of the press, is not a law , but is altogether void and of no effect

There should be some limits on freedom on speech because people could do death treated to other people. so if it is bad it shouldn't be allowed. am not saying to bane freedom of speech but be careful of what you say,try not to cause violence and bad things. so the answer is yes there should be some limits . also if military secretes are exposed the enemy could make a plan against that. imprisionment

Anonymous said...

Period 6, Karyna P.

The Sedition Acts were illegal because if anyone said anything bad or untrue about the government or the president it was against the law. It took away our freedom of speech and our freedom of press. They passed this law because the country didn't think wrong about the Sedition Acts and they did not follow the law because if they violate it they would be sent to prison or they would be fined.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong apposed the Sedition Acts because it would interfere with the First Amendment like Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press. They did not do anything to stop this law passing. This law "The Sedition Act" was passed on the 14th day of July 1798.

The Sedition Act limited Freedom of Speech. Speeches like terrorist threats or revealing military secrets shouldn't

Anonymous said...

Miguel H 11.14.14

They passed the sedition act because people will stop saying bad things about the goverment.The sedition act guards the goverment from people who the goverment.The goverment was afraid of writings that defame the goverment because they could get impeached.Also in the sedition act it was illegal to be a trader of the united states.The goverment was also worried about the french revolution.

Anonymous said...

Laura B.

The sedition act are laws that were made in the 1798. The sedition act passed a law saying " That if any person shall write,print,utter or publish, or shall cause or procure...against the government of the US, or either house of the congress of the US shall be punished." What it means is that people making lies about the government had to be punished. The only reason why they passed it is because the government was afraid of the good people giving hatred to them.
The reason why Mr. Jefferson opposed the sedition because he thought of it as the constitution. He said "it gives the constitution a different meaning." What he meanS is that the sedition act and the constitution are the same.Mr.Jefferson thought something more than that, to him it was an act for punishment.
Mr.Armstrong was against the sedition act. He said " any citizens under severest penalties." What he is is saying that amendment 1 states freedom of speech. They had the right to freedom of speech and freedom of press. but the sedition act doesn't allow it because they are saying bad stuff about the government and the congress.

Anonymous said...

Per.6 Mirian J

The Sedition Act was illegal to write or publish any false or scandalous writting against the government. The government usually charged the Republicans because the Republicans were against the Sedition Act. If people see the writting that defame the government, people are going to hate the government. The government should be afraid because people are going to want to rebel against the government, like the French Revolution war. Another thing that was illegal by the Sedition Act was encouraging any foreign country thats against the US.

Mr. Jefferson said, that the congress shall make no law respecting an esablishment on religion. Jefferson thought the Sedition Act should be punish because it was a crime against the US. Mr. Armstrong and Jefferson both opposed the Sedition Act they thought it should be punish. Amendment one supported there thoughts. Mr. Amstrong thought the Sedition Act was going to far. Mr. Amstrong thought that no one could express disapprobation of any part of conduct of the president. We can state no belief, horizantal no opinion.

Yes the Sedition Act should be limited.

Anonymous said...

Per.6 Helen G.

The acts that were illegal in the Sedition Act were to say, write, or publish something that would be against or false about the government of the U.S.'' Printing any false, scandalous, and malicious writing or writings against the government of the U.S. or either the house of congress.'' if anyone violated this law they would have to pay a fine of two thousand dollars and imprisonment for two years. This law was passed because the Republicans were against this law and so with the Sedition Act the Republicans cannot say anything against the government or president.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Armstrong opposed the Sedition Act because that prevented them both from their freedom of speech.''Congress shall make no law law respecting an Establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press.'' Mr. Jefferson used the example of the Constitution. Mr. Armstrong inferred the people to state their rights. He thought the Sedition Act was like slavery because slaves didn't have the right to speak for themselves, and that is what the Sedition Act is like.
Yes there should be limit to freedom of speech because some speeches that people make are not that useful or valuable.

Anonymous said...

Jonathan G. 11/14/14

The sedition act took away peoples freedom of speech and the freedom of press. This law protected Hamilton's party along with the government. The sedition act was passed so that the people will stop saying bad things about the congress or the president of the United States. People that violate this law will be fined not exceeding two thousand dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding two years.

Mr.Jefferson and Mr.Armstrong opposed this act to

Anonymous said...

Aziz Irique
MARTIN Ramirez PER.6

The sedition act was a laws that people couldn't say any thing bad about the government. The law was passed because Hamilton knew that Jefferson didn't like it. Since it was showing people a different meaning of the constitution. People who didn't obey the new law was to be put in jail.

Mr. Jefferson didn't like it and neither did Mr. Armstrong. They didn't like it because it was against the Constitution, it was unconstitutional, and it showed people they didn't have freedom of speech. Armstrong said the sedition act was like slavery ,because slaves didn't have freedom. So with the Sedition Act people didn't have freedom like slaves.

I believe that there should be limits on free speech ,because if there are terrorist they would know all government secrets or know about our location of secret weapons. i believe there should be limits on freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

Christian S Per.6

In 1798 President John Adams signed a new law named The Sedition Act which made any scandal towards government illegal. The law was passed due to various writings by journalists and publishes that defamed the government. Penalties towards the people that created these scandals were fined with two-thousand dollars and imprisonment of total of two years.

Mr Jefferson and Mr Armstrong were against the sedition act. Mr armstrong suggested that people had the freedom of speech.Mr armstrong was against the sedition act because he wouldn't be able to tell the truth. He linked the sedition act to show speech and with slaves they didn't have freedom of speech.

There should be some limits on freedom on speech because people could do death treated to other people. Also if it is bad it shouldn't be allowed.Also if military secrets are exposed the enemy could make a plan against that.

M. Albert said...

The Sedition Act was one of the worst laws ever passed by Congress. The Act made it a crime, punishable by fine or jail, to say or publish anything about Congress or the President that could be considered "false, malicious, or scandalous" -- in other words, sharing less than happy thoughts about the government.

The Kentucky Resolution by Thomas Jefferson says that the Sedition Act violated the First Amendment rights to free speech and freedom of the press, and he says states should have the right to declare the law "void and of no effect," which means that states could cancel a federal law that the states felt violated the Constitution. Mr. Armstrong says that the law makes citizens no better than slaves, and suggests that we turn to local part-time soldiers, called militias, to force the federal government to back down.

Freedom of Speech should only be limited under the most severe of conditions. It is easy to imagine fears that would cause the government to limit speech, but I think that our country is strongest when everyone is allowed the most freedom possible. It is a strange idea that some people would want to limit our freedoms in order to try to protect them.